National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

031. I Don’T Believe You Are Pure (1010)

After parking the car, Lin Nan glanced at the regional chat room.

At this time, the players realized later, and began to cry for food.

Lin Nan sighed silently, and a bad conjecture rose in his heart.

"I got significantly less food today!"

"The already scarce water resources, the probability of getting them out of the box is much lower..."

"On the contrary, the time for the brave to challenge has become longer, and you can get treasure chests..."

"It has also been upgraded from a rare treasure chest to a rare treasure chest!"

"Especially the last sentence of the game prompt."

"To live is a person's choice, and it becomes a person's choice to live..."

"The surviving here... do you mean players who don't participate in the Brave Challenge?"

Recalling the abnormality of the treasure chest today, the thoughts in Lin Nan's mind became clearer and clearer.

"It's like a survival game rushing players to participate in the brave challenge!"

"If you don't participate.... just live!"

"If you live, give a little food and a little water, isn't it a gift?"

Lin Nan took a deep breath, feeling that he had guessed the sinister intentions of the survival game.

Moreover, this sinister is linked together!

If the player chooses to live, it will become more and more difficult to live.

One step behind, one step behind.

By the time the player reacted, it was already too late.

Boil the frog in warm water and cut the flesh with a dull knife.

If, Lin Nan didn't have a big harvest in the wilderness yesterday and got a lot of food.

He will definitely have a hard time today too!

Because, this morning, most of the items opened from the players' treasure chests are crafting materials or vehicle equipment.

There are very few crafting drawings related to the Brave Challenge.

Luo Shuhe's [Multi-Functional Anti-Stab Suit] is already the best in the production drawings posted by all the players today.

Compared with it, there are only very few production drawings that are similar to [Machette Manufacturing Diagram] and [Iron Shield Manufacturing Diagram].

However, it was obvious that no item could surpass the hand crossbow making blueprint that Luo Shuhe and the others obtained in the wilderness yesterday.

Give Lin Nan a feeling, the output in the wilderness of the previous day.

To be well ahead of the output on the road the next day!

"It seems that we should pay more attention to today's wild warrior challenge!"

"While there is still some time before the start, hurry up and replenish your energy"

"Then, take a break and recharge your batteries!"

After parking the car, Lin Nan returned to the back of the car.

Soon, there was an unexpected good news.

"Hey, you guys are really good at it!"

"It's only been one morning's work, and I have laid three more eggs!"

This is a big surprise!

As for whether the frequency of laying eggs is normal or not, Lin Nan doesn't care.

A hen that can lay eggs is a good hen.

Lin Nan was not in the mood to pay attention.

To exist is to be reasonable.

"So, at the moment, I have some flour, 8 eggs..."

"And 3 small fragrant pork chops, a green onion, and how many packets of biscuits?"

"So, what's for lunch today?"

It was too late for breakfast, so Lin Nan made a fool of himself.

Lunch is a big meal.

Lin Nan thought of Luo Shuhe subconsciously, opened a private chat uncontrollably, and thought to himself at the same time.

"Cough, I'm not looking for Luo Shuhe for delicious food!"

"Just for the sake of being full, to be able to better participate in the afternoon brave challenge!"

"Right, that is it!"

Lin Nan worries about what to eat for lunch.

On the other hand, the two sisters Luo Shuhe and Luo Yuhe were also worried.

Looking at the only food that came out this morning, it was a large handful of leeks.

Then, there is only a piece of small fragrant pork left over from yesterday.

Looking at the only food, the two sisters looked at each other, overwhelmed.

This scene not only appeared in them, but also in front of all players.

We did open a lot of treasure chests today.

However, food is so scarce!

"Sister, is it possible that we have roasted leek wrapped meat for lunch today?"

The barbecue grill that Lin Nan gave yesterday, Lin Nan disliked the space and did not take it back.

To be able to use it again.

As soon as these words came out, the two sisters fell silent, their faces full of reluctance.

Grilled meat with leeks, what a devilish pairing!

However, who let them eat this in their hands.

If not lucky in the morning, open a large bottle of water.

Their current conditions must be even more miserable!

"Yuhe, we only have these things, it's really not good, we can only use this to satisfy our hunger!"

"After all, we are now in a survival world!"

"Compared to most players, our conditions are already very good, at least there are meat and... vegetables, aren't they!"

The truth is this, but Luo Yuhe just ate a sumptuous barbecue yesterday.

I will eat leek wrapped meat at noon today. …

There is a feeling of heaven and earth!

Even, Luo Yuhe still misses the barbecue leftovers in the morning!

You know, although she can't cook, her father is a chef and her mother is a chef.

My grandparents are chefs, and my sister is also a chef.

The youngest, she has never eaten excess food!

"Sister, why don't...why, look for Brother Lin~"

"For the sake of my sister's beauty, he will definitely give us something to eat~"

"It really doesn't work, just feel sorry for my sister. I think Brother Lin's avatar is so handsome, and my sister won't suffer!"

"You're just looking for a fight! Are you itchy? In the world of survival, food is extremely precious! Even if Brother Lin gave it to us, we would starve to death, and we wouldn't want it if we died of thirst!"

"If we want to eat, we have to exchange for the equivalent!"

Facing her sister's reprimand, Luo Yuhe nodded again and again.

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

Seeing her sister's extremely perfunctory appearance, Luo Shuhe's forehead only jumped with blue veins.

However, at this time,

Luo Shuhe was stunned for a moment, and a trace of joy quickly appeared on his face.

She got a message from Lin Nan.

"Well, can you cook me another meal at noon today, picture (licking lips)!"

"More, as a reward!"

"Or, I offer an anti-inflammatory tablet!"

After speaking, Lin Nan handed out the ingredients on hand.

A bag of 5 pounds of flour, 8 eggs, a green onion, and three pieces of small fragrant pork.

Flour, eggs are obtained today.

The green onions and the small fragrant pork are leftovers from yesterday.

This is what Lin Nan has on hand.

As for the remuneration, an anti-inflammatory tablet is already very high.

Especially the game system prompts, after the brave challenge is opened again.

Anti-inflammatory tablets have strong purchasing power in regional transactions!

However, he thought that Luo Shuhe possessed a divine outfit such as the [Multi-Functional Anti-Stab Suit].

Lin Nan was also worried that Luo Shuhe would not appreciate this material.

As for Lin Nan dare to show all the food in his hand.

First, it was out of trust in Luo Shuhe.

Second, Lin Nan guessed that survival games limit the output of road food, and there should be no reduction in the wilderness.

With the system in hand and equipment upgrades, Lin Nan will definitely gain more in this afternoon's Brave Challenge.

Even if the guess is wrong, Lin Nan is not afraid.

after all....

Lin Nan glanced at the four old hens shivering in the corner of the carriage!

Looking at Lin Nan, who was supposed to be the domineering Party A with a lot of supplies.

However, because of his greed, his body exudes the breath of pure Party B.

Luo Shuhe smiled.

However, Luo Shuhe smiled fiercely.

In Luo Yuhe's eyes, it seemed extremely strange.

"Sister... Could it be... Are you angry?"

"Stare for a while, smile for a while~"

"No, I understand, it must be Brother Lin looking for you!"

"Sister, you also said that he is not my brother-in-law!!"

"I don't believe there is purity between the two of you!"

When Luo Shuhe replied to Lin Nan, he gave his sister a blank look.

Forget it, don't bother with this stupid girl.

If it wasn't for Brother Lin who was conquered by our cooking skills!

Eat leeks with pork at noon today!

Without looking at the silly sister, Luo Shuhe looked at the items provided by Lin Nan,

Soon, what to eat for lunch today,

Got an idea....

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