"I-we won?"

After a few minutes of silence, a family member finally asked tentatively.

Duan Ming also gradually calmed down from the shock of what happened in front of him. He took a deep breath and raised the corners of Duan Ming's mouth slightly.

"Brothers! Clean the battlefield and count the casualties. We have won this war!"

Countless shouts rang out in the family voice chat group, and everyone's emotions exploded in an instant. Even without the addition of the loudspeaker system, their shouts spread throughout the area.

An hour later, Duan Ming stood in the command room on the terrace, listening to the battle reports from each group.

"A group of battleships were not damaged, the shells were exhausted, and there were no casualties."

"The pioneering base group was not damaged, the barrels were exhausted, and there were no casualties."

"The four battleships of the Death Fleet were seriously damaged, their ammunition was exhausted, and there were no casualties."

After listening to the reports from each group, Duan Ming felt completely relieved. Compared with the previous raid by the star beast group, the Duan family could be said to have won this war with almost no injuries.

"Weapons control group, open the ammunition warehouse, and each group will receive ammunition in turn. The battleships of the Death Fleet will be parked at the take-off and landing base first, and will be repaired later."

Although all the weapons and ammunition prepared for combat have been exhausted, the ammunition warehouse still contains double the ammunition that Duan Ming "blackmailed" from the army and the side after the last Star Beast herd raid, which happened to come in handy.

"Xianglu, go and inform the family that the exercise is over. The family will invite everyone to a dinner in the cafeteria tonight."

Two hours later, the outcome of the war between the Duan family and the Cheng family was known to all parties.

The 7th Domain Army and Fang Headquarters, Colonel Gu Li and Captain Lin Dengwan.

"Lieutenant, Colonel, although the Duan family has won this war, it must have paid a heavy price. How about we take advantage of this opportunity and annihilate it in one fell swoop?"

Colonel Gu Lizhong's expression was a little complicated. After a long time, he shook his head and said.

"No, the Cheng family dispatched a Titan flagship battleship this time, but it all ended in annihilation. We can't take this risk!"

"But in the middle school and the school, we provided the coordinates of the Duan family to the Cheng family. This time they entered the seventh domain, and we did not have any way to stop them. When Duan Ming reacts, what if they come to settle accounts with us?"

This is also the concern of Gu Li's middle school and school.

"In this case, you go to the Duan family in person. It seems that giving up on Duan Ming was indeed a mistake on my part. You can think of a way to see if you can re-establish cooperation with the Duan family."

Behind the fire rock beast, Duan Ming was lying on the rocking chair in front of the villa, and the voice call request rang.

"You're really capable! You can deal with the Titan flagship battleship. Tell me, what method did you use?"

Dugu Er's question was by no means meant to pry into Duan Ming's secrets. It was just his curiosity about academic issues.

Duan Ming smiled. Of course he would not tell anyone about the springtail devouring, so he just made an excuse.

"Professor Dugu, that Titan is not that good either. It only took a few rounds of artillery fire and it fell apart."

Naturally, Dugu Er didn't believe Duan Ming's answer. He also understood Duan Ming's concerns and didn't ask any further questions. He just reminded him.

"As the latest flagship battleship of the Earth Alliance, the Titan was destroyed in the first actual battle. The Earth Alliance will definitely get to the bottom of it. Maybe after a while, people from the Earth Alliance will come to your door. You have to prepare in advance how to deal with it. "

Duan Ming also had a trace of seriousness on his face.

"Thanks for the reminder, Professor, I understand."

The call was hung up, and the next voice call request rang. This time the person was Ai Xiaoxing, the chairman of Xingya Group and Tang Yaqing's mother.

"Is Yaqing okay?"

Ai Xiaoxing's tone was worried, even a little reproachful.

"Don't worry, Chairman, Yaqing is fine. I didn't know about the agreement between you and Yaqing last time..."

What Duan Ming was referring to was the agreement between their mother and daughter regarding the war between the Duan family and the Cheng family. Now that the Duan family has won, according to the agreement, Ai Xiaoxing will no longer object to Tang Yaqing staying in the Duan family.

There was silence on the other side of the call for a moment before Ai Xiaoxing's voice rang again.

"In three days, I will go to you personally. If you need any additional equipment and facilities, just make a list and send it to me."

After hanging up the call, Duan Ming took a deep breath and stood up from the rocking chair.

After this war, the Cheng family has become history, and the Duan family has truly grown into an existence that can compete with these big families. It has gained a lot, but the crisis still exists.

At present, in the seventh domain, the Han family is neutral. After this war, the attitude of the military and the Fang may also be ambiguous towards the Duan family. Between the Yishen Star and the Duan family, there must only be one left.

"Brother! Ride a horse!"

While Duan Ming was thinking, a childish voice sounded. It was the children who were playing at the balcony command post when the war started, and their parents were following behind.

Duan Ming knelt down and let the child who was speaking sit on his shoulders.

"Oh! I'm riding a horse! I'm driving!"

Even though the child slapped him on the head, Duan Ming didn't show any displeasure at all and instead started to run along.

The parents had strange expressions on their faces when they saw this scene.

After the children got tired of playing, they got off Duan Ming's shoulders and went to look for other "toys".

"Duan...Master Duan, the children don't know the rules. We must discipline them well when we go back."

Seeing that these parents were so polite, even with a little fear in their politeness, Duan Ming smiled.

"I didn't treat you well on the terrace at the beginning of the exercise. I'm sorry."

Seeing Duan Ming apologizing to him, several parents hurriedly waved their hands: "Master Duan, this is impossible. Isn't this going to hurt us?"

Duan Ming understood that their current attitude towards him was due to the too realistic "exercise" just now.

"Aunts, I told you from the first day you came here that you are all my elders in the family. In wartime situations, I need everyone to obey my orders, but In daily life, there are no superiors or subordinates between us, only family members.”

Before the dinner that night, Duan Ming narrated this passage to all the family members of the family, which made them feel much closer to Duan Ming.

Regarding this war, all family members from top to bottom have the same voice. It is just an exercise.

And through this "exercise", the members' families also felt more at ease about the safety of their living environment.

It only took the Duan family just one day to recover from the war. At this time, Bai Xianglu brought good news!

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