National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

325. Unexpected Free Gift, The Fifth Day! (2/2 Ask For Full Order!)

what happened!!!

Lin Nan suddenly raised his head and looked at Suo Fia in front of him.

"Why do I feel that the energy of ice and snow is more obedient today??"

If we say, Lin Nan felt that it would take 3-4 days to master the Ice Empress yesterday.

Well, Lin Nan now feels that if he works a little harder, he might be able to master the water emperor state today!!

This discovery made Lin Nan extremely excited.

Sofia said it when he first practiced the ice emperor state.

If he can enter the Ice Empress state independently, then he can exert the true power of the Ice Empress state.

In the current Ice Empress state, Suo Fia puts most of her power on H to maintain the Ice Empress state!

The part of the promotion is less than half of the normal situation!

Suo Fia was also puzzled by Lin Nan's abnormality.

However, she didn't say anything right away.

Instead, she got up and walked in front of Lin Nan, and lightly tapped Lin Yu's forehead with her crystal-clear pressing hand.

In an instant, memories about Lin Nan's day today appeared in Suo Fia's eyes.

Suo Fia's little face turned red in an instant, and she spat on Lin Nan lightly.

"Pervert, hysterical!"

Today Lin Nan has been emperor for a day.

Luo Shuhe pours wine and picks up vegetables; Luo Yuhe feeds fruit and massages her body; Hu Jingjing dances an unusual dance.

The picture of the big red tail swaying is still dangling in front of So Fia at this moment!

Not to mention, there are Lin Nan and Ruby stealing thrills!

Before coming to her again, Lin Xing returned

Lin Nan touched his nose resentfully.

This soul fusion has a different special experience when playing games, but it is awkward at certain times.

like now,

No matter how superb Lin Nan's time management skills are, it is impossible to escape Suo Fia's "piercing eyes!

Fortunately, Suo Fia doesn't care about these things, otherwise, Lin Nan will definitely feel better!

Suo Fia gave Lin Nan another white look, and finally explained the reason why Lin Nan felt different today.

"Honey, it's because the intensity of the energy between heaven and earth has increased a lot, that's why you feel that it's easier to control ice and snow energy!"

Lin Nan froze for a moment, then quickly understood Suo's meaning.

There is such a change, not because of his outstanding talent.

After sleeping, the mastery of ice and snow energy has improved.

Instead, the energy concentration around him went up.

A simple example can understand.

Just like the original same space, there are 100 ice and snow energy.

And Lin Nan can only control 30 shares, which is 30%.

Now, there are 1000 ice and snow energy in the space!

Lin Nan still holds 30%.

However, this 30% is 300 ice and snow energy.

The progress of understanding ice and snow energy has not changed, but objectively, Lin Nan's control over ice and snow energy has indeed improved.

The metaphor here is just an example, and the actual situation is somewhat different from the example.


What is certain is that it has indeed become easier for Lin Nan to learn the state of the ice emperor.


Lin Nan felt that he might be able to completely master the ice emperor state!!!

Realizing this, Lin Nan instantly became highly motivated.

'Everything was in a hurry just now, if I can grasp the state of Ice Empress earlier...

Lin Nan was thinking, and from the corner of his eye, he sneaked a glance at So Fia beside him.

'Besides, there is still a little time left for Ruby's manifestation...

Thinking about it, Lin Nan became more motivated.

‘Sure enough, human beings need rewards! Only when there are goals, will they be more motivated!’

Next, Lin Nan devoted exaggerated enthusiasm to the training of the Ice Empress.

This inexplicable enthusiasm made Suo Fia confused, and almost couldn't help reaching out to see what Lin Nan was thinking, how could he become so excited!

However, hard work is also a good thing.

So Fia soon also entered the status of hard work overseer!

Nothing to say all night.

Under the burst of enthusiasm, Lin's efficiency doubled several times.

Not only did Ice Empress status be completed tonight, but it was even much earlier.

After bullying Suo Fia, when Lin Nan returned to the villa, it was only 3 o'clock in the morning.

It only takes less than 2 hours for the dream double bed, and he can fully restore his energy.

In other words, Lin Xing still has more than 1 hour of personal time!

"Unfortunately, I have already used some of Ruby's manifestation time during the day, and I will be sleepless today!"

'I really don't know why the cooldown reset time of every natural day of the survival game is set at 6 am!

If the skill cooldown is reset at 12 o'clock in the morning, Lin Nan will know what he can do in this hour!

Lin Nan complained, but in desperation, he planned to rest more in the remaining time.

Just sleep in!

With this in mind, Lin Nan exited the space-time center and walked leisurely towards his bedroom.

Go back to bed and call Ruby again, hug Ruby to sleep.

So even if Ruby disappeared, he was asleep at that time.

Pretend he didn't sleep alone.

...asking for flowers...

However, just after going to bed, Lin Nan had no time to call Ruby.

The whole person instantly became energetic.

'The actually warm!

Lin Nan immediately looked to the other side of the bed, there was a slight bulge under the quilt.

Could it be that it's Luo Yuhe?"

Lin Nan's eyes brightened, "Looks like I can have a good night's sleep tonight!"

With a slight smile, Lin Nan reached out and hugged her.

However, Lin Nan quickly paused.

'No, it doesn't feel right, Luo Yuhe is not so rich!


Lin Nan quickly overturned this guess.

Because, he touched it, there is no tail on pgu!!!

With Lin Nan's exploration, the person in the quilt couldn't bear it any longer, and made a gentle sound.


Hearing the seductive voice, Lin Nan immediately knew who it was.

Luo Shuhe!

Lin Nan never thought it was Luo Shuhe!

At the same time, Luo Shuhe turned around, with big eyes, and looked at Lin Nan in the dark.

Luo Shuhe was not as shy as he imagined, but looked at Lin Nan generously, and whispered.

'I didn't give it to my sister for nothing, I just saw you today and thought

However, Lin Nan didn't give Luo Shuhe a chance to finish his sentence.

no words all night,

The next day, early in the morning,

Luo Yuhe's fiery voice woke Lin Nan up from his dream.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan, have you seen my sister!"

"I was sleeping with my sister last night, and suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night!"

"I searched all over the villa this morning, but I couldn't find it, and I didn't reply to private messages!!!"

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan!!!"

People arrive first.

Until Lin Nan's door was pushed open,

Luo Yuhe's voice stopped abruptly!


There was a lot of chaos in the house.

Lin Nan hasn't fully reacted yet.

The tenderness and softness in the hand disappeared, leaving only a faint fragrance.

And at the door, a pair of eyes the size of a Luo Yuhe calf.

However, the reality did not give Lin Xing too much time to think.

It was already 5:30 in the morning, and the system prompt sounded suddenly again.

This is already a survival game, the second time it has appeared ahead of schedule.

[Ding! The fourth round of the disaster day of Sky City, the fifth day of the sky island defense battle is about to begin!】

Ask for flowers, ask for mountains of flowers!

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