
was teleported to the three of them by the Extinction Maharaja, and several of them looked at each other, and the air was silent at this moment.

As soon as he swelled, he was beaten by the Extinction Maharaja, and although he was not physically tortured, he was mentally devastated.

So Lili was cautious and deleted all his appearances.

After all, one dozen three, the advantage is not mine.

"So do you come down and admit defeat yourself, or will I beat you down and admit defeat?" Xiao Zhi wiped his fist and said with a small tiger tooth exposed.

"Mortals, don't be presumptuous!"

Li Li constructed two blue iron fists, and one of the fingers of the iron fist was bigger than Li

Sushang alone.

Under the control of the lawyer, two blue iron fists smashed down on the three of them.

"Listen to me—"

Kafka's voice rang out, and the smashed iron fist also stopped in the air at this moment, and the lawyer's eyes became glazed.

"Nothing has happened in your eyes, you are still the same, go, the gods of heaven are still waiting for you.

After Kafka finished speaking, the lawyer's eyes returned to his senses, and the iron fist she constructed turned into light and dissipated, looking at her palms and muttering

, "I am the lawyer,

the god... Emissary, I am here to destroy the world, mortals! this is not the place for you to be presumptuous!"

The Lawgiver swelled, and she once again went beyond the world to try to wrestle with the Lord of Extermination.

If there is no accident this time, it will be another day of accidents for the lawyer, and in just one day of birth, he will have to suffer three blows...

When the Lawgiver came into contact with the Maharaja of Extermination, the Lawgiver was undoubtedly awakened, and although he could choose a milder method, the Maharaja did not choose.

The first battle that had just become his subordinate collapsed like this, so naturally he had to teach her a good lesson.

"I really don't know why you're so weak, you're controlled by a mere galaxy hunter in one face, and you still claim to be a god.

Riyu shivered beside the Lord of Extermination, she always felt as if she had gone to the wrong script, and she clearly saw in her memory that she was the embodiment of disaster.

I'm so weak, I want to go home...

Woo woo woo ~

"It seems that this seat is going to end up in person." "

Since I don't know what her name is, and because someone is a name, let's call

her Teresa first!

Delisha jumped off the throne with two small hands supporting her body, and Lili was 1.76 meters, following Deresa like a bodyguard.

"Really, I didn't say I was welcome when I came, and I still need to open the door myself.

With a wave of Delisa's feather fan, the space in front of her began to ripple, and after calming down, Li Sushang and the three of them also appeared on the other side.

"Everyone, are you here to welcome the arrival of this seat?" Rieli

honestly followed behind Teresa, baring her teeth when she met the three again.

"Greed, anger, stupidity, slowness, suspicion, you can choose the one you like. "

: It's over, what a powerful aura.

: It's a small one, it's a cute little one.

: Wake up! That's the enemy!

: Ahem, sorry, disgrace to the Order.

: Although I don't know how her strength is, but according to my speculation, she is definitely not the C position of the main battle, at most she is a support, this wave of my standing symbols!

" "Little man, can you win with such confidence?"

At this moment, Li Sushang looked at the light screen in front of him that only he could see and fell into confusion, and the system reminded himself to run fast in scarlet font.

Li Sushang asked inwardly: Didn't you say that we can beat the Star God, why did you just get instigated when you met the order envoy, this can't be arrogant!

The system voice was a little anxious.

[But in front of you is the star god! I didn't let you hit it now, and you can't use your face to hit a fun god!]

Hearing the system's words, Li Sushang was startled and stared at the petite and lovely Teresa in front of her.

Seeing Li Susheng's shocked gaze, Delisha covered half of her face with a feather fan, and looked at her as well.


Is Teresa aha?or is it now Nanuk's envoy!?"

[The system speculates that this Extinction Lord should have been attacked by the Joy Star God not long ago, after all, this Exterminating Lord had also called Nanuk.

[I guess it was also after being there, Aha thought it was interesting, so he knocked out Delisha and came to beat you instead of others.] Looking

at the happy star god in front of him who pretended to be the Great Monarch of Extermination, Li Sushang admitted that he was a little panicked, although he was very arrogant, he was not stupid.

I really people off, and I guess I will suffer an old sin

!" Xiao Zhi mocked: "You white-haired dwarf, is it a leg cramp when you stand here and don't move?" ???

"Delisa: "So, mortal, are you trying to provoke me?"

"What, you white-haired dwarf is here

to beat me!"

!! "Aha's

funny, it's been a long time since anyone spoke to Aha, and Aha decided to give this person a little color."

"Sink in endless fear!"

the gem in Delissa's hand lit up with a purple light, a red light appeared in the depths of Xiao Zhi's eyes, and a red feather appeared in front of the three of them to resist the


Kafka also sighed helplessly, and the two guns appeared in his hands: "Well, I'm sorry. With that

, purple lightning erupted from the muzzle of the gun, and countless bullets shot at Teresa.

At this moment, Akira summoned countless chains to shoot at Delissa from all directions.

Looking at such a dense attack, Delisa just smiled boredly: "Carving insect skill!" The

purple light in the gem in her hand turned red in an instant, and the attack speed was as if it had been slowed down.

Just as Riyu tries to stop it, the bullets and chains are gone, replaced by flowers and candy.

"What?" Kafka

was slightly stunned at this scene, this method did not look like the work of a destructive madman.

Could it be... What's on the mind of this Lord of Extermination

, like falling out of love?"

"Alright, your turn is over,

it's time for my turn."

Delissa shook the feather fan in her hand, and a purple circle appeared under everyone's feet, enveloping everyone present.

"Come and show me the fear in your hearts!" As

the purple light disappeared, Li Sushang and the three of them all collapsed to the ground motionless, as if they had fallen into a coma.

Richer looked at this scene, quietly took a step forward, and whispered in Delisa's ear, "My lord, do you want me to take the three of them..."

, she made a motion to wipe her neck.

Teresa interrupted, "No, it's too boring to do this."


Riyu nodded, then reluctantly took a step back.

...... Dividing line....

At this moment, Li Sushang appeared in a barren place, she didn't know where she was, and she didn't know why she was here.

"Knowledge, Kafka, where are you?" she

had only the names of the two men in her mind, and she called out in the middle of nowhere, trying to get a response from them.

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