[Northern Bear Country enters the Dragon Country live broadcast room]

"Ahem, our country doesn't seem to be waiting for you, right?" There are a lot of adults, can we get through this together? "

Our country has been diving, and we don't want our country to be hit by another disaster, just the first one has already lost millions of people."

"That's right, you believe in us, he is our assistant to Emperor Pu, and he will definitely not choose manual feet for you."

"Yes, yes, now our personality representative is not the same as Fujino, he will be Cheng Yu's good workhorse."

Under the sycophancy of Mao Xiong Country, the expressions of various countries became extremely ugly.

In their eyes, Mao Xiongguo is actually licking, in order to simply let Cheng Yu take them to fly.

"A licking dog, as for that licking? Do the Dragon Kingdom players choose the elven lineup and pack them with them?

"Compared to the orc camp, you can know at a glance how big the gap between the two is, and when the time comes, we will pounce on the street together and see how you play."

"Is this what a generation of Pu the Great thought? In my eyes, it's a bitch. "

Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick to the end, nothing."


Cheng Yu stood with a man with a pale complexion.

The elves around them warmly greeted.

Seeing Cheng Yu for the first time, Boris was sure that he was not mistaken: "Hello, my name is Boris, it's nice to meet you."

"How come so many people know me?"

Cheng Yu was a little surprised, out of politeness, he still shook hands with him friendly: "Hello, my name is Cheng Yu." "

The cliché is still superficial, and you can see his authenticity with the system panel.

Amikoku and Nobita Fujino are typical examples.

[Name: Boris

] [Level: Level 25

] [Representative Country: Mao Xiong Country] [

Relationship with you: Ask the big guy to take the lie down, I will shout and cheer, can help to the end. 【

Marriage partner: pea shooter, cannibal flower, high nut. 】

【Introduction: From Pu Dadi's subordinates, you don't have to worry about his betrayal, just say that this teammate is reliable?

"It seems that he is a friendly army, but he is really reliable."

"It's his marriage partner, why is it a little strange?"

He looked at Boris's pea shooter, and man-eater, tall nut.

A question came to mind: "Is this guy playing Plants vs. Zombies?" One-time came the paired. "

He has seen everything in the world thousands of times, and he still hasn't been able to adapt to it.

The most curious thing is how Boris managed to cave with three plants.

The pea shooter has a mouth, and the high nut body is hard to iron, I'm afraid it's not through the steel plate, right?

"Allow me to introduce you, this is my marriage partner."

"You know what this plant is, right?"

Boris couldn't laugh or cry about his marriage partner.

As for how to cave the house, he swore that he would keep this secret.

Just like the curious Cheng Yu wants to see the past of Fujino Nobita's grove.

Cheng Yu: "It looks quite intimate, and it's actually quite good to be paired with a set of plants." Boris

: "See the smile, compared to Miss Xiao Wu, it is simply a big witch." When

Xiao Wu saw the pea shooter, she was immediately liked by her cute setting.

"What a cute plant!"

Xiao Wu picked up the pea shooter and the man-eating flower, and the three frolicked with each other.

"Hello, welcome to the elven tribe, I hope you will come and help us solve the crisis."

Behind her came an elegant and dignified elven woman.

With a golden crown on his head, the emerald green elf pupils are like a clear mirror, and his temperament is full of holiness and nobility.

The figure is not inferior, just the flavor body that men like.

The mature empress style even encouraged Cheng Yu's heart several times: "Elf queen? It's really good-looking, no wonder the orcs attack, I'm going to start attacking. "

He retracted his liking, he came to fulfill his purpose, not to sleep with this elf queen."

If he hadn't chosen this room door, without the support of the contestants, I'm afraid this queen would have to face

.................. "Venerable Queen, you are honored by me."

However, Boris has been conquered by the queen's temperament and kneels down on one knee in front of the elf queen.

Cheng Yu did not kneel on one knee like Boris.

Instead, he used the dragon kingdom to extend his hand to show friendship: "Hello, please say the purpose of your help from us." "

Ah! This..."

She was also the first man to start completing the task as soon as they met.

Take another look at the man in front of you.

No male species in this world is as good as his three-point appearance.

Holding his heart, he also stretched out his hand to show friendliness: "My name is Mia, and I am the queen of the elven clan here." Seeing

Cheng Yu and Queen Mia shaking hands cordially for a long time.

Boris complained from the heart: "The loss is numb! After

the audience saw the appearance of the Elf Queen, they were also moved by her beauty.

"My God, the copy game still has such a color, which is not inferior to other heroines at all!"

"Cheng Shen is also too straight, a little gentleman, maybe even the elf queen can take it away."

"What do you think? It's not in the marriage room, maybe before leaving, come once for the elf clan to have many children and blessings........."

"Ahem, don't think Cheng Shen so badly, seriously, this task is related to the coexistence and death of the two countries, and driving is prohibited here."


The two arrived inside the elf's camp.

They were greeted by good-looking elven girls, who carefully served them with cutlery.

And the expressions of the two are the same as those of the regular customers who settle in, and they are looking at the elf queen expressionless the whole time.

Because both represent the country in this game.

One represents the Dragon Kingdom, and the other represents the country ruled by Emperor Pu.

At the same time, other representatives of the National Movement were also in the enemy camp, and there was no time to allow them to have a lecherous moment.

"Well, I thought they had a penchant for beauty, but I didn't expect me to blame them wrong."

Mia immediately drove away the maids who were serving them.

He bowed and apologized for their behavior: "I'm sorry, let's start explaining the situation now." "

[PS: Five more complete, it's already half past five in the morning. 【

4000 urges more chapter, 7000 urges more chapter】

【80 people give gifts plus one change, 120 people give gifts plus one change. 】

【The author does what he says, guarantees not owed, not old, are good on the spot, and send it on the spot. 【

Please sponsor the author with a free gift.】 】

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