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Follow the direction of Xiao Wang’s finger from the house next door.

Chen He saw a huge oval stone tablet.

On it were written three characters in gilt font - Xinliu Town.

"Normally, only people from the Hunter Guild can come to this place. Come with me."

Xiao Wang, who lived next door, took the lead and led the way for Shen He.

Lead Shen He towards the small town ahead.

Shen He followed Xiao Wang from the next town very honestly.

At the same time, he looked around with his eyes from time to time.

Entering Xinliu Town, the first thing that catches your eye is a group of people dressed in white, throwing sandbags.

That's right, it's a game only children play, throwing sandbags.

It's just that instead of two people losing one person, there is a circle of 9 people, 360 degrees with no blind spots, surrounding one person in the middle.

There was not just one sandbag, but three.

Shen He passed by three sandbag throwing teams and found that the circles formed by each team were different sizes, some were larger and some were smaller, and the number of sandbags was not fixed at three, except for the first sandbag throwing team. 3, and the other two teams have 2 sandbags.

"This is..."

"This is the basic project of dodge training. If you pass this, there will be advanced projects."

Xiao Wang from the house next door explained casually.


Shen He couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This is a bit scary!

"Don't look at it. In the next month, you can slowly experience it. Come and register with me first."

Xiao Wang from the next door family brought Shen He to a house.

He walked in with Shen He.

You can see an old man sitting in the house with a book in his hand.

【Elven Lusha's photo album】? !

What is this? !

Shen He rubbed his eyes with a little self-doubt.

"Teacher Huang, I brought someone here who showed me the hunter badge." Xiao Wang from the next town said respectfully.

"Ahem...Hunter badge, have you checked your uid? Is it you?"

Huang Wei coughed twice.

The technique was very natural, hiding the book behind his back.

"No need to check, he brought an anonymous hunter badge." Xiao Wang from the next town said.

"Hey, it's anonymous. It's rare, isn't it? Okay, just leave it to me. You can go back." Huang Wei waved his hand to Xiao Wang from the next town and said to drive him away.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

The young prince from the next town, Huang Wei, cupped his hands, then turned and left.

Shen He was left where he was.

Shen He looked at the person who was called "Teacher Huang" by Xiao Wang from the next town with some curiosity.

It can be seen that Xiao Wang from the next town respects this "Teacher Huang" very much. It seems that this person named Teacher Huang has a very high status.

"Come on, come with me, just call me Teacher Huang."

Huang Wei hooked his hand towards Chen He.

He led Shen He towards the outside.

Shen He followed Huang Wei, and the two of them walked in the town.

About ten minutes later, we arrived in front of a small house.

Three people, two men and one woman, were playing a sandbag throwing game in front of the house...oh no, it was dodge training.

Now two men are throwing, and a girl is nimbly dodging attacks from sandbags from two directions.

It can be seen that the posture is very stiff, which is different from those people Shen He saw before.

It should be because I just practiced a while ago.

"Okay, from now on, you will be called Renyin 4. Your teammates will tell you what to do. This is your number. Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. Just follow the training table. If you can't stand it anymore, You can exit on your own." Huang Wei handed a badge to Shen He.

[Xinliu Town Badge] (Ren Yin) (Special Item)

Effect ①: After wearing it, you will gain invincibility in Xinliu Town, and all attributes are fixed to the standard template of a level 40 warrior.

Effect ②: Can be used to flow points in Xinliu Town.

Current points: 0

After explaining everything.

Huang Wei also left.

Shen He was only left with a badge representing his status in Xinliu Town.


Shen He took the badge with him and then said hello to several people.

"Hello, I am Renyin No. 2."

A tall and thin man first greeted Shen He.

Another dark and muscular man glanced at Shen He and snorted.

Shen He doesn’t know either

, How did I offend him?

But it doesn’t matter.

In Xinliu Town, everyone is invincible.

Finally, there was the girl who was panting.

She is not tall, probably less than 1.6 meters tall, about 1.58 meters. She has two pigtails on her head, which makes her look a little cute.

"Hello, I'm No. 3. You can call me No. 3, or Huihui." Huihui introduced herself.

At this point, Shen He is basically familiar with his teammates.

"Newcomers, let's try this basic dodge training." Hei Fat No. 1 suddenly said

"We will all be in the same team from now on. Let's get to know each other's previous strengths." Black Fat No. 1 said with ill intentions.

Weigh the sandbag in your hand.

This inexplicable hostility made Shen He feel confused for a while.

He doesn't seem to know this fat black man, right?

Why are you so hostile to him?

"What a great idea. Do you want to try it? Evasion training will be very helpful in the battle after we go out." Cute girl No. 3 said with a wink.

"Friend, come and try?"

The tall and thin man No. 2 also said.

"Okay, come on."

After Chen He hesitated for a while, he agreed to the suggestions of several people.

After training on the pace, he actually felt that it was not that difficult to avoid sandbags.

Chen He still remembered what Banxia Qingcheng seemed to have said once.

The pace training on the third underground floor seems to be part of the dodge training.

You might as well try it now to see what level you are at.

"bring it on."

Shen He came to the area surrounded by three people and stood still.


It started with Shen He's announcement.

Hei Fat No. 1 immediately threw the sandbag in his hand towards Shen He.

The force was so great that one had to wonder what kind of hatred he had between him and Shen He!

The sandbags hit Shen He like cannonballs, and he dodged sideways and easily dodged them.

However, this was only the beginning as two other men quickly joined the attack.

Sandbags flew in the air, forming an airtight net.

Shen He kept moving, nimbly avoiding attacks one after another.

Gradually, he adapted to the rhythm and became more skillful in his movements. He was even able to observe the rhythm of the three of them while dodging.

"Have you practiced before?" Huihui quickly realized that Shen He had definitely practiced before.

"One sandbag is no pressure. How about three sandbags?"

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