
Dai Xiaomei was stunned and dumbfounded on the spot.

Netizens were shocked!!

"Oh my god! The truth is actually like this, who could have imagined it?"

"I was saying, how could Dai Xiaomei and her pair of A's possibly make Lin Shen so obsessed? It seems that Lin Shen just wants to find a more capable maid, and the result will be the same no matter who goes."

"I have to say that Lin Shen is a straight man. He actually said such a spoiling thing at this time. Dai Xiaomei has no face."

"Lin Shen yyds."

Dai Xiaomei pushed Lin Xuan away and gritted her teeth and said,"Lin Xuan, you are too much!!"

The good mood was ruined by Lin Xuan's words.

Lin Xuan spread his hands and said helplessly:"You asked me to say it, and I reminded you in advance. Can you blame me for this?"

Dai Xiaomei said angrily:"How could I have thought that you were such a person before, so hateful."

What do you think? It's because you don't want to eat, and you want to take advantage of my pot for free.

Lin Xuan didn't want to say more, and interrupted:"Okay, don't say anything, eat quickly, eat and go to work, roast the giant python."

After a pause, Lin Xuan said again:"I don't know if I can improve my strength by several levels by talking to you. If you dare to waste my time and disobey me again, I must do what I say and spank you now."


No one would believe that Lin Xuan's strength could be improved by several levels in a short while.

But it would be right to let Lin Xuan eat to improve his strength, not to mention that Lin Xuan would beat her and make her lose face.

Dai Xiaomei immediately obeyed and took the kiwi fruit. Lin Xuan had already chosen the attributes for Dai Xiaomei, five for strength, five for agility, and five for physical strength, for balanced development.

The magic fruit can be used in the same way, just eat it directly.

After that, Dai Xiaomei started to build a fire to roast the snake, and Lin Xuan started to eat to improve his strength.

Of course, Dai Xiaomei would also eat, and would not leave such a good skill as magic power unused, although the effect was average, it was better than nothing.

Three days passed unknowingly, and the world really began to become different as Zhang Zhen said three days ago.

Many countries that had enemies in the past put aside their grievances and formed alliances because of their strength. It is used to deal with the annexation of strong ones, speed up the search for treasures, and strengthen one's own strength.

There are about a dozen alliances of this size, with varying strengths and members.

The largest African Union has more than thirty vassal states, covering multiple areas of the forbidden land, and it takes a long time just to gather.

In this case, you can only choose to gather the nearest members first, fight the enemy together and search for treasures together, and then reunite when you are strong.

The second is the Sand Alliance, which also has a large number of member states, more than twenty, and also covers multiple areas. It chooses the same approach as the African Union.

The third is the Northern Alliance, with more than a dozen members.

The rest are less than ten poles, and the least neutral alliance has only four members. It is ridiculous to think that they can stay out of it.

But the weakest alliance is not the neutral alliance with only four members.

The others have eight people after all, and their strength is still acceptable, otherwise it would not be... Dare to raise the banner of neutrality.

The weakest is the survivors alliance. All of its member countries, without exception, are countries with only one member left. Although there are as many as seven member countries, there are only seven people and they are weak. They are disliked by other countries and are unwilling to form an alliance with them. They have become the first target of annexation by other countries.

Their declaration is also very tragic. They just want to stay alive. Whoever wants them to die, they will take one or two away at the risk of their lives to make the other party uncomfortable.

Countless netizens sighed for this. They dared not think about what would happen if such a thing happened in their own country. They increasingly supported their own players to annex others and strengthen their own strength.

The strongest is the Nine-Nation Alliance where the United States is located.

Its members are the United States, the Stick, the Island Country, the Maple Leaf, the Kangaroo, the Big Eagle, Ah San, the Rooster, and the Black Hawk. In addition to the United States ranking second in strength, the member countries are also strong and have greater ambitions. They aim to Divide the world, and regard Longguo as the number one enemy.

Longguo did not choose to form an alliance.

There is no way to form an alliance.

Lin Xuan's promotion is different from others. He eats, and he does not have so much time to find monsters with his allies. Lin Xuan still does not look down on low-level treasures.

The six-nation alliance headed by Mao Xiongguo did not invite Longguo to participate, but only intended to get along harmoniously.

There are no players anymore, and Zansang, who is in a mess, is directly ignored by all countries.

As for how to divide such treasures, there is no suspense about who finds it. Only those who are stupid will give the treasures they find to others.

The treasures obtained by the team cannot be divided equally. Whoever contributes the most will choose first, and those who don't have to go to the next round first, first to ensure the needs of core combat power.

With such an ugly appearance, will the member states agree?

In order to make the member states agree, all major alliances have adopted the same plan to distribute the treasures of the forbidden land with a hundred times the reward to the member states in proportion.

Countries have also taken the opportunity of the summons to promise the players in the forbidden land that as long as they obey orders and follow commands, they will not lose their share after coming out. Everyone will have treasures, but they cannot be given them for the time being.

Of course, it is limited to B-level and treasures below B-level. Above B-level, there is only one copy, and you can't share it even if you want to.

It's too far to consider this now. Many alliances are so strong that they can't even kill D-level beasts.

Kill D-level beasts first, improve your strength, and then consider A-level treasures!

In addition, countries have also reached a consensus on the use of kiwifruit. Most of them will be kept first, and when the forbidden land comes, they will be used according to the situation to ensure that the top combat power is not inferior to other alliances.

The advent of the alliance era will not only have a profound impact on the forbidden land pattern, but also on the world pattern.

First of all, within the alliance, member states must be completely open, and there must be no barriers or restrictions in any situation to achieve maximum cooperation.

Externally, different alliances have different plans, but in the final analysis, nothing changes.

They are all for their own interests. They will only do things that are beneficial. If there is no benefit, no country will be willing to do it.

Things that provoke the enemy will be even less likely to be done. No one can guarantee whether they will be enemies in the future.

In this environment, it is undoubtedly more difficult for Longguo to purchase food.

But there is a way.

The United States said that as long as Longguo was willing to give kiwifruit, the food issue would be easy to deal with.

But how could this be possible? We could give kiwifruit to the United States, but not to anyone else.

Besides, Longguo was unwilling to give kiwifruit to anyone, and would rather starve than dig its own grave.

Of course, it was also related to Longguo's awareness of stockpiling food and having abundant food reserves, so there would be no shortage of food in just a few days, and there was no such urgency.

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