Chapter 85: Find me to learn sword twenty-three? I only know sword twenty-two!

After experiencing the first world of adventure, this second world of adventure, everyone can see that this second world really has a higher force value than the first world, and it is still much higher!

For example, this world even has divine beasts like unicorns!

Moreover, in the first world, Lou Hang is already invincible.

However, in this world, Lou Hang still comes to Wuming and Juggernaut to seek gains!

It can be seen that the martial arts of the two of them should be above Lou Hang, right?

That’s all!

But, from Lou Hang’s mouth, what did he hear?

Some people actually took the longevity medicine and lived for thousands of years? They also cultivated for thousands of years?

Oh my god, even a pig would have to cultivate to a terrifying realm for such a long time, right?

Many viewers, some expressed their amazement.

Although this world is also martial arts, it is completely different from the first world.

In addition to the beasts, there are people who have lived for thousands of years!

Of course, some people think that Lou Hang’s remarks should be the two of Fudge Sword Saint and Wuming!

In short, the story about Di Shitian thrown by Lou Hang is a little bit amazing.

As for believe it or not?

The people in the live broadcast room 13 are divided into two factions, and they are arguing with each other.

Let’s not talk about how noisy the live broadcast room is.

In the room, the Juggernaut and Wuming were both shocked by what Lou Hang said.

“Huh, nonsense, it’s impossible for someone to live for thousands of years, I don’t know yet, right?”

The Juggernaut shook his head, and was the first to express his opinion, not believing it.

“Brother Luo, is your story true?”

It was nameless. Although he didn’t say he believed it, he didn’t say he didn’t believe it. He just stared at Lou Hang and asked seriously.

“Yes, the school founded by Di Shitian, calling himself Tianmen, is hiding in a large snow mountain. According to my guess, he will be shown as Di Shitian and will wear an ice sculpture mask!

“Because of taking the elixir, he is immortal, but he can’t be immortal. Therefore, usually hiding in the heavy snow Yamanaka, the cold environment can delay his aging!”

“In addition, after thousands of years and thousands of years of cultivation, his martial arts has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people!”

Lou Hang nodded, and once again threw out some messages about Di Shitian!

No matter how amazing you are, it is indeed not enough to see Di Shitian’s thousands of years of skill!

After all, the skill is thousands of years.

After thousands of years of cultivation, the combat experience, as well as the subtlety of martial arts, have reached the peak!

Take Wuming as an example!

In the early days, the unknown in Fengyun World was indeed a martial arts myth.

Although I can’t eat it later, it is only caused by the full blood pulling the erhu and the residual blood wave.

It’s not because of the lack of strength, but because of the residual blood state every time!

But, what about when Di Shitian will appear later?

Even the state of full blood can’t eat it, the martial arts myth has become a martial arts joke, it can be seen!

“Anonymous, so ridiculous, don’t you say you believe him?

Listening to the conversation between Lou Hang and Wuming, the Juggernaut next to him couldn’t help but interject.

“Why don’t you believe it? Although the words are ridiculous, my eyes will not be wrong. Brother Luo is not someone who will use this period to deceive people!” Wuming said!

Although I also feel that Lou Hang’s words are too shocking, Wuming is obviously more confident in his own eyes of people!

Okay”, even if what your kid said is true, then, you came here to tell us two of this. What’s the purpose? It’s about the life and death of the whole rivers and lakes? Do you expect the two of us to overcome that cultivation? Is the Emperor Shitian for thousands of years?”

Seeing Wuming believing in his own eyes, he was silent for a moment, and the Juggernaut asked Lou Hang!

“I’m here to learn a skill of swordsmanship, a skill that can be very useful when facing Di Shitian!”

Lou Hang didn’t talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose!

“Hungry? Really? Who do you learn from? What kind of swordsmanship do you learn?” Juggernaut asked.

“Senior Sword Saint, learn sword twenty-three!” Lou Hang said to the Sword Saint!

As soon as this remark came out, the Sword Saint was stunned again!

Although for a long time, the Juggernaut has always been thinking about competing with Wuming.

However, after discussing with Wuming today, he found that he had actually reached the realm of Heavenly Sword.

Even the Juggernaut was convinced, thinking that Wuming was indeed stronger than himself!

However, Lou Hang is looking for someone to study, but the goal is himself, not anonymous?

“Wait, did your kid say something wrong? The old man’s holy spirit swordsmanship only has twenty-two swords, but no twenty-three swords!”

Although he was astonished in his heart, the Sword Saint shook his head and said.

Although “Senior Juggernaut, you haven’t created Sword Twenty-Three now, but you and Xiongba are about to fight, according to my calculation, the day when you create Sword Twenty-Three is not far away!” Lou Hang followed!

Crazy! What Lou Hang said, made the Juggernaut curse secretly in his heart!

If Lou Hang’s first sentence into the house is this point, the Juggernaut will definitely think he is a lunatic!

However, he has been laying the groundwork for so long, and he has also made a good personal design of a master, his words seem to be reasonable!

“Well, if as you said, if the old man can really create the twenty-three sword, then the old man will believe that your calculation ability is indeed true.

After such a moment of silence, the Juggernaut nodded and said.

“Hey, brother Sword Saint, I am here, but I want to congratulate you. I can feel 307 to respond. Your twenty-three sword must be a trick that does not belong to the sword of the world!” Wuming next to him followed. , Said to the Juggernaut.

In the original work, Wuming had predicted in advance that the Sword Saint could create Sword Twenty-Three, which was not a human sword technique, and also urged the birth of Sword Twenty-Three!

Now, when I learned that Lou Hang’s goal here, it turned out to be Sword Twenty-Three!

He has never seen a swordsman, or even the spirit of swordsmanship.

However, he predicted the existence of Jian Twenty-Three in advance, so he came to study?

At this point, Wuming’s heart is 100% affirmed that Lou Hang truly has the ability to measure the past and the future.

And thinking of the Di Shitian mentioned by Lou Hang…

The nameless heart is also secretly solemn.

If there really exists a person in this world who has lived for thousands of years, and uses the world as a chessboard and common people as chess pieces, Wuming thinks of this, and his heart is secretly solemn.

“Boy, do you want to learn my sword twenty-three? The old man, let’s see how capable you are, and compare them?”

Hearing what Wuming said, the Juggernaut also believed that he was indeed hopeful of comprehending Sword Twenty-Three. Soon, he looked at Lou Hang and took the initiative to make an appointment.

Although he agreed to teach Lou Hang if the twenty-third sword is created, how capable Lou Hang is? The Juggernaut wanted to really experience it.

“So, then please ask Senior Juggernaut for advice!” Lou Hang also nodded after hearing this.

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