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There was a crisp sound.

The snake bone spear was stabbed into the 5-minute snake's body.


The terrifying 4000 points of real damage directly cleared the remaining 30% of the 5-point snake's health.

"Ding, congratulations on killing the wooden snake and earning 5 points."

After five minutes of snake falling, Shen He retracted his gun and fought back.

For now, this copy is not difficult for him now.

"The 4-point snake is in this direction, oh no, it should be called the 9-point snake now."

After killing the 5-point snake.

Shen Hema walked in the direction of Jifen Snake without stopping.

About 5 minutes later.

Chen He found a nine-point snake in a pool.

This is a blue water snake.

If you look closely at its neck, you can see 9 yellow scales there.

"The first person to discover this pattern was simply a man of genius."

Chen He said with admiration.

In the system's broadcast, it was not said that this was a bit of a snake.

1 point snake, 2 points snake.

This is what players call these BOSSs.

It's not an official title.

"A snake with a score of 9 is almost twice as strong as a snake with a score of 5."

Very simple arithmetic problem.

But even if the attributes are almost doubled, in Shen He's hands, it's just a little more time wasted.

There is no need to operate anything at all. With the grassland guardian suit, Shen He's defense has been greatly enhanced and more than half of Shen He's shortcomings have been covered.

"Ding, the water snake has received the deathrattle blessing of the wooden snake, gained 125 health enhancements, and increased its passive skill - vitality."

"Vitality: Automatically restore 1% of blood volume every second."

"It seems like it's getting a little trickier." Shen He tightened his grip on the weapon.

Look at this posture.

The snake boss at the back will not only have its attributes strengthened, but it seems that it will also gain the passiveness of the death boss at the front.

"Never mind, this passive will make the boss more durable and acceptable." Shen He then strode towards the water snake boss.

It took more than ten minutes.

Shen Hecai finally killed the water snake boss.

The water snake boss not only has more than 20,000 health points, but also has 43 health points per second.

Don't forget.

This is Chen He's [Snake Bone Spear] passive - the life curse is in effect.

Reduced healing effect by 80%.

There are still more than 40 points automatically restored per second.

If there is no life curse passive of [Snake Bone Gun], which inhibits blood regeneration.

The boss's self-recovery blood is more than 200 per second.

"If we keep fighting like this, we won't be running out of time, right?"

"Probably not. I still have Dragon Explosion in hand. Snake can use Dragon Explosion for the next 12 minutes. The cooling time is one hour. At 15 minutes, Snake's HP should be around 36,000. He can also use Dragon Explosion. Seconds.”

"In this way, we only have to face the 14-point snake."

"A 14-point snake with 5-point snake, 4-point snake, 3-point snake and 2-point snake, four snake characteristics."

Computing room.

Shen He arrived near the third snake boss.

The third snake boss is a fire snake in a crack in the ground.

12 points snake!

"Ding, the water snake has received the deathrattle blessings of the wooden snake and the water snake. It has gained 400% health enhancement, and added passive skills - vitality, and passive skills - water armor."

"Vitality: Automatically restore 1% of blood volume every second."

"Water Armor: 30% damage reduction, and 200 points of water element resistance."

"Damage reduction buff."

Shen He's heart sank.

Although it does not affect the real damage of [Dragon's Fury], it will further reduce his damage.

Shen He couldn't bear to think about how abnormal the last 15-point snake with all five buffs on his body would be.

Fortunately, with [Dragon's Wrath] in hand, Shen He has a certain ability to skip classes.

"If you want to lower the difficulty, you should actually start playing snakes with 1 point. In this way, although you won't get many points, the difficulty will be reduced a lot."

Chen He now basically understood the mechanism of this copy completely.

Next, it’s time to completely clear this copy!

"Please go to hell."

Shen He came to the 12-point fire snake.

Reach out and aim at the 12-point fire snake.


Dragon Blast! "

A thick beam of light suddenly shot out from Chen He's hand, charging straight towards the Fire Snake boss with endless power.

The light of the light pillar was so dazzling that it seemed to illuminate the entire world.

The Fire Snake boss had no power to resist in front of this terrifying pillar of light, and was instantly submerged in it.

A terrifying damage figure appeared from the head of the fire snake boss.


A full 40,000 points of damage instantly emptied the fire snake boss's health bar.

The moment the light beam disappeared, the Fire Snake boss also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

There was only silence on the scene, with only Shen He standing there, with the remaining power of the light beam still in his hand.

12 points for the fire snake boss, kill instantly!

The dragon blasting skill also dimmed at this time.

You need to wait an hour before you can use it again.

The maximum time limit for a copy is two hours, and there is still about an hour and twenty minutes left.

It's enough for Shenhe to wait for the cooldown of Dragon Explosion skill to be completed.

"Next, is the last boss I need to deal with."

Shen He let out a long breath.

He can kill the last 15-point snake in seconds with Dragon Blast, but the penultimate one is 14-point snake.

He would have to face it.

"According to my current configuration, there should be no problem, right? Even though this is a level 50 high-difficulty dungeon."

Shen He was slightly worried.

The next 14-point snake is the golden snake.

It will be blessed with four kinds of buffs.

However, there is no use thinking about it now.

You still have to face it after all.

Chen He immediately set off and walked towards the location of the 14-minute snake.

The grassland guardian suit's passive is restored.

Shen He hasn't reached the vicinity of the Golden Snake BOSS yet.

It has already recovered to full health.

The Golden Snake BOSS is located at the entrance of an abandoned mine.

It is using its mouth to continuously swallow some soil.

This time.

There was no movement from Shen He yet.

The golden snake discovered Shen He.

Immediately, baring his teeth and claws, he rushed towards Shen He.

The size of the golden snake was much larger than the combined size of the three snakes Shen He had encountered before.

The bucket is thick and thin, and its length is five to six meters.


A bright red number appeared from Shen He's head, causing a quarter of Shen He's blood to disappear instantly.

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