National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

313. Play Music Next, Hu Jingjing's Hidden Talent

Wang Daheng immediately looked at Hao Haoren,

Facing Hao Haoren's secretive eyes, he turned his head bored.

A person who yells heresy every day does not look like a person who is easy to fool.

Then, Daheng Wang looked at the only woman among them.

Chen Xiaoniu.

Of course, only gender is female.

Wheel strength..

Chen Xiaoniu topped the three of them.

Wang Daheng subconsciously straightened his big belly, wanting to compete with him in depth.

However, Wang Daheng quickly gave up.

He is really fat, and Chen Xiaoniu is really strong!

Daheng Wang consciously closed his mouth.

One with a long brain, one with an abnormal brain, and one with full limbs.

It's not easy to mess with.

But just wait

The four became more silent.

Chen Xiaoniu sighed.

"Forget it, let me ask Captain Lin!"

After Chen Xiaoniu finished speaking, she glanced at them angrily.

"You wait here, before I come back, you must guard the city wall!"

In the next second, the bitterness on Wang Daheng's face disappeared instantly, the deepness in Hao Haoren's eyes also disappeared, and Bing Xiaosun looked at Chen Xiaoniu expectantly.

Sure enough, he is still a man of tricks!

Chen Xiaoniu was even more speechless.

Cursing secretly in my heart, I'm really a sixth child!

In fact, Daheng Wang and the three of them wanted to report to Lin Nan, but they were a little afraid of disturbing Lin Nan, so they didn't dare.

In their opinion, Chen Xiaoniu is the most suitable one!

Because, Chen Xiaoniu is also a great woman. 25 natural sex advantages.

Moreover, the matters in charge of the First Army are closely related to Lin Nan.

Naturally, people close to Lin Nan!

Finally, and most critically.

Chen Xiaoniu has someone in the lady group!

Whether it's Chen Xiaoniu's relationship with Luo Shuhe or Luo Yuhe, it's obvious to all!

These three reasons made the other three subconsciously focus on Chen Xiaoniu.

Even Wang Xiaosun, who has always been stunned, has become more mellow and has a way of doing things.

Not long after, Chen Xiaoniu left the city wall, and her back quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

The three men spanning teenagers, youths, and middle-aged, looked back and smiled at each other.

Chen Xiaoniu only thought they were dogs, not knowing that everything was actually a plot.

Obviously, they just did it on purpose.

It's not that they have other ideas, or want to do something.

It's just the bad taste of the three men.

Or rather, man's joy!

Chen Xiaoniu knew that these three people were dogs, but she didn't expect them to be real dogs.

When she came to the gate of Yulan Palace, looking at the towering and majestic city wall in front of her, her heart beat faster.

Whether it's her or Wang Xiaosun, they never thought of using the game panel to directly contact Lin Nan.

Because, Lin Nan is in the ancient city of Yulan, very close.

They subconsciously thought that it would be rude and rude to contact Lin Nan directly with the game panel.

It was the same with them before.

For example, this morning, after all the Glory convoy was teleported to the [Map of Loulan Ruins], all of them waited in front of Lin Nan's car instead of telling Lin Nan with the game panel that they were here.

This is not because they think too much on purpose, nor is it Lin Nan's special request, but a kind of respect from the heart.

The closer they are to Lin Nan, the more they respect Lin Yu than the players of the Glory team.

Everything they have now is all given by Lin Nan.

Naturally, they began to think of Lin Nan all the time.

When Lin Nan didn't order, they never took the initiative to disturb.

If something really happened, they didn't contact Lin Nan immediately, but communicated with Luo Shuhe and the others first, so as not to disturb Lin Nan!

Unless it's an extremely urgent matter!

Therefore, it was the first time for Chen Xiaoniu to voluntarily report her meeting with Lin Nan.

Because, the team seldom gathers together, and there are even very few group chat meetings directly hosted by Lin Nan.

In absolutely most cases, it was Luo Shuhe and the others who relayed what Lin Nan meant.

This made Chen Xiaoniu, who was already nervous, even more nervous.

Magnolia Imperial City,

Under the fish pond and garden outside the imperial dining room,

Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe are sitting here admiring the flowers and watching the fish.

On the table in the courtyard, there is a whole table of delicacies, melons and fruits.

The facilities in the Magnolia Palace are very complete, and the amount and variety of food stored are unimaginable.

After Luo Shuhe's skillful hands, it didn't take long before it became a table of supreme delicacies.

Lin Nan also really enjoyed the feeling of being an "emperor".

Gourmet food, immortal brew, beautiful woman.

Lin Nan still accidentally discovered today that Hu Jingjing is good at folk dance.

In other words, she already has the identity of a minority, and her dancing posture is full of exotic customs.

For a while, Lin Yu couldn't think of Shu.

Today is undoubtedly the happiest day since he entered Survival.

It is also the most comfortable time he has lived in all the disasters since he entered the survival game!

'From this point of view, the Glory team is still very useful!'

Luckily I never left it completely alone!

‘Facts have also proved that the Lone Ranger really can’t do it! ”

Lin Nan took a sip of light wine, waved his hand, and said with great interest.

"Go on the music, go on the dance!"

Looking at Lin Nan who looked like a faint king, Luo Yuhe who was feeding him grapes in Lin Nan's arms couldn't stop giggling.

There is nothing wrong with dancing, Hu Jingjing danced very well.

Coupled with the blessing of Hu Jingjing's tail behind her, even Luo Yuhe felt that her soul was taken away by Hu Jingjing.

However, this musical instrument.

Luo Shuhe on the side couldn't laugh or cry, raised his hand and pressed the button of the stereo in his hand.

Hmm, hit it off!

Technology and hard work!

However, none of this can stop Lin Nan from being happy.

‘If only the survival game would end sooner, I would be able to live a life like this every day!

Lin Nan was half drunk and half awake.

Since entering the survival game, Lin Nan has been extremely cautious.

As time goes by, I dare not relax even more.

Because, he has personally experienced what it means to be ten steps ahead!

I'm afraid that one day he will be one step slower!

During this time, he rarely relaxes.

In other words, his daily rest time is only a handful.

However, today is different.

The event will be completed by the Glory team [training and Yu Bandanzhou's 'Fate Buff'.

What a godsend day off!

Coupled with the three beauties around him, Lin Nan feels like he is really an emperor wearing an imperial robe.

Still the kind of emperor who didn't go to the early dynasty.

The three women are also very happy, not only they have not rested for a long time.

What's more, they saw the smile on Lin Nan's face.

Especially Hu Jingjing, who met Lin Nan relatively late, she seldom sees the smile on Lin Nan's face.

In most cases, Lin Nan is sensible, deep, and strategizing.

He rarely expresses his inner thoughts.

The few smiles are all faint, more like polite smiles, with intentional restraint.

But today Lin Nan is really happy, laughing heartily, the smile on his face has never been broken.

Even, I often joked with them, which was a little frivolous.

However, it is Lin Nan like this that makes them feel that this is the state that Lin Nan should have.

This is the reaction that a normal 18-year-old boy should have.

At the same time, it also made them realize the pressure in Lin Nan's heart that has never been revealed.

Therefore, today they are especially accommodating to Lin Nan.

Of course, they have fun too!

I don't know how long it has been like this.

Until Luo Shuhe froze for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Nan.

"Brother Lin, Xiaoniu Chen has come outside the palace and said she has something to report to you!"

Fortunately, Chen Xiaoniu was looking for Luo Shuhe. If she was looking for Luo Yuhe, the news would most likely be lost.

Luo Yuhe was sitting in Lin Nan's arms, having fun with Lin Nan.

It doesn't look like he's worried at all.

It is also possible that Chen Xiaoniu knew Luo Yuhe too well, so she went to Luo Shuhe directly.

Lin Nan was taken aback when he heard the words, "Already at the gate of the palace? Come in directly! What else are you reporting? I don't know, I thought I was really the emperor!"

"Shuhe, you can talk to them later, if you have something to do in the future, just talk about it!"

Hearing this, Luo Shuhe gave Lin Nan a blank look.


Do you still know that you are not the emperor now?

Didn't you just say 'Keep playing, keep dancing? And let me pour you wine?

I think you look like an emperor!


Luo Shuhe didn't say that, but explained patiently.

"They notify you because they respect you, not because they don't seek you directly!"

"Besides, look at the current situation. They really came in directly to find you. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Lin Nan heard the words, the smile on his face gradually subsided, and he lowered his head to look around.

His and Luo Yuhe's clothes were slightly disheveled.

Luo Yuhe's neckline was wide open, just now Lin Nan stretched out his hand


Moreover, there are still many lip marks left by Luo Yuhe on his face.

Hu Jingjing, who was in front of her, jumped and danced, and the dance fouled.

There are only the last few pieces of clothes left on her body, and a layer of light tulle...

Needless to say, Hu Jingjing's talent in this area has been fully utilized.

at this time,

Only Luo Shuhe around is dignified, like a normal person!

Lin Nan couldn't help but coughed twice more.

"Well, Shuhe, let's not talk about them later, I think they did the right thing!"

Luo Shuhe gave Lin Nan another look.

"I didn't say you were wrong, just clean up quickly, I told Chen Xiaoniu to wait a few minutes before coming in!"

Luo Shuhe had a headache as she spoke, but fortunately Chen Xiaoniu is here now, otherwise if this continues, maybe the few people in front of her will have sex during the day!

Especially Lin Nan's reaction today, she couldn't help but think.

Could it be... Lin Ge is usually suffocated?

Otherwise how to jump out, so...



There was a flutter of chickens and dogs jumping in the courtyard.

When Chen Xiaoniu arrived, Lin Nan and the others sat quietly with smiles on their faces.

Ren Chen Xiaoniu can't think of it,

what just happened here.....

you never know,

Does the serious leader in your eyes spend more time playing behind the scenes than you!

Ask for flowers!.

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