Chapter 211 The key to breaking the deadlock, the storm is coming!

mythical world.

The sun rises in the east, and the sun shines on the vast land.

The golden brilliance is like broken gold, sprinkled all over the territory of Lingfu Mountain.

Now is the fifth day of the players in Lingshan!

Before the arrival of the fierce tide, there are still less than three days.

When the players in the camp were waking up from their sleep, a big event was happening somewhere!

Thousands of kilometers away from the camp.

A lush and lush land with green peaks and valleys, and lucid orchid everywhere.

The spiritual energy here is extremely abundant, and rare elixir can be seen everywhere.

You can even see a long, turbulent river!

If there are players here, they will definitely be shocked!

Because this long river turned out to be…a bronze S-class spring?!

In other words, which player can get this big river.

So just drinking these spiritual waters can raise the level to bronze to level 5.

You don’t have to hunt down alien beasts and collect elixir so hard.

A closer look will reveal once again that these elixir are not of ordinary quality!

All of them are…. Bronze S-Class?!

What’s even more shocking is that some of these elixir are even high-grade elixir!

No longer limited to Bronze quality.

As long as it is transplanted to the third land and absorbs the aura of the third land, it will immediately upgrade the silver to the level:

And in this treasured place that the players yearn for, there is a civilization!

It is the mythical level – Longyin Electric Light Leopard civilization!

Tribal main account.


Thunder roared, and the sound shook in all directions.

Waste “! It took so long to find those two damned guys?!”

The voice is like Huang Zhong Dalu, and there is suppressed anger.

The source of this sound is the Leopard Lei who fought against Li Daoxuan and left in despair!

And he also has an important identity, that is the mythical level – the son of the patriarch of the Longyin Electric Light Leopard civilization!

The future clan chief!

The members of the clan who were kneeling on the ground trembled uncontrollably, and then kowtowed:

“Young patriarch, it’s not that I wait for nothing.

“Instead, those two alien beasts are too weird!”

We “, we can’t perceive its breath at all, so we can’t track it at all.”

When Leopard Lei heard the explanation, he did not reprimand them for making excuses.

Because he knows it’s the truth!

He has met Li Daoxuan and Zhu Lai, these two guys are really weird.


Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he could not perceive the aura on them.

It was not until the peerless girl You Sen stared at them that she knew the horror of her bloodline.

But so what?

If you dare to provoke them, you will have to pay for it!

If their family devoured these two beasts, the bloodline would definitely be able to sublimate!

At that time, if you don’t need it, you will live in the second place, and you can go to the third place.

And they don’t have to worry about retaliation at all.

It is difficult to go low down to the high ground, but it is almost impossible to go down high to the low ground.

Moreover, by that time, they will all refine their bloodlines.

Not to mention worrying about retaliation, whether they can be found or not is unknown.

The reason why Leopard Lei is so concerned about this.

Not only the loss of face, but also the key to whether their family can evolve again!

“Since it can’t be traced, then a carpet search!”

“Longyin Electric Leopard’s face, no one is allowed to be humiliated!

“At the same time, it is also the key to the evolution of our clan, and I am bound to get it!”

At this moment, it is the current patriarch of the Longyin Electric Light Leopard Clan who speaks in a loud voice – Leopard Ze!

Bronze S-Class – Mythical Second Layer Tianlong Yin Electric Light Leopard – 1000 years of cultivation!

It is rare that Lingshan can match it!

The figure is bigger than the Leopard Thunder, and the hostility on his body is also even greater.

Those scars are like medals, showing the bravery of Leopard Ze.

The golden thunder on his body is purer and also more dazzling.

After Bao Lei heard it, he looked at Leopard Ze worriedly and said:

“Father, if our clan members are sent out, what if they attack?”

Leopard Lei said that they are naturally the same as the mythical second-level bloodline – the silver fire dragon!

Leopard Ze immediately waved his hand and said:

“Children, as long as the Longyin Electric Light Leopard Clan has a father, then the Silver Fire Dragon Clan will not dare to attack.”

“The two clans have faced each other for thousands of years, and no one can do anything about it?

“Besides, my father wanted to break this boring confrontation, and now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

Leopard Lei nodded uncontrollably.

Survival of the fittest, the winner survives!

There were originally four civilizations that were deadlocked, but after the passage of time, civilizations changed.

Originally, the situation where the top four were strong, but at this moment, it has become a double race.

It is precisely because of this that the two clans devour the other two clans.

Only then did the bloodlines of Longyin Electric Light and Silver Fire Dragon have been promoted from the original mythical first-level heaven to the second-level heaven!


Now, their dragon clan, electric light leopard clan and silver fire dragon clan are half a catty in strength.

0 asking for flowers…

I don’t know how many battles, big or small, broke out.

But the two races are a little bit different every time.

No one can ever help anyone.

It can be said that the situation is the same as that of the saber-toothed tiger and the Ta Yalong.

It can even be said that the confrontation civilization that exists in Lingfu Mountain at the moment is like this.

If not.

Then there are two situations left: swallowing and perishing, or the Ziran clan stands in great numbers.

But the appearance of those two strange beasts at this moment is the key for them to break the deadlock!

Of course, it also attracts them.

Naturally, that weird non-living beast and that weird defensive tower!

If their family can obtain it, the combat power will naturally have a very terrifying increase!

The members of the Longyin Electric Leopard clan did not talk nonsense, and acted immediately.

Their hearts are all eager to become stronger, and then devour their long-time rival!

Must be able to be promoted again!

And the key to this is the two bizarre beasts!

Silver Fire Dragon Clan.

Naturally, he is very concerned about the movements of the Longyin Dianguang clan.

The patriarch of the clan – Yin Cang.

The same is Bronze S Grade – Myth Grade Two Heaven – 1000 years of cultivation.

The body is very similar to the western dragon.

Not the holy dragon of the eastern world, but the fierce dragon of the west.

There was a strange silver flame burning at the tail, exuding a terrifying high temperature.

A pair of fleshy wings is huge and thick.

There are also exaggerated and exploding muscles, showing the horror of physical strength!

Just take the blood vessels like a python, you can know its horror!

“Little ones!”

“Get ready to leave, the plan of the bad dragon and the electric light leopard will be handed over to you!”

The sound is thunderous and unusually powerful.

When the members of the Silver Fire Dragon heard this, they all shouted excitedly:


Although neither of the two clans can do anything about the other, Yin Cang will naturally not let Leopard Ze go smoothly.

Although I don’t know what its plans are, I am very happy to intervene!

Immediately order the members of the clan to find out what the hell the Longyin Electric Leopard is up to, if it is possible.

If you act now, your plans will fail.

Lingshan – Inside the camp.

Ten thousand feet of golden light descended again.

However, this time the players did not immediately go to compete.

So… they are all staring at Li Daoxuan?


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