National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

322. The Capitalist’S Abacus Has Been Broken, Glory To Heroes (Please Order All!!!)

Looking at the information on the game panel,

Lin Nan thought quickly.

God-level training room, strength training room, physical training room, etc., these can be shared in the land of glory!’

At the same time, Lin Nan also understood what the 50% efficiency meant.

For example, the God-level training room, after Lin Nan shared the God-level training room with the Glory Land, the God-level training room in the Glory Land has only 50% effect of the God-level training room in Lin Nan's car.

However, the energy consumed per hour has not decreased but increased, and it has increased to 200%.

The only advantage is that there is no need to build.

Plus.....unlimited quantities!

As long as it does not exceed the upper limit of the Glory Land, you can open as many god-level training rooms as you want!

In other words, Lin Nan shared the "God-level training room" behind the Glory Land.

Every time a player in the glory team goes to the land of glory to use the god-level training room, ten portals with 50% of the efficiency of the god-level training room will appear in the land of glory.

Players only need to pay 200% of the consumed energy to enter and enjoy the god-level training room with 50% efficiency.

The upper limit of the Glory Land is 100,000 portals at the same time.

In other words, as long as no more than 100,000 players use it at the same time, there is no problem.

Now, the Glory team has only 10,000 to 20,000 players, even if all the players of the Glory team are located in the Glory land, they will not exceed the standard.

Not to mention.…………

Not all players can use the 'Land of Glory'.

Realizing this, Lin Nan quickly looked at a light gate he had just placed.

'Loulan Royal Training Ground

There is also a small logo on the back, showing that it can be placed in the Land of Glory.

Surprised by Lin Nan's surprise, he directly operated and shared all the training rooms he could share in the Land of Glory. "Six Zero Seven" then,

A dark green stone tablet slowly rises from the center of the Land of Glory.

Lin Nan was not far from this stele, and after walking two steps, he came to the front of this stele.

Looking down, there are clear words engraved on the stone tablet.

【Land of Glory】

[Currently, there are 6 shared training rooms available for selection. 】

【Strength training room (holder Lin Nan), physical training room (holder Lin Nan), agility training room (holder Lin Nan), spiritual training room (holder Lin Nan), god-level training room ( Holder Lin Nan), Loulan Royal Training Ground (holder Lin Nan)]

After each training room, there is a corresponding energy requirement.

Among them, the training rooms with the four attributes of strength training room and physical training room are the cheapest.

The god-level training room is next.

Loulan Royal Training Room is the most expensive!

However, even the cheapest four-attribute training room is still unaffordable for players at this stage.

An hour of training can give them a good meal!

The small energy battery consumed by training for a day can make them have no worries about food and drink in a disaster.

Not to mention that the players in the 0303 area can't afford it, even the players in the glory team have only a small number of players who can afford it!

Lin Nan rubbed his chin, thinking slowly.

"According to the current situation, this place of glory is almost useless!"

"Even Xiaoniu Chen and the others cannot guarantee to fully use this place of glory!"

"In this case, the strength of this place will not be able to be displayed!"

Although Lin Nan still has one room left in the team headquarters, he has a vague feeling that this place of glory is the ten most precious places in the team headquarters.

If you can't make use of it, it is tantamount to reckless waste.

‘Actually, it’s not a problem for me to use a small energy battery to open the Land of Glory!’

‘Even if you can bear the use of the entire Glory team, there is no pressure. "

The divine object Dragon Vein Minerals produces 10 million units of energy ores per day, converted into small energy batteries, that is 1 million units.

The glory team has less than 20,000 players.

According to the calculation of 10 units of small energy batteries per person per day, the total consumption is only 200,000 units.

Lin Nan can easily get these 200,000 units of small energy batteries by reducing some of the small energy batteries sold in the 0303 area.

And this plan to reduce sales, Lin Nan had it at the beginning of the competition for the strongest team.

0303 What the Regional Spokesperson Alliance has done against him is the best excuse.

Do you think that I cannot clearly detect your identities, that I will not punish you if the law does not punish the public? You are too naive to think!"

‘If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price!’

However, reducing the sales of small energy batteries does not mean that Lin Nan's income will decrease.

On the contrary, after Lin Nan reduced sales, the total income did not decrease but increased.

Because, Lin Nan plans to learn from Lao Huang this time.

First-hand price increase, limit!

'With energy weapons, the current energy batteries are irreplaceable!!

'If players want to defeat the monsters on the empty island, they must use small energy batteries!

In this way, a batch of small energy batteries can be vacated for use by the Glory team.

And the strength of the players of the Glory team has improved, and Lin Nan's strength has also been improved in a disguised form.


Giving directly to players is not Lin Nan's usual style.

Good for no reason, only to be taken for granted.

If the players in the team think that the conditions are bad in the future, will they still think that Lin Nan will be given less?

‘It’s definitely not good to directly give contribution points, let them feel the hard-won!’

At this stage, players of the national team can get certain contribution points every day.

This point can be understood as the capital salary of the team player.

Complete all the tasks assigned by the team, and the team will distribute benefits!

For example, the first team is responsible for the operation of materials, statistical contributions, and management of the team's reward and punishment mechanism.

The standard energy fleet completes energy ore refining into small energy batteries and so on.

Each team has its own mission.

At first, Lin Nan thought of directly raising the 'basic salary!

However, Lin Nan quickly dismissed this idea.

Direct salary increase, easy to increase...not good to decrease.

What if there is an energy crisis in the future?

Energy ore is enough at this stage, but it does not mean that it will always be enough in the future.

The salary increase this time is because Lin Nan has enough energy ores at this stage, and he hopes to make full use of the "Glory Land".

In this way, the strength of the team players has been improved, so they can better serve the team?

Lin Nan always thinks from the long-term perspective of the team, rather than from the perspective of team players.


Lin Nan quickly thought of the word 'performance'.

My eyes can't help but shine, and I have an idea.

‘It’s not enough to directly increase the basic salary, so think of a name and pay a performance salary! ”

'And the amount of this performance salary is exactly between the consumption standards of the Land of Glory!!'

Lin Nan rubbed his chin, thinking silently.

Luo Yuhe and the others waited aside without interruption.

'emmm, direct performance is not enough, it must be divided into stages!

'For those who practice hard, the performance will be higher, and those who don't practice hard, the performance will be lower, and an incentive will be added!'

Lin Nan doesn't want the "performance" he gave out to be used by players to enjoy life.

This is contrary to his original intention.

As for why Lin Nan took a lot of trouble to go around, instead of directly freeing the Land of Glory.

Or, directly reward small energy batteries, forcing players to make full use of the Glory Land!

the reason is simple.

No one appreciates free.

In addition, passive is not as good as active.

Take the initiative to have higher efficiency!

In fact, it is very simple to understand.

In other words,

What Lin Nan is doing now is to 'Let migrant workers take the initiative to work and love their work!'

The current basic contribution point is like the ‘basic salary’ of a worker

It can meet the basic daily use of team players.

But, definitely not enough to enjoy a better life!

The contribution point of this reward is the same as the "performance salary" of the workers, and hard work will result in reward performance.

To achieve higher performance, you need to work harder!

This is the logic of performance contribution points.

The initiative is to create better material conditions.

Such as houses, cars, and luxury goods, thereby stimulating consumption.

The material is so rich, there are so many good things, there must be something that can get your heart!

In this way, you will take the initiative to work overtime, take the initiative to work, and take the initiative to work hard!

Want to get more so buy better substances and work harder!

Eventually a closed loop is formed.

'Now, it's time to find a way to determine 'performance'!

How about holding a 'Sword Skill Competition'?

"Participation will give you a prize? Within a week, what reward will the one with the most proficiency in swordsmanship get?"

'Or, come to a duel within the Glory team? The winner will get a prize?'

In Lin Nan's mind, there are many ways to release 'performance' in an instant.

But without exception, these ideas are all associated with 'force' and 'strength'.

'In this way, the players have worked so hard, and the rewards they get will definitely not be easily enjoyed! Most of them will put the rewards they have gained into a new round of training again!

‘Even, in order to achieve better results in the future, they will take the initiative to reduce the consumption of their ‘life’ and invest more in improving their strength!

Lin Nan inexplicably felt that this state was somewhat familiar,

'Isn't this the birthplace of Jumbo?"

‘Besides, why is my thinking more and more like education?’

Lin Nan realized it later, and suddenly a big worry rose in his heart...

‘No wonder everyone said education was a business before time travel!

‘No wonder I can come up with such a ‘life’ idea, it turned out to be ‘learn from history!’’

At this moment, Lin Nan understood even more why it was necessary to crack down on cram schools after crossing the previous country.

'However, this is indeed the best way at this stage!'

'Besides, I am also thinking of the players of the Glory team!

‘As your strength increases, won’t your chances of surviving be higher?

'They represent families!

'I am, I am, I am!

Lin Nan temporarily put away the thoughts in her heart, and looked up at Luo Yuhe and the others.

"Come on, let's go to the last room!"

Luo Yuhe and the others originally wanted to try the training room on the stele to see the magic of the Land of Glory.

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't have this idea, he could only temporarily suppress this idea.

Anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, so this Kai is not bad

A group of people quickly came to the last room.

open the door,

A huge dome meeting room appeared in the eyes of everyone.

In the center is a semi-circular mahogany table.

A main seat in the middle, facing the whole venue

On both sides of the red table, there are 10 chairs on the left and the right.

Outside the red table is a circle of seats.

Like a semi-arc, the entire dome meeting room is filled.

“Beautiful and bright place!”

"There are so many chairs, I have it!"

“The chairs are all leather!”

There was also a hint of surprise in Lin Nan's eyes.

This should be the place where the team meets!"

In an instant, Lin Yu had a clear understanding of the entire convoy headquarters.

The teleportation center is where the convoy players gather here.

The fleet warehouse makes fleet management more scientific and simple.

The Land of Glory is a special place for the team to integrate their forces and improve rapidly, representing the force of the team.

And the last dome meeting room is the place where the team discusses and unifies the direction.

'It is worthy of being an orange construction blueprint, the reward quality of this event is beyond expectations!

Lin Nan even gave up the idea of ​​going to the "Loulan Royal Training Ground" to find out.

Turn around and look at Chen Xiaoniu.

"Chen Xiaoniu, after you go back now, call Wang Xiaosun, Hao Haoren, and Wang Daheng. In half an hour, I will authorize the two of them to enter here. At that time, I will explain to you the next development plan of the team!"

Chen Xiaoniu received the order and quickly left here with the three cute girls.

After a while, the king disappeared in the corridor.

Lin Nan immediately looked at Luo Yuhe and smiled.

"Let's go, Shuhe must have been waiting for a long time, let's go back to eat first, and come back together after eating.

When Lin Nan said this, Luo Yuhe almost jumped up.

"Brother Nan, if you don't tell me I forgot to eat, I hope my sister won't be angry!"

Luo Yuhe's voice became softer as she spoke, so that Lin Nan didn't hear 4.8 in the next few words.

"It took a long time to call Brother Nan every time... In the past, it was Brother Nan who played tricks, but this time something really happened!"

'However, even if I say that, my sister probably won't believe me!'


Luo Yuhe understood a fable in an instant.

‘The wolf is coming!’

Lin Nan and Luo Yuhe quickly returned to the villa and walked towards the restaurant.

The harvest this time was very rich, but Lin Nan didn't understand why Luo Yuhe had such a loveless expression after leaving the team headquarters.

When eating, Lin Nan looked at Luo Shuhe as if he understood something, which was even more inexplicable.

Fortunately, Lin Nan has been thinking about 'performance'.

Did not pay too much attention to the two sisters.

After eating, Yudora returned to the laboratory.

Lin Nan brought Luo Shuhe, Luo Yuhe, and Hu Jingjing back to the team headquarters.

In the transmission center, Chen Xiaoniu and Wang Xiaosun appeared one after another.

This time, Lin Nan led several people directly to the dome conference room.

Without any nonsense, Lin directly told several people the general situation of the convoy headquarters.

Then, he expressed his thoughts about 'performance'.

Lin Nan set up the framework, and the details depended on their brainstorming.

at this time,

Players of the Glory team, just washed away the exhaustion of the day, had enough food and drink, and thought about how to spend the night.

Unbeknownst to them, a plan called "rolling up" is sweeping towards them!

With the addition of Luo Shuhe and others, the plan called "Glorious Heroes" finally appeared in front of Lin Nan.

Seeing this Glorious Talent Project, the corners of Lin Nan's mouth rose slightly...

Big chapter one more.

Author Jun novel yw!

Ask for flowers!.

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