"This, this, this... Where did he get the barrel from?".


"Who's going to do magic without borrowing any props?"

"Is that magic?".

"Tsk, why is it here again, it's the end of the 21st century, if there is magic, it will be discovered a long time ago!".

"Before, when the goddess of Cangyue shot... Some people say so. "

“...... Anyway, I don't believe that a psychopath can do magic!and, don't forget, he disappeared some time in front of the camera, and that's when he prepared the barrel!".

"It's possible, but what's the use of this barrel?"

As he was talking, he saw Chu Yu take out a brush from the barrel, humming a tune he had never heard before, and smearing the two king crabs with black seasoning.

Then he took out a lighter from his waist, lit the dead grass, scattered the firewood he had chopped before, and when the fire was bigger, he began to roast two king crabs.

The people in the live broadcast room have become numb, and now no matter what Chu Yu comes up with, they will not be surprised.


"Alright, it's ready to eat. "

After being busy for a long time, Chu Yu finally roasted two king crabs.

The fierce beasts in this forbidden place of national transport, after being made into food, are no different from the crabs on the blue star.

If I had to say it, the meat was more delicious and it tasted so good.

As soon as they spoke, Zhang Zhiwei and Cangyue's eyes lit up.

"Little Brother Chu, I can't see that you are so good at making such delicious food. "

The Heavenly Master closed his eyes and carefully tasted the food in his mouth, and after swallowing it, he couldn't help but nod and say.

Chu Yu patted his chest and laughed: "That's natural! After all, a banquet can't be held without delicious food! You eat slowly, I still have wine here to take out." "

"Not right now. After Cangyue finished speaking, she quietly ate the crab leg in her hand again, and didn't explain why.

Chu Yu glanced at Cangyue, then at the old heavenly master who shook his head, and said helplessly: "Okay, since that's the case, let's stay for next time." "

After speaking.

Chu Yu sat on the ground, brought over a crab leg and gnawed it, eating extremely rudely, as if he hadn't eaten for several days.

"No, there's still wine, where the hell did this guy put his stuff?".

"Hehe, are you all fools in the Dragon Kingdom? No matter what the contestant says, you will believe it?

"Hey, research has long shown that the IQ of the yellow race is much lower than that of the white race, what's the use of explaining it to this group of fools?".

"Free people, if you say the dragon country, you will say the dragon country, don't talk about any yellow people, if people don't offend me, I won't offend people!".

"Cut! The yellow race is inherently deficient, so I said, what's wrong? You're going to beat me!".

"666, I can't imagine that the times are advancing, and some fools are still resting on their laurels, and they don't know who has a problem with their IQ. "

[Congratulations to Bruce Vane of the Free Nation for discovering a small iron mine and occupying it.] 】

[Congratulations to Bruce Vane of the Free Nation for discovering a small iron mine and occupying it.] 】

[Congratulations to Bruce Vane of the Free Nation for discovering a small iron mine and occupying it.] 】

The live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom is lively.

Suddenly, a few lines of words appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room.

Resource Level E

[The small iron ore will be 100 times more present in the territory of the Free Kingdom bound by Bruce Wayne.] 】

"Hahaha!!, Dragon Country, do you see it, even if you defeat the two fierce beasts, what can you do?

"This is an iron ore resource, and you know the strategic significance of this resource. "

"Just when you Dragon Kingdom players are still lazy, we have already obtained resources, are you angry? If you are so angry, blame you Dragon Kingdom players for not being angry!".

"Tsk, if you want me to say, the Dragon Kingdom players are only worthy of bullying weak beasts, and it is impossible to find resources. "


In the central part of the Free Country, an iron ore mine that had long been hollowed out suddenly re-uplifted, forming a mountain made of iron ore.

Although it is a small iron ore, it still has a good weight after being embodied 100 times.

What's more, iron ore is definitely one of the mineral resources that are urgently needed in various countries.

Many research projects cannot be further developed because of the lack of iron ore.

Now there is suddenly so much more iron ore than a free country to squander for years.

It can be used not only to develop science and technology, but also to research new weapons.

Especially with the arrival of the forbidden land, the players of the Free Nation need better weapons.

Therefore, the strategic position of this iron mine is not extraordinary at all.

"The Free Nation will always be the number one power in the world!

"I knew that the players of my free country would not let us down, and they were the first to find resources, which is much better than the reward for killing the beast!"

The nations of the free rejoiced.

Everyone was excited.

Those countries that have good relations with the Free Country also went to the Free Country live broadcast room to celebrate.

"Yo Xi, Daddy Free Nation is amazing!".

"It's worthy of Dad, Dad is invincible, how can a mere Dragon Kingdom be compared to Dad?".

"I'm so envious, if only my Maple Leaf Country could also get such iron ore. "


Because of the first to obtain resources, the free country naturally couldn't help but show off to the dragon country.

The Dragon Kingdom has always been the imaginary enemy of the Free Nation, and it has always been a thorn in the side of the Free Nation.

They won't let go of this good opportunity to taunt.

"Tut-tut, I'm in a good mood, I came out for a walk, and I saw you Dragon Country players eating dinner? "

"Isn't it just an iron mine?

"However, you players have not found resources, and your country is still short of iron ore, but our free country is different, that small mountain, how much iron can be extracted! "

It is impossible to say that there is no envy.

In this era of resource scarcity, the strategic position of any non-renewable resource is extraordinary.

But now they really have no reason to refute it.

Although the Cangyue player of the Dragon Kingdom is strong, it seems that she is not interested in finding resources at all.

Not to mention the psychopath and the old man.

I can't count on these two waste-like men at all, let alone finding resources, these two men will be successful as long as they live.

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