National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

315. Prepare To Make A Move, The Relationship Will Go Further (2/3 Beg For A Full Order!)

After the players of the Glory team entered the palace, they were immediately attracted by the magnificent palace in front of them.

Just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, looking east and west, lingering and forgetting to return.

This is the first time in their lives that they have seen such a luxurious scene.

Of course, what shocked them the most was the 'Imperial Buff' exclusive to the Yulan Palace.

After finding the foothold, they all took out the attribute fruits stored in their hands.

Get ready to take advantage of today's opportunity to take a good photo of wave force!

However, most of the attribute fruits in their hands are ordinary attribute fruits.

Rare attribute fruit, they can't afford it.

In the Glory team's contribution point mall, the value of a rare attribute fruit is equivalent to 500 ordinary attribute fruits.

As far as this is concerned, there is still a price but no market, and the exchange is limited.

Players other than the Glory team have never even seen rare attribute fruits!

However, a rare attribute fruit can only add 5 attribute points.

And 500 ordinary attribute fruits can increase the attribute by 500 points!

In their opinion, ordinary attribute fruits are more cost-effective!

Moreover, rare attribute fruits are too expensive.

Even in the glory team, there are not many players who can exchange for rare attribute fruits.

Chen Xiaoniu and her team leaders arranged the convoy, and found a courtyard to sit down.

Sitting together, looking at the surrounding scene sighed.

"I have saved 007 contribution points for a long time, and it looks like it will be cleared today!"

"Yes, this rare attribute fruit is good everywhere, but it is too expensive!"

"Expensive is not its problem, but our problem!"

In the eyes of Chen Xiaoniu and the others, rare attribute fruits are countless times more precious than ordinary attribute fruits.

Because, no matter how many attributes in the future, it is not as useful as a little attribute now.

In survival games, timing is more important than anything else.

Not long after,

Smoke rises from the palace.

It's real cooking smoke.

There are tens of thousands of players in the Glory team, and the stove in the palace is not enough.

Chen Xiaoniu and the others simply asked the players to dismantle the Yulan Palace.

Using precious and rare wood, fires were built one by one, and groups of three or four gathered together to eat barbecue.

Not to mention, the precious wood smells good when poured!

Not long after, the smell of food wafted through the entire Magnolia Palace.

However, the Magnolia Palace did not become noisy as expected.

Lin Nan didn't even hear a little movement.

a whole day,

The ancient city of Yulan was immersed in singing and dancing.

at the same time,

The other nine ancient cities were in full swing.

The spokespersons were fighting among each other, getting really angry.

From the beginning, I fought him in league with you.

In the next second, I will fight you in alliance with him!

Then change to, he and you allied to beat me!

The whole (cfcj) [Loulan Ruins] made a mess!

Until later, the players didn't even recognize people, as long as they weren't from a large area, they would fight anyone they saw.

Blood quietly stained 9 ancient cities red.

The ancient city kept changing hands over time, sometimes even changing hands more than once in a second.

At the end of the day, the beep sounded continuously.

Lin Nan blocked the reminder about the ancient city in the survival game early in the morning.

If he doesn't block it, he won't be able to calm down all day today.

The players of the Glory team almost all blocked the system prompts.

Then, enjoy your day to the fullest.

At first, Chen Xiaoniu and the others were a little uncomfortable,

After a long time, they finally relaxed and played.

In a trance, they even had a feeling of returning to Blue Star.

But, gradually, they didn't feel right.

It's too quiet today.

This silence is not the silence in the physical sense, but the silence in which nothing happens.

Could it be that today is really a day of rest in the palace?

"It's already very late, and the event will end in more than an hour. Shouldn't we do something next?"

Resting is fun, but now is obviously not the time to rest.

"Chen Xiaoniu, why don't you go to Captain Lin again, it's not a solution for us to keep doing this!"

"Yeah, the spokespersons have been fighting for a whole day, and I feel it's our turn to make a move. If we work hard, we can take down 3 or 4 ancient cities at least!"

Wang Xiaosun and the others spoke passionately.

Chen Xiaoniu was in a dilemma when she heard the words.

What Lin Nan said in the morning is very clear, let her lead the convoy to have a good rest today, and don’t have to worry about other things, not even taking turns to defend the city wall!.

Moreover, she has already named with Lin Nan the possible benefits of "occupying the ancient city".

If I went to Lin Nan to reiterate this matter, wouldn't it be easy for Lin Nan to misunderstand?


Things were indeed as Wang Xiaosun and the others said.

If they don't seize the tail of time now and occupy a few more ancient cities, it really doesn't make sense.

It's obviously something that comes at hand, it's too much to go without doing it.

Chen Xiaoniu took a deep breath, and glanced at Wang Xiaosun and the three of them.

"I'm looking for Captain Lin this time, you guys go with me!"

Chen Xiaoniu wanted to share a little pressure with them.

She went to find Lin Nan alone, and couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

"Together?" The three were taken aback and looked at each other.

Finally, after realizing that Chen Xiaoniu's eyes were full of seriousness, the three of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shook their heads helplessly and accepted their fate.

"Okay, let's go together, so that even if Captain Lin is unhappy, we can share a little with each other!"

"Now that we have decided, let's hurry up and find Captain Lin. The opportunity is rare, and it would be bad if we missed it!"

The four quickly reached a consensus.

However, they did not set off right away.

Instead, let Chen Xiaoniu contact Luo Shuhe first.

After getting a reply, they got up and walked towards the garden together.

at the same time,

in the garden,

Lin Nan looked at Luo Shuhe with a smile, "It seems they can't help it!"

Luo Shuhe gave Lin Nan a blank look, "Chen Xiaoniu and the others are also thinking about you, and they speak as if they want to do something!"

Lin Nan didn't refute, and looked up at the sky.

"It's almost time to calculate, when Chen Xiaoniu and the others come over, everything should be over!!"

Happy time is always short.

Now is also the time for the 'Strongest Team Contest' to come to an end.

‘I really hope that survival games can have more activities like this!

Lin Nan is really happy today.

Not only that, but his relationship with the three women has also improved to a higher level.

Lin Nan had a feeling in his heart that he was not far away from taking down the Luo Shuhe sisters!

not for a while.

Chen Xiaoniu and the others came in.

Before they had time to explain their purpose, Lin Nan spoke first.

"I know what you think about this time! It just so happens that I am also preparing to attack the remaining 9 ancient cities!"

When the four of them heard the action, there was a touch of excitement on their faces.

Gear up and get ready to work.


After they heard the 9 ancient cities behind Lin Nan, the four of them were stunned.

With the strength of the Glory team, it is not a big problem to win 9 ancient cities.

But winning and keeping it are two completely different things.

Especially take down all the ancient cities!

Wouldn't it be easy to force all players to join the alliance again?

In that case, the number of players in the Glory team is really not enough to guard 10 ancient cities.

Wang Xiaosun and the others exchanged wild eye contact, and finally they all focused on Chen Xiaoniu.

The three of them kept winking, making Chen Xiaoniu cry.

Chen Xiaoniu is very innocent, but she is also puzzled.

"Captain Lin, take down all the ancient cities at the same time, isn't it... a bit stressful?"

"I feel that our Glory team can't hold on!"

After Chen Xiaoniu finished speaking, her face turned red.

What she said just now seemed to be impossible for them.

Some embarrassment!

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan nodded in agreement.

"The Glory team really can't do it!"

"But... I didn't intend to use the Glory team to attack the city this time!"

Lin Nan's voice fell,

A big question mark rose on the heads of the four of Chen Xiaoniu...

Take a break today.

Wait for another update. .

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