National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

003. Ou Huang's Guess, Water Maker (Seeking Flowers)

The treasure chest is big, but there are few things.

There is only one bottle of mineral water, and three vacuum-packed white steamed buns.

Lin Nan looked stunned.

"Isn't it, that's all for such a big treasure chest?"

"Even if it's... a first-class material box, it won't be so few!"

"Could it be... I am..."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Nan resisted the discomfort in his heart and took out two of the items.

Just when I was about to take a good look at the water and steamed buns in my hands, a soft 'click' sound suddenly came from below.

Looking down, the treasure chest under him turned into a gleam of light and disappeared!

Lin Nan was stunned, but soon returned to normal.

It is a survival world similar to a game.

Isn't it normal for treasure chests to disappear?

Shaking his head, Lin Nan continued to look at the mineral water and steamed buns.

Whether it is water or steamed buns, they are all three products.

Just simply write the name of the item and an expiration date.


【mineral water】

【Shelf life: 1 year】


【Steamed bun】

【Shelf life: 7 days】


What's even more amazing is that, looking through the game panel, the shelf life of these two item information turned out to be a countdown mode!


Steamed buns with water.

One is necessary for life, and the other is 'high-quality carbohydrates'.

For a while, Lin Nan didn't know whether he was an African chief or a European emperor.

Mantou Lin Nan didn't move. He had just crossed over and was not very hungry yet.

Mantou is not starving to death, who can eat it...

Unless, with the old godmother.


This Lin Nan can't help it, this ghost place is too hot!

Usually he has the habit of drinking more water.

"Take a sip, just like the taste of otherworldly mineral water!"


Unscrewing the bottle, Lin Nan raised his head and took a sip.

Sweet, refreshing, lubricating...

"Sure enough, I'm still too thirsty!"

"Drinking water is so enjoyable!"

It is the taste of water, which is no different from the previous life.

With a sigh, Lin Nan put down the water bottle.

Put the water bottle and steamed buns on your body, and then return to the car with the shovel.

Lin Nan remembers that the danger is doubled at night, and the time during the day is very precious, and just a treasure chest is not enough!

Start the vehicle again, Lin Nan has experience, direct floor oil to speed up.

In no time, the instrument panel stabilized at 100 km/h.

While driving, Lin Nan checked the small map system every once in a while.

100 kilometers per hour, about 0.027 kilometers per second.

That is 1 km in 40 seconds.

The minimap has a radius of 1 km and a diameter of 2 km.

Not having to stare at Lin Nan all the time made him a lot easier.

At the same time, some players who recognize the status quo are just getting started.

Drive carefully at turtle speed, and scan the road over and over again for treasure chests.

And Lin Nan, a small broken car, drove out the momentum of Qiu Mingshan 86.

Swish swish on the open road!

About ten minutes.

Lin Nan's spirit was shocked, and his body instantly sat up straight.

"There is a treasure chest!"

"And.... two more!"

Looking at the two white light spots on the minimap system, Lin Nan was overjoyed.

After roughly comparing the locations, Lin Nan determined the location of the treasure chest.

Left front, 600 meters!

After continuing to drive at high speed for a while, Lin Nan downshifted skillfully, and happily drove towards the new treasure chest.

Not long after, two white treasure chests, the same as before, appeared in Lin Nan's field of vision.

Pulling over to the side of the car, Lin Nan picked up the shovel familiarly and walked down.

Although the first treasure chest was not dangerous, Lin Nan still did not care.

Carefully open one, stay away, and wait for a while before approaching the treasure chest.

After seeing what was inside, Lin Nan was a little surprised.

This time the item was completely different from the first.

[Get 2 units of hard metal blocks and 1 unit of manufacturing parts]

"This is the material? Yes, if there is no material in the treasure chest, how can it be made."

Throwing the supplies into the back seat of the van, Lin Nan followed suit with a second treasure chest.

Still no danger.

However, Lin Nan did not let down his guard.

The treasure chest can be safe countless times, but Lin Nan can only make one mistake.

be careful and live long!

However, when Lin Nan saw clearly the items in the second treasure chest, he was stunned.

【Game panel】

[Low-level water maker production drawing (one-time): The most common and low-level water maker can produce 2 liters of water per day, and the output will vary slightly according to the environment. 】

[Manufacturing resource requirements: 2 units of metal hard blocks, 2 units of manufacturing parts, 1 unit of glass, 1 unit of electronic components]

Looking at the game panel, Lin Nan glanced at his hands suspiciously.

"Could it be....I'm Emperor Ou?"

"Otherwise it doesn't make sense!"

"The first survival two-piece, the second double-yolked egg, one of which is still a water maker!"

Water is the source of life, and Lin Nan understands how ferocious this item is in this world!

The early stage is an artifact!

In a trance, Lin Nan returned to the car and continued driving.

This time when driving, Lin Nan took some of his energy and put it in the regional chat room.

The endless desert, eight lanes, can be opened with eyes closed.

It's not a problem to separate a part of your mind.

"Haha, I just tried the manual transmission, and I didn't expect to hit the treasure box after a few hundred meters. Hehe, a piece of chocolate, perfect!"

"I'm grass, why are there only 3 units of metal glass in my treasure chest! Grass!"

"Treasure chest, is there really a treasure chest? I have to drive too, I'm dying of thirst!"

"Hao Haoren, teach me to manually shift, what does 12345 mean!"

"Hao Haoren asks for help, this lever is too hard to break!"

After peeking at the screen for a while, Lin Nan gained a lot of information.

The first treasure chest of each player is very close, but the materials are very common.

Is it a novice package?

Of course, it does not rule out that some lucky ones are not sent out.

However, big data should be fine.

The second treasure box that Lin Nan harvested has traveled a distance of about 20-30 kilometers.

Perhaps, it is encountered once in 20-30 kilometers.

Although there is no evidence, Lin Nan believes that the distance between each treasure chest should not be close.

However, he has a small map system and can fly all the way.

Others certainly dare not drive so fast.

For others, it doesn't matter how fast you drive, the treasure chest is what matters.

"That means...I'm lucky, maybe because I'm number one?"

"One step first, step by step?"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan roughly had a conjecture in his heart.

Good luck may be for a reason!

That being the case, you will be lucky in the end!

Looking at the manufacturing drawing of the water maker on the passenger seat, Lin Nan made a decision in his heart...

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