While all the members of the Duan family were shocked by this, there was also a commotion in the Titan flagship battleship.

"Gone! All the fleets of my Cheng family are gone! A war has set back the family's strength by decades!"

An elder of the Cheng family patted his thigh. He was the faction in the family that advocated peace.

At this time, Cheng Fei's facial features were almost distorted. He knew that no matter what the outcome of today's war, the Cheng family would become the laughing stock of all major families.

And Cheng Fei was the butt of the jokes.

"Dad, the Duan family can let us get so close before launching an attack. This must be their last resort! Let's work together..."


Before his son finished speaking, Cheng Fei stood up and gave him a big mouth.

"Shut that crow mouth of yours!"

On the Duan family's side, the family voice chat group fell into silence, and Wu Yong's voice sounded after a long time.

"Boss, please take our families and leave. We will stop you here!"

There is also a hyperspace engine on the Fire Rock Beast. When fully activated, the Fire Rock Beast can indeed escape from here, but at this time, will Duan Ming give up on his brothers?

"Boss, our family depends on you to take care of us. If there is an afterlife..."


Before the family members could finish their "last words", they were interrupted by Duan Ming.

"The Yu family's dark matter cannon did not destroy us, and we were able to escape from Nigu Starport without any damage. Now that the enemy only has one flagship battleship left, are you going to give up?"

Duan Ming's words were like basins of cold water, making the members suddenly enlightened.

"Boss is right! Isn't it just a flagship battleship? If we destroy it, won't we win?"

If it is a losing situation, Duan Ming will never let his family members die together. He still has one last trump card!

Taking a deep breath, Duan Ming gave the order.

"The super-light charging cannon starts charging!"

As long as they can persist for five minutes, when the super-light speed cannon is fully charged, the Duan family will have a chance to make a comeback!

But will the enemy give me these five minutes?

Although the Titan flagship battleship is known for its strong defense, its attack methods are definitely not weak among flagship battleships.

Looking at the Titan, which was aiming various weapons at the fire rock beast, Duan Ming came up with a way to delay time.

"Turn on the space loudspeaker for me, I want to talk to the Cheng family!"


The fluctuating sound of electric current sounded on the back of the fire rock beast, and the space loudspeaker was activated.

"Master Cheng, I am Duan Ming."

Duan Ming's voice could be heard clearly by everyone in the area, including Cheng Fei in the command module of the Titan flagship battleship.

Cheng Fei raised his arm to signal that the Titan's attack would be temporarily stopped. He wanted to hear what Duan Ming had to say.

"The grudges between your family and mine are all caused by me. Both of us have paid a heavy price in this war. I don't want anyone to lose their lives because of this."

"How about you tell us the conditions for your withdrawal. From now on, we will forget each other and understand our grudges?"

Cheng Fei in the command cabin of the flagship battleship Titan fell into deep thought. If this war continues, no one can guarantee that he will win. Since the other party puts down his posture and takes the initiative to negotiate peace, it is also a wise choice to go down the stairs. .

"Dad! This guy Duan Ming is so scheming! You can't believe what he says!"

If it weren't for his son's words, Cheng Fei might still be a little entangled. Judging from his son's crow's mouth earlier, if he doesn't stand for anything, then he should do something!

"Duan Ming, it's very simple to end this war. You bring Tang Yaqing to me to apologize, and forget about it!"

Apologize? Well said! As long as Duan Ming boarded the Titan, there was no chance of him coming back alive.

"It's a deal!"

Duan Ming's answer surprised everyone.

"Dad! You have fallen into Duan Ming's trap!"

Cheng Fei's face darkened and he said, "You go and pilot the small spaceship on the battleship and come here after Duan Ming!"

The son was stunned and didn't respond for a long time. Cheng Fei said again: "What? You don't listen to dad anymore?"

A minute later, a small spaceship flew out from the Titan and headed straight for the Fire Rock Beast.

"You and Tang Yaqing are waiting for my spaceship, and the grievances between your family and ours will be wiped out!"

Looking at the approaching spaceship, Duan Ming whispered to Bai Xianglu beside him: "How long will it take?"

"Two and a half minutes."

The spacecraft hovered above the fire rock beast without landing, and Cheng Fei's voice sounded.

"What? Are you regretting it? Duan Ming, I'll give you ten seconds to board this spaceship, otherwise, I will raze your family to the ground!"

Tang Yaqing came to Duan Ming's side a long time ago. The two looked at each other. Tang Yaqing held Duan Ming's hand, her eyes full of trust in him.

There were already space protective suits in the command room on the terrace. Duan Ming and his two men put them on and took off into the sky.

When Duan Ming entered the spacecraft, there was still one minute before the super-light charging cannon was fully charged.

"Dad! I received Duan Ming and Tang Yaqing!"

The son reported to Cheng Fei, and then prepared to return to the Titan flagship battleship.

There were ten members of the Cheng family on this small spaceship. They all held laser weapons in their hands and stared at Duan Ming and Duan Ming.

Cheng Fei's son walked up to Duan Ming.

"Boy, you're dead this time!"

Duan Ming sighed helplessly and said, "It seems that the god of death will follow me closely!"

The people of the Cheng family only regarded this sentence as Duan Ming's feeling of imminent death, but for the Duan family, it was equivalent to a signal.

The Death Battleship had been hiding its body, and at the moment when Duan Ming finished speaking, it took off and followed the spaceship.

Watching the spaceship gradually approaching the Titan flagship battleship, Cheng Fei smiled, but he didn't know that death was slowly approaching.

The spaceship had returned to the connection point of the Titan. At the moment when the spaceship was about to land, Duan Ming raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said casually.

"Let's start."

The ten members of the Cheng family around Duan Ming were all stunned. What start?

The next moment, a huge energy fluctuation came from the Fire Rock Beast. The power of the energy fluctuation caused the spaceship to deviate from the connection point with the Titan, and the spaceship failed to return to the warehouse.

"Death! Now!" Duan Ming yelled, and the four Death warships hovering around the spaceship simultaneously launched a capture net to control the spaceship, and then quickly left the Titan's vicinity. Cheng Fei in the Titan's control center, how could he not know that this was Duan Ming's trick? "Duan Ming! I will cut you into pieces!"

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