National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

302. Orientation Talent, Arrangement Of The Slime Clan (1/3 Full Order!)

Hearing this, Angela looked at Lin Nan seriously.

"Lin Nan, our slime clan are your followers, and following your arrangement is what we should do, just say it!"

Lin Nan heard the words, but did not reply immediately.

The reason why he is more polite is because the abilities of the slime family are too buggy, which makes him subconsciously think too much.

Now hearing Angela's explanation, Lin Nan couldn't help re-examining the word 'follower'.

The following of a race is much more rigorous than that of Lin Nan's daughter-in-law.

At the same time, Lin Nan felt even more grateful that he saved Angela.

Because, Lin Nan has been in contact with other members of the slime clan, and can clearly perceive that the attitude of the king of the slime clan directly determines the attitude of the entire clan.

Lin Nan can't guarantee that the next king of the slime clan will keep his promise like Angela.

Smiling, Lin Nan waved his hand.

"Angela, don't be so serious, it's not a dangerous thing!"

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he turned around and waved to the other corner of the table with "137". ,

"Eudora, come here!"

Yudora was watching curiously, watching Lin Nan talking to Angela, but Lin Nan suddenly called her.

He raised his head in a daze, pointed at himself, "Hey? Brother Nan, are you talking about me?"

Lin Nan looked at the 'wisdom responsible' in the car, and Eudora, who was always the most naive on weekdays, couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, it's you, Eudora, come here quickly, I have found a lot of helpers for you this time!"

"Aww!" Youdora stood up and trotted over.

She didn't understand Lin Nan's words to find her helper, but she was sure that Lin Nan was looking for her, so she came over immediately.

Udora quickly stopped beside Lin Nan, looked at Lin Nan with wide eyes, as if saying, "What do you want me to do?"

Lin Nan couldn't help rubbing Yudora's little head, then continued to look at Angela.

"Angela, I want you to take out the idle clansmen and serve as Eudora's assistant for a while!"

Lin Nan said, and glanced at Eudora again, "Oh, by the way, this process still needs to make your people imitate Eudora!"

Angela didn't think too much, and nodded directly, "Our family has nothing to do, so it's no problem to send them all out!"

Angela didn't ask what they were being asked to do, and she didn't have to.

Yudora on the side was a little confused.

Turning his head, he stared blankly at Lin Nan, "Brother Nan, why did you find me a helper, I don't need a helper!"

Eudora knows super labs well, and this kind of work doesn't mean that the more people the better.

She was confused why Lin Nan did this.

'Obviously Brother Nan also knows the nature of my job!'

At this time, even Luo Shuhe and Luo Yuhe on the side fell into the same confusion.

After getting along for a few days, everyone has more or less understanding of the super laboratory.

In their view, the entire super experiment is the same as the top scientific research institutes in the former country.

Just going in and looking around, they were all dizzy and flustered.

I don't know why Lin Nan sent a bunch of cute pets that looked like jelly to help Eudora.

Is it... to improve the experimental environment?

Just like the effect of keeping cats in the company?

Hu Jingjing knew a little more about the slime clan than Luo Shuhe and the others, and knew that the slime in front of her was not only cute, but also possessed a magical ability.

However, she also couldn't figure out what they could do for Eudora.

Lin Nan smiled mysteriously, "Eudora, you'll find out later!"

"However, before I say anything else, I want you to promise me one thing!"

Eudora was dumbfounded, "What...something?"

Lin Nan tapped Eudora's forehead lightly, "You have to promise me that after having them share the work for you, you can't stay in the super laboratory like this day and night, and you have to find time to go out and go around. Turn, get a breath of fresh air!"

Lin Nan didn't feel anything when he said it.

However, after Lin Nan finished speaking, he always felt that these words were somewhat familiar.

'Huh? It's like what my mother told me when I was playing games at home during the summer vacation!

Lin Nan couldn't hold back.

At that time, he thought his mother was too annoying.

In his opinion, playing games is a rest, why do you have to let him go out for a walk, and say that you let him take a rest.

How can you call it a rest when you are so tired after going out and walking around!

He just wants to play games at home!

Unexpectedly, he is now living in a way he hates.

However, he still has to stay tight.

The pure Eudora, who is the opponent of Lin Nan who has more thoughts than the stars in the sky, nodded subconsciously.

Lin Nan then looked at the four slimes beside Angela.

"Hmph four generals, come here!"

They are only a few of Lin Nan's, and they are very familiar with Lin Nan.

They are well aware of Lin Nan's relationship with their clan and their king, so when they heard Lin Nan calling them, they came directly without waiting for Angela's order!

Angela stood aside, acting as usual.

"Lin Nan Brave, what do we need to do?"

Lin Nan gently pulled Yudora beside them to their eyes.

"You imitate her!"

Hmph The four generals didn't know why, but they still obediently stepped forward and stuck to Yudora's calf.

Soon, the blue light familiar to Lin Nan appeared in the room.

At the same time, the black hexagram in Lin Nan's left eye also flashed the same halo.

A faint blue light, floating on the six-pointed star, brought a strange change to Xi Lin Nan's eyes...

Luo Shuhe and the others also noticed the changes in Lin Nan's body, they couldn't help rubbing their little hands, looking forward to what will happen next!

Not long after, the scene in front of Lin Nan changed.

In his eyes, Eudora has become different.

Talents and skills appear in Lin Nan's eyes in a magical visual image.

Lin Nan can drag these 'natural skills' with his mind at any time.

Unfortunately, Lin Nan can only control one of them!

Each talent skill on Eudora is displayed in a different image.


Lin Nan found that he could easily identify which one was the talent of 'cartographer'.

Knowing that everyone was waiting for him, Lin Nan didn't get too immersed in this state.

Quickly lit up the 'cartographer' talent.

Almost at the same time, great changes took place in the four generals of Hum Ha.

From a small jelly, the figure expands rapidly.

After a while she was as tall as Eudora.

Besides, there was a mysterious aura about them.

Luo Shuhe and the others had never seen this kind of breath.

However, Lin Nan has seen it.

When Angela transformed, there was such an aura on her body.

However, compared to when Angela transformed, the aura of the fourth General Hem Ha is much weaker.

Lin Nan felt that when Angela transformed, the aura on her body was colorful and splendid.

Humph, the aura of the four generals is monotonous, one color!

After Hum Ha, the fourth general transformed into Udora, he paused for a moment like a wooden figure, and his eyes regained a trace of clarity.

Then, when Lin Nan looked at the four generals of Hum Ha, the column of "cartographer" was added to the talent.

0.3% success!

Luo Shuhe and the others didn't know about talents, but their eyes widened when they saw the sudden addition of four 'Yudora'.

Yudora looked curiously at the figure exactly like herself.

However, she still doesn't understand why Lin Nan asked them to help.

Until Lin Nan asked Hunha to follow Yudola to draw the production diagram, Yudora was shocked!

Luo Shuhe and the others were also shocked!

Luo Shuhe and the others finally understood why Lin Nan was so happy today.

The slime family is too strong!

As long as the number of slimes increases, wouldn't Lin Nan have one cartographer, and countless cartographers?

Looking at Luo Shuhe and the others surrounding the 'Yudoras', they touched them curiously.

Lin Nan took the opportunity to look at Yudora.

Ask him the question he cares most about..

Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers.

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