National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 166 Arriving At The Camp Of Another World (Please Subscribe!)

"Some low-level alien materials can also be exchanged for points, as long as you have time to collect them.

Fang Qiao pointed to a shop in the distance, while the two walked, Ling Yang looked at the outpost.

The ring-like wall is also the main building like a huge bullet.

Very prosperous, countless warriors come and go.

In addition to the warriors who are trading, there are also many warriors who dismantle their mechanical bodies or exoskeleton mechanical structures in front of some stores or in the rest area for maintenance

Some things are actually not very rare, especially the exoskeleton mechanical structure.

It has already been used in the army of Ling Yang in his previous life. It is mainly used to collect the power loss generated by the walking movement of the human body and use it to reduce the burden on the human body.

This world is naturally more perfect, or a lot more perfect. After all, warriors can use Yuan energy as a source of energy. The most difficult energy problem to solve in the previous life is nothing in this world.

The mechanical limbs are relatively advanced, and there are also those on the ground, which are prepared for the disabled, and the ones in the base can be used for fighting.

There is no such mechanical limb on the ground, or rather, the control is very strict, at least Ling Yang has never seen it.

What he didn't know was that if you want to exchange this kind of mechanical body, besides the points, you have to make a major contribution.

Even once exchanged, you will have to sell your life to the base and fight against alien races.

Similarly, the later repair and maintenance of the mechanical body is extremely convenient.

This one seems to be very harsh, but in fact it is nothing to these warriors who should have been disabled.

What's the point of being alive if you don't go to the battlefield?

When you are really tired and don't want to fight anymore, remove the mechanical limbs that can fight and replace them with ordinary mechanical limbs. It's simple. When you go back to retire, the base will not force you to stay

Even ordinary mechanical bodies can be given away for free.

Outside the wall, in front of the outpost, there is a road suspended in endless darkness, extending forward.

There are no fences on the road, and it seems that it may fall into the endless void at any time.

But there are still countless people coming and going.

A natural light can be vaguely seen at the other end.

The road is not long, only more than 500 meters. The further you go, the brighter the natural light in front of you, and the clearer the scene in the light.

At the same time, the road under Ling Yang and Fang Qiao's feet became wider and wider.

When Ling Yang stepped into the light, a flat land appeared in Ling Yang's eyes!

It seems to be an ancient city camp in front of me, and behind me is a place like a water house.

Many people don't know about the water house, and friends in the northern part of Yinduo should know about it.

There is usually a well in the water house, which is the kind of well that uses or even draws water.

The water room is to cover the well and prevent the stolen goods from polluting the water source.

In the past, only rich families had money, and they could build a house specially for the water house.

And this water room is very large, it seems to be the kind connected with the warehouse.

However, the water room that Ling Yang and the others came out of was obviously not a well, but a space passage.


A soldier came and gave Fang Qiao a military salute.

"Gao Xiang."

Fang Qiao returned the gift, and the two embraced.

"Didn't you go back to take the recruits on vacation?"

"What kind of recruits, it's not certain how many will join our army in the end."

Fang Qiao glanced at Ling Yang.

The soldier smashed it, smashed his mouth:

"That's right, our place is suffering. Are you done with your work now?"

"No, bring a kid to gain knowledge.

Gao Xiang didn't pay attention to Ling Yang, Ling Yang's control over breath became more and more proficient.

"Hey, the young man is very strong! Do you want to come to Big Brother to exercise?"

Ling Yang smiled

"Isn't this coming!"

"Haha, okay, okay, let's go."

Most of the people who come and go here are free warriors, and Ling Yang is naturally not walking through the same passage.

After walking out of the innermost "wall", Ling Yang saw the real base of human beings in this alien world.

A larger, rougher, and quaint city wall, made of earth and stone, is very thick and very long, surrounding the entire camp!

That width is more than enough for four large trucks to drive side by side!

It is higher than the city wall of Ancheng!

"Brother, are you shocked?"

Ling Yang nodded.

The world of alien races is very barren, and looking around is a sense of vastness.

On such a piece of land, a city with an extremely primitive simplicity appears, which seems to have awakened Ling Yang's deepest memory.

This is the shock pressure that is hard to feel even when I went to the ruins of the ancient Gobi city wall in my previous life.

The three climbed onto the city wall, and Ling Yang looked at the vast expanse of heaven and earth in front of him.

The grass on the ground was sparsely scattered, and there was yellow sand floating in the distance with the wind.

Although this place is not a yellow sand desert, it probably cannot be regarded as an oasis with abundant rain.

"Didn't the bastards of the foreign race make any moves during the few days I left?"

Fang Qiao asked.

"々. These days, those alien races are going to the north to be busy with civil strife. Big fish and small fish, three or two, are not enough for the free warriors to eat. Our brothers haven't eaten meat for a long time."

Fang Qiao nodded:

"Take advantage of this time to let the brethren have a good rest, there are only a few days throughout the year.

He turned his head to look at Ling Yang:

"The tablet Mr. Zhu gave you contains the tasks you need to perform in the past two days, as well as the planned route. You should try your best to distinguish the direction and not go astray. "There is no guarantee for other places.

"Well, I've seen it."

Ling Yang nodded, the mission information had been sent to him last night, a kobold village that was not very stable.

Or one of the many kobold villages that covet a human settlement.

The purpose of the human race here is not pure. They go to the foreign race to find resources or something, but basically they don't cause trouble.

But all the alien races know that the human race camps are rich in resources, and they can survive for many years if they grab a wave.

Including humans, is also an excellent food source.

The world is relatively barren.

Of course, there are places (Li Zhao's) that are rich and prosperous, which cannot be occupied by weak races such as kobolds, green-skinned people, and mushroom people.

So they will naturally continue to attack the place where the human race is stationed, wanting to plunder.

There is no justice or evil in this kind of thing. Alien races want human resources, and human beings also want various specialties from alien races.

This is the land of the kobolds, but in fact after so many years of fighting, the kobolds also know how powerful the human race here is, and there are relatively few disputes.

But as time went by, although the alien world was huge, the news that there was a camp here slowly spread.

There are many "propaganda" journals of some kobold tribes.

In recent years, many other alien organizations have come to attack the camp, and the number is still increasing. I don't know how long this camp can last.

If you can't hold on, this passage will be cut off directly.

That is to destroy......

(Four plus more ha!).

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