"Standard spears can be sold in part!"

"Powerful single-shot hand crossbow, temporarily not for sale!"

For Lin Nan,

Spears have advantages over short-handled shovels.

However, it still belongs to the category of melee weapons.

The powerful single-shot hand crossbow is different!

The powerful single-shot hand crossbow is definitely a powerful long-range weapon at this stage.

If it falls into the hands of someone with ulterior motives, it might even threaten his life!

When there is no corresponding means, strictly control the sales.

When Lin Nan was thinking, the regional chat room instantly became popular because of a picture of Luo Shuhe.

"Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Lin, fortunately not to be humiliated!"

“Picture (barbecue platter)!”

Neatly cut vegetables and meat pieces of almost the same size are scattered, and when placed carefully, they appear to have a strong sense of hierarchy.

Let the players who are barely enough to satisfy their hunger go crazy!

"I'm sloppy, killing people and killing hearts, is this really a road survival game!"

"My God, it's only the first day, and Mr. Lin has already eaten such a sumptuous barbecue. Is it possible that after seven days, Mr. Lin will start to eat the whole banquet?"

"Boss Lin is awesome, and boss Luo is also awesome, this knife craftsmanship, this plate setting, what kind of fairy cooking!"

"Big Brother Luo, take care of Big Brother Lin, the important task of whether we can survive or not will be left to you!"

"If you want to tie a man's heart, you must first tie the man's stomach. I don't know what Lin's heart is like, but this stomach must be pinched!"

"It is recommended to get married in place!"

Fried cp, the traditional arts of the people of Xia.

Even with the harsh conditions now, players can't help but unleash their instincts.

In particular, the chat in this world is still unsupervised.

Over time, the content of the chat room became more and more crooked.

Luo Shuhe himself was stunned.

She just wanted to prove her cooking skills, and Lin Nan didn't choose the wrong person.

How could even the child's name be thought of by these players!

Luo Shuhe blushed, and the next sister Luo Yuhe joined in the fun and thought it was not a big deal.

"Wow, when I wake up, my brother-in-law has everything!"

"However, let's go to brother-in-law's barbecue. I recognize this brother-in-law!"

"Looking for a fight, the barbecue was obviously earned by me through hard work, and the person you should be thankful for is me!"

“A little bit~~~”

However, the cheerful atmosphere of the regional chat room was soon disrupted by an exclamation.

"Wocao, help, there are wolves, there are wolves, my car is surrounded by wolves, help!!!!"

After the message was sent, a video of a few seconds later came.

Under the dim light, a green light flickered outside the broken van's window.

From time to time, a dull low roar is issued!

"I'm stupid, I was so scared that I quickly closed the window and locked the door!"

"What are you doing, the lights in my car are turned off!"

"Hao Haoren: Don't worry, brother. If you're afraid, go to a shop of Mr. Lin. There are iron sheets for vehicles. Once they are made, the game can automatically install vehicles, so don't worry!"

"There are such good things in the big brother's shop, too, there are so many things in the big brother's shop, who can see it! I am stupid, two units of metal hard blocks can make a piece of iron, it's too cheap, brothers, go!"

"Thanks to Mr. Lin for the iron sheet of the vehicle. Looking at the car body that is much thicker than before, I am not afraid at all! I continued to slap my instant noodles. I even turned on the light and swayed in front of the wild wolves!"

"It has been reinforced plus one!"

"Hey, it would be great if there were reinforced glass windows. The original glass on this car is uneasy no matter how you look at it."

Seeing this, Luo Yuhe suddenly thought of something.

"Sister, I remember that before I met you, I saw a reinforced glass blueprint. Where did you put it, we will take the opportunity to open a shop!"

Luo Shuhe suddenly realized that he was just busy with his sister's business, and helped Lin Nan cook, and forgot to open a shop.

And they happened to have a reinforced glass blueprint in their hands, and they quickly turned it over.

Luo Yuhe was even quicker, grabbed it and acted.

Once a network giant, she is familiar with the game panel much faster than her sister.

Not long after, there was a small shop in the trading area, and a sentence was added in the chat room.

"Luo Yuhe: I just opened a 'Little Chef's Shop', and there are reinforced glass items in it~ Only three units of glass can be made!"

"It's said that the reinforced glass is really there, brothers and I will rush with me! It seems that I can sleep well tonight!"

Luo Shuhe looked at the news in the chat room and became numb.

"Little Chef's Shop, Yu He, you!"

"Hee hee, don't be angry, sister, it's called traffic, you see, now Mr. Lin is absolutely top-notch in the chat room. For the sake of our store's reputation in the future, it's just a wave of traffic! Earn materials, don't be cold!"


"It's alright, we did cook, and the boss is also very satisfied!"


"My God, sister, look at our materials, wow, the glass is going to explode!"

Hearing the sound, Luo Shuhe was successfully diverted his attention.

He didn't notice it at all, but Luo Yuhe's surprised smile showed a wicked smile.

Lin Nan also purchased reinforced glass. Compared with the need for 4 pieces of vehicle iron sheets for the whole vehicle renovation, only 3 pieces of reinforced glass are enough.

Looking at the thicker glass of the van, Lin Nan also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the appearance of the wild wolves also gave Lin Nan a chance.

"Lin Nan: Standard spears are now for sale, blueprints, electronic components, and herbs are given priority, and other valuable items can be privately chatted!"

"Picture (Standard Spear), Attributes (Standard Spear)!"

"The weapon is still a long-handed weapon. I encountered a snake in the wilderness today. If there is this spear, I dare to fight against it!"

"Boss, I have drawings, I want to change one, the car is shaking, I'm afraid!"


A wave of standard spears are sold,

Lin Nan actually received 1 unit of electronic components and 1 unit of herbal medicine.

Even the drawings have been harvested several!

There was also a drawing that surprised Lin Nan.

【Production drawing of vehicle cooling film】


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