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"Isn't this snake gallbladder too difficult to get rid of?"

Shen He used Dragon Fury to kill a black snake monster.

This is already the 30th mob that Shen He has killed, and finally the first mission item - snake gallbladder - appears.

[Snake Gallbladder]: Mission item.

"According to this explosion rate, we have to farm 60 more to explode."

Shen He threw the [Snake Gallbladder] into his backpack.

"It's a waste of time to keep doing it like this, otherwise..."

Just when Shen He was thinking.

Suddenly he saw a level 39 player running towards him.

If nothing else, this is also a warrior job change mission.

Just when Shen He was secretly on guard.

I saw something seemed to be following the player.

When Shen He saw clearly what was following the warrior player.

He immediately started swearing.

"Depend on!"

Shen He ran away.

That player didn't know what he did that was so unreasonable.

He was actually chased by at least fifty or sixty black snakes.

"Don't run towards me!"

Chen He scolded that guy so much in his heart.

It's not that he's afraid of death. There's no turning around now, and there's no punishment for dying.

What he was afraid of was that after death, he would be teleported back to Novice Village and have to run over again.

The things here quickly attracted other attention.

In addition, wherever the black snake group passed, there was an endless supply of black snake monsters, and more black snake monsters joined the snake group.

It only took a few minutes.

Among the black snake mobs, the number of black snake mobs gathered has reached three digits.

For a time, no one dared to provoke him.

Everyone retreated.

And these black snake monsters seemed to be attracted by something.

No matter where the player runs, the snakes will chase that player.

Well, that's not important.

The important thing is...

That player has been following Shen He!

This wave of pure and innocent disaster.

"Stop chasing me! Tough luck, tough luck, tough luck."

Shen He shouted without tears.

Really unlucky!

The area ahead is a hollowed-out stone forest.

Seeing such terrain gave Shen He a way to escape.

"call out..."

A piece of spider silk shot out from Shen He's hand.

Adhered to a stone pillar.

Shen He used the second stage of traction to pull himself to the stone pillar.

"It should be safe."

Standing on a stone pillar three to four meters high, Shen He waited for the tide of snakes to leave.

About two seconds later, the man who was being chased by the black snake monster also came nearby.

When he saw Shen He standing on the top of the stone pillar and the spider silk in Shen He's hand, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother, give me a hand and pull me up."

The man quickly shouted for help.

But Shen He was unmoved at all. He had done a good job of killing monsters and suffered this wave of unreasonable disasters for nothing.

It would be magnanimous not to take action against this man.

Want to save him yourself?

Shen He looked unmoved.

The man continued to shout anxiously.

"Help me. Are you brushing snake gallbladders to complete the job transfer mission? I have another one here."

Snake gallbladder?

Shen He's heart moved.

It’s not that we can’t carry forward the traditional virtue of being friendly to others.

"Okay, you throw out the snake gall first."

Shen He shouted.

The man had no choice but to throw up a piece of snake gall material.

A spider web shot out from Shen He's hand and accurately caught the snake gall material. With a gentle pull, the snake gall material was pulled into his hand.

"Quick...pull me up!"

the man called.

Got the stuff and confirmed it's ok.

Shen Hecai shot a spider web towards the man.

A man with such a large body cannot be pulled over directly, but the man used the traction of the spider web to hug the stone pillar tightly.

After wasting several cobwebs, Shen He pulled the man up.

At this time, the hundreds of black snakes had surrounded the stone pillar.

Hundreds of black snakes squirmed below, which looked a bit scary.

"Did you do something outrageous?"

Shen He looked sideways at the man.

To have such a huge hatred value, what kind of evil thing did this man do?

"It has nothing to do with you."

The man said bluntly.

They are all level 39, without any changes.

Players, men are not afraid of sinking into the river.

At least that's what he thought.

Suddenly, the man stretched out his hand and pushed.

I want to push Shen He off the stone pillar.

It's okay for one person to stand in this place, but it's a bit too crowded for two people to stand...


A hand grabbed his arm.

A twist, a pull.

Then a collision.

In the man's shocked eyes.

Instead, he knocked him down.

"I knew you were no good. Thank you for the snake gall material."

Chen He said to the man who fell.

Then he stared at the man's position, as if waiting for something.

"I would rather give me a precious job transfer material than be killed. You have a secret."

Chen He watched the man's falling figure without blinking.

The man's body fell from a stone pillar three to four meters high and fell into a group of snakes.

In the blink of an eye, he was overwhelmed.

An object jumped out from among the snakes.

Shen He, who was concentrating on the situation below, had a look of joy on his face.

A spider web shoots out.

The opened spider web instantly wrapped the items.

Under Shen He's pull, it fell into Shen He's hands.

"It hasn't even turned around yet, but the things that have fallen are all good things."

Shen He caught the thing in the spider web.

There is no penalty for dying before the first turn, but if you can still drop something from your body, it is 100% good.

"Thanks bro, I'll remember you."

Chen He said to himself.

Although, he didn't seem to even know the other person's name.

Shen He was seen peeling the items out of the cobweb.

Use your finger to rub it on the item.

Let the properties of the items appear before your eyes.

[Broken Snake Forest Dungeon Key]: Used to open the key to the level 50 dungeon - the Broken Snake Forest. When this item is on the body, the hatred value of snake creatures increases by 150%, and there is a 70% chance of dropping it after death.

Requirements for use: Turn the player around and go to the designated location to open it.

When seeing the properties of an item.

Shen He probably understood why that man just now.

Will be chased by so many snakes.

"Just...what should I do now?"

When Shen He glanced at the group of snakes below with his peripheral vision, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The snakes below have not dispersed yet;

Now that the thing has fallen into his hands.

The snake hatred value increased by 150% and fell on him.

"Do you want to bet on the 30% probability?"

Shen He rummaged in his backpack for a solution.

Suddenly, an item made Shen He feel happy.

[Key to the third underground floor]

"Last time Banxia Qingcheng was using it, I was in a hurry to upgrade so I didn't take a closer look. Let's take a closer look now. She should be gone, right?"

Shen He holds the key.

Read the article for 10 seconds and start transmitting.

"After I teleport away, these black snake monsters will disperse, right?"

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