National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

320. Teleportation Center, Gray Room (1/2 Full Order!)

step into the gate of light,

Lin Nan instantly appeared in an empty room.

Stabilizing his figure, Lin Nan raised his head and looked around curiously.

The entire room is extremely spacious, with a height of hundreds of meters.

As far as the eye can see, the walls are dull gray.

The only difference in the entire room is the light door behind Lin Nan.

The bright white halo flickered slightly, out of tune with everything around it, as if a piece popped out of nowhere.

At the end of the room, there is a bright light leading to other places.

Luo Yuhe and Youdora also followed Lin Nan, looking up and looking around curiously.

Just when Lin Nan withdrew his gaze and was about to go to the passage to find out.

Suddenly, there was a snap.

The light door behind Lin Nan closed quickly.

Lin Nan heard the voice, turned around quickly, and his heart tightened instantly after seeing this scene.

In the past, it didn't matter whether it was a god-level training room, a super small space, or an attribute training room.

After Lin Nan entered it, the light gates behind him would not be closed.

Only the light gate of the convoy headquarters in front of him is different.

However, just when Lin Nan thought about how to go back, the light gate that disappeared behind him reappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, it returned to its original appearance.

The white light danced slightly, and it was possible to clearly see the other end of the light gate.

Witnessing the miraculous scene in front of him, Lin Nan seemed to understand something.

"Here, the light gate doesn't exist all the time! It's only after there is a need to leave and return, does it appear when you go out?"

Thinking about it, a reminder appeared in Lin Nan's ear.

[Ding! Players can freely authorize the team's portal settings. After the team player is authorized, they can freely enter and exit the headquarters space!】

The beep ended, and a glowing light curtain appeared in front of Lin Nan.

The names of the players of the Glory team are marked line by line on the top.

On the top is his name, Lin Nan, Captain of Glory Team.

Down there are Chen Xiaoniu, Wang Xiaosun, Wang Daheng and four others!

Behind the name, there is a sliding button to confirm whether to authorize.

It is not difficult to see that this authorization can not only be given, but also withdrawn at any time!

Lin Nan also found that not all the names of the Glory team players were on it.

For example, Luo Shuhe and Luo Yuhe are not on the list of this light curtain.

'Is the authority to authorize the name authorized in units of vehicles?'

Luo Shuhe and the others share the same car with me, so it's enough to be just one car owner?"

Unlike previous small spaces,

The rules of this space did not appear directly in Lin Nan's mind.

Instead, it is like a novice tutorial, teaching Lin Nan step by step how to use this place.

This novel mode made Lin Nan even more curious about the space in front of him!

Just try it out, I remember there were three other people besides Chen Xiaoniu in the car!

Lin Nan was thinking, and with his mind, he slid the button behind Chen Xiaoniu's name.

next second,

Inside a heavily armed third-level armored vehicle, a girl with strong muscles and a sense of security suddenly froze for a moment.

A reminder sounded in her ear suddenly.

[Ding! Glory team captain Lin Nan, authorizes your team headquarters authority, please confirm the location of the portal immediately!]

The moment the notification sound appeared, Chen Xiaoniu noticed that there was a phantom of a light door in her eyes, and asked her to place it in a position in the carriage.

There is also a countdown on it, 10 seconds.

Before she could figure out what happened, Lin Nan's private message followed.

"Chen Xiaoniu, hurry up and agree, and then take the members in your car and enter the light gate together!"

After Lin Nan sent the message, she waited patiently in the gray space.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Nan checked himself for any changes.

Soon, Lin Nan was sure that he had entered this place in the form of his real body.

It's not a phantom, or a concept in the mind.


changes in the gray space,

In the room, a place completely different from Lin Nan's light door suddenly lit up with a faint light.

Then, in Lin Nan's eyes, this ray of light quickly grew larger, and soon formed a brand new light gate.

At the other end of the Guangmen connection is a bewildered Chen Xiaoniu.

Behind her, there are three girls who are equally confused.

The eyes of the four were all dazed, until they saw Lin Nan's eyes gradually regaining their brilliance.

Witnessing this scene, Lin Nan confirmed the guess in his heart.

The portal is based on the vehicle, and players on a vehicle can use the light gate that authorizes this vehicle.

For (cfcg) hereby,

Lin Nan preliminarily determined a function of the convoy headquarters.

After opening the portal, all the players in the convoy can be gathered in the convoy headquarters through the portal.

‘In this way, no matter what event we encounter in the future, as long as the team needs to hold a meeting, I’ll just come here directly!

"Fleet headquarters, let the convoy realize the freedom of meeting!"

Lin likes this feature very much.

Discussing with the chat system of the game panel, he always felt that something was close, and it would be better to meet offline.

Chen Xiaoniu came back to her senses and walked up to Lin Nan in surprise.

"Captain Lin, is this the reward for the event? What a magical place!"

Chen Xiaoniu said from her heart.

It's also amazing to be able to enter other spaces in one step!

It's like the super small space in Lin Nan's car.

No, not the same.

The super small space is an independent hidden space connected to the vehicle.

And this space can link different vehicles to realize the possibility of long-distance meeting!

"This is the fleet headquarters space, it's really amazing!" Lin Nan agreed.

However, Lin Nan's eyes were mainly focused on Guangmen who was about to disappear behind Chen Xiaoniu,

If behind this light door is connected to Chen Xiaoniu's car, then if I walk in, will I enter Chen Xiaoniu's car!

‘If this is feasible, can I use this space to enter any car of the players in the team at any time?

This idea came to Lin Nan's mind, and he couldn't wait to try it.

"Chen Xiaoniu, open the door of light you came from!"

When Chen Xiaoniu heard the words and was about to ask how to do it, the closed door that had disappeared reappeared.

Before she could figure out what to do and how to do it, she did it inexplicably.

Lin Nan was not surprised. He had already tried it just now. As long as the thought about this door arises in his mind, the portal will reappear.

Lin Nan strode towards Chen Xiaoniu's light door.

In the blink of an eye, Lin came to the front of this light gate.

However, in the next second, Lin Nan was stunned.

He found that his body went directly through the light gate.

It's like the light door in front of you is just a light, without any actual touch.

Lin Nan was a little helpless, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. If the fleet headquarters can allow players to freely circulate, it will not be called the fleet headquarters, but the fleet transfer station!"

However, Lin Nan was not as depressed as imagined.

The ability to seemingly be able to enter the convoy player's car at will is magical, but it doesn't do much for him.

Knowing this, Lin Nan no longer entangled with the matter of Guangmen.

He raised his eyes and looked at the magical gray space in front of him again.

'This place can teleport players from the entire convoy, let's call it the teleportation center!'

Lin Nan seemed to vaguely see the picture of the convoy headquarters fully operating.

At that time, this gray space will become extremely prosperous.

Every day, countless light gates light up and disappear,

A large number of players of the Glory team came in and out from here.

Understanding the function of this space, Lin Nan turned his head and looked towards the end of the passage.

Curious what else is deep in the convoy command space..

Ask for flowers, ask for flowers!!!.

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