Everyone squatting in the live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom: "???".

"I'm knocking! They can actually speak Chinese!".

"No... I feel like it's because of the bracelet thing. "

"You mean, that bracelet comes with real-time translation? No, no matter how you look at it, their level of technology can't invent such a thing. "

"Is it possible that they invented these things before they rebelled against God?"

"Okay, I really feel like playing an RPG game, and now that we can communicate, they will definitely issue tasks to our players, and then give a great reward when they finish it. "


"What a magical bracelet. Chu Yu stared at the high-tech bracelet on his wrist and muttered, and then introduced himself: "Hello, I'm Chu Yu, these two are Zhang Zhiwei and Cangyue. "

The old man nodded his head to greet him, and then said, "Hello, I am the head of this green village, Voira, thank you for saving my villagers." "

Chu Yu waved his hand, and he smiled: "It's not enough to raise your hands, but it's not enough to worry about it, Village Chief Voira, what is this bracelet?"

"We call it the Sound Treasure, a relic of a civilization long ago. Vorira said without hesitation.

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

In a simple sentence, it can provide a lot of information.

Then he continued to ask: "Village Chief, you must have guessed that we are not the existence of this world, can you tell us about the general situation of this world." "

"It's a long story, and I'll tell you about it slowly. Vorira turned around and talked about the world as she went.

The planet breeds big trees, and big trees give birth to life.

Flowers, plants, animals, and their ancient spirits were all born from the trees.

The ancient spirit people are born with wisdom and are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, and in order to repay the tree, they never destroy the environment of the planet, and develop in harmony with all living beings.

But on a rainy night, an evil god claiming to be a tree spirit appeared in front of the Ancients.

He gained the faith of the Ancients through various divine deeds.

He said, "The tree tells you not to be idle. "

Many drawings were then thrown to the Ancients.

The ancient spirit clan, who was kind by nature, believed in the words of the evil god and began to build houses and tools according to the drawings.

The evil god also constantly provides blueprints.

With the assistance of the evil gods, after three hundred years of development, the ancient spirits can run on the road, swim in the sea, fly in the sky, and even reach the planet to see their mother, the big tree.

And it was then that the Gu Ling Clan discovered that the development of the past three hundred years had destroyed the environment of the planet, and half of the planet had become dead and silent.

They begin to wonder whether what they are doing is right or wrong.

The dryad told them, "The tree doesn't care. "

The Ancient Spirit Clan didn't think too much about it, and continued to develop according to what the evil god said.

Until everything dies and there is only one big tree left on the planet, the ancient spirit clan suddenly wakes up to the so-called tree spirit is nothing but a liar and an evil god!

So they rebelled against Him by all means.

However, the evil god has achieved his goal, taking advantage of the weakest time of the tree, absorbing all its powers, destroying the sun, so that the tree has no chance to be reborn.

Then he issued a terrible curse to the Ancients and left this world.

Since then, anyone who has been exposed to the sun has been cursed and turned into ferocious monsters that slaughter everywhere.

Moreover, the beings affected by the curse can only live in darkness, otherwise they will be reduced to ashes.

In order to survive, in order to take revenge, the Ancients moved underground.

But unexpectedly, even the sand illuminated by the sun contained terrifying curse power.

The mutations are still happening, and after hiding underground, those monsters have also become immortal.

In the long years of struggle, the development of the ancient spirit clan has been sluggish, and it has even degraded to the point where it was before meeting the demon god, which is why it has today.

And the surviving ancient spirit clan is still protected by the big tree.

For example, the tree in this cave is actually the branches and shoots of the big tree.

Listen to the village chief.

The audience in the live broadcast room was silent.

Now it sounds like the development of their ancient spirit clan is very similar to that of Blue Star.

In order to develop science and technology, the environment is being destroyed.

So they couldn't help but have an idea.

"Is that so-called evil god real, or is it made up by the ancient spirit clan? There is no evil god in the first place, but they have desires?"

"If that's the case, I can't explain the mutation. "

"It's very simple, it's made of the big tree in their mouths. "

"I, I don't know..."

Until the truth comes out, no one knows whether this is true or not.

So the audience can only respond with silence.

That's when it happened.

Vorira added: "By the way, before the evil god left, he also left behind the incarnation of power, and the curse of this planet is maintained by that incarnation, but no one knows where it is." "

As Voira finished speaking.

A passage appears on the screen in the live broadcast room.

[Ding, the three players of the Dragon Kingdom jointly discovered the forbidden land resource - the Tree of Life Buds. 】

Resource Level: S

[Planting the sprouts of the Tree of Life will slowly change the soil quality and the surrounding environment, and eventually give birth to all things. 】

[Note: The Tree of Life is a special resource and can only manifest one.] 】

[Additional note: Find and kill the Evil God Power Incarnation to obtain the Life Tree Bud.] 】

"Damn, this towering tree only has the buds of the tree of life, how big will the tree of life be at maturity?"

"S-class? is actually an S-class resource, how strong is the power incarnation of that evil god?!".

"Why don't we give up this mission, there are no players who can complete this mission!"

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