"Game panel, confirm the production of [Vehicle Cooling Film]!"

Soon, the folded black film appeared on the crafting table.

Lin Nan continued to operate the game panel.

"Game panel, load [vehicle cooling film] onto the vehicle."

next second,

The black film on the crafting table disappeared and turned into a black light that instantly enveloped the entire vehicle.

After a few seconds, the light disappeared.

There is a black film on the glass of the vehicle.

With the black film blocking, the light in the cabin instantly dimmed a lot.

The dazzling and scorching light has also become gentle.

You can even vaguely feel that the temperature inside the car has dropped several degrees.

"The effect of this car film is too obvious!"

"It was so hot in the car just now that I felt like I was in a steamer!"

"Now, at least it's within the acceptable range!!"

"And....it's not just the glass that has changed."

Looking through the front windshield, Lin Nan found that the surface of the vehicle had also undergone subtle changes.

The body, which was bright white before, was now a little darker than before, as if it had absorbed light. .

You can still vaguely see that there is a layer of faint lines on the surface.

"The props in the game can't be speculated with common sense!"

"I don't know, what kind of magical items will be in the future!"

Lin Nan doesn't know how the 'vehicle cooling film' cools down, but it doesn't affect his use.

"Listing it to 'one store', fee..."

"Temporarily set it to one unit of electronic components plus one unit of special features!"

Compared with the previous drawings, the handling fee for [Vehicle Cooling Layer] is set significantly higher.

However, Lin Nan only increased the cost of materials.

No additional water resources are charged.

The pricing of this fee is balanced on the basis of not affecting the survival of the player and accelerating his development.

In particular, water resources, Lin Nan will not affect at this stage.


Water resources are directly related to the survival of players in the area.

It is equivalent to the size of the 'cake'.

Otherwise, Lin Nan relied on the explosion of a store yesterday and absolute meat monopoly.

Collecting water resources from players wantonly, not to mention the freedom of water resources, at least a simple bath is no problem.

However, the water resources that all players received yesterday are constant!

Lin Nan does this, one person occupies too much, and it will definitely cause a large number of players to die.

a player,

At least 20 or 30 ordinary treasure chests and 6 or 7 rare boxes can be opened in the morning.

Doing so is tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the eggs, which is not cost-effective.

In particular, Lin Nan learned today that the access to food and water has become less.

It will not take the initiative to move these two resources to maintain the player's survival.

Even if someone moves, Lin Nan will stop it!

Because, this indirectly damages Lin Nan's interests.

However, for materials such as materials.

Lin Nan doesn't have to worry so much.

On the one hand, the quantity and quality of treasure chests have been greatly improved today.

On the other hand, the amount of materials and materials does not affect whether the player can survive.

Shaking his head, Lin Nan glanced at 99+'s private message.

After thinking about it, Lin Nan set up an automatic reply message.

"If you need to manufacture and meet the manufacturing conditions, you can place an order directly in 'one store'!"

"Purchase private messages for 'electronic components', 'herbs', 'special paints' and 'drawings', and reply after 6 pm!"

Daytime is precious, and Lin Nan doesn't plan to spend hours sifting through replies one by one.

A unified answer, and it doesn't matter.

Moreover, there is a private message from a player at intervals during the day, and a private message from a player at intervals of time.

Not only is it annoying, but it is also extremely inefficient.

As for those who can't wait...

Lin Nan can't help it either.

Lin Nan didn't plan for the fish in a pond at first, and let him catch all the fish in one net.

In a shoal of fish, three or two slip through the net, and the impact is not great.

This not only saves time, but also improves efficiency.

After receiving the unified reply from Lin Nan, the players were worried.

At this stage, everyone has far more materials than food.

For the vast majority of players, let alone trading food, they just can't eat enough.

The only big food trader, Lin Nan, does not trade during the day.

However, they can also understand.

In their hearts, senior players like Lin Nan would definitely race against time during the day and would not be distracted.

Even when they usually drive their own cars, they don't read private messages.

"Dr. Lin doesn't trade food during the day, then wait for the night. You can still wait for a day! However, you need to change more food tonight. After all, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. If you can't survive the day tomorrow, your life No matter how much resources you have in your hands, it won't help!"

"I can't change the food, go to the store area, there are people who are OEM weapons and armor, try the brave challenge in the afternoon!"

"Even if you give up the brave challenge, it would be great to be able to make a [vehicle cooling film]!"

Lin Nan rigidly stipulated the manufacturing conditions, and players who lacked materials exchanged materials privately.

After getting all the supplies, go to Lin Nan's 'a shop' to make it.

In this way, Lin Nan is more convenient, and the players' materials also flow.

Materials that do not flow are dead.

moving materials,

It's what's really useful to players.

Just like the banknotes before crossing.

If you don't spend it, I don't spend it, there is no liquid banknote in the market.

Then, the banknotes in everyone's hands are a piece of waste paper.

Those who keep fish have only fish in their hands.

Those who sell buns only have buns in their hands.

Those who sell rice have only rice in their hands.

No one can eat a normal meal.

However, Lin Nan didn't know.

his statement,

Misunderstandings have fueled a boom in regional deals.

at this time,

He took out his crossbow and lowered his head to think...

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