National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

341. Horror, The Whole Map Of The Super Small Map Is Popular (Please Order It In Full!)

【Game Panel】

【Name: Ex Energy Shield Production Diagram (Level 1)】


【Charging value: 10000】

【Energy efficiency ratio: 1:10】

[Efficacy: After charging, an energy shield can be loaded on the vehicle, and before the energy of the shield is exhausted, it can block all forms of damage! 】

Looking at the blueprint in front of me,

Lin Nan tapped the table lightly with his index finger.

'The materials for making blueprints have also been reduced a lot!

'The charge value and energy efficiency have been compromised to varying degrees compared to him!

For example, the recharge value has dropped from a peak of 200,000 to only 10,000 points left!’

The energy efficiency ratio has also been reduced by 10 times, leaving only 1:10. 1 point of energy is equivalent to 10 points of shield value! To fully charge, you only need to consume 1000 units of small energy batteries! Although it is very little for me, But for the players, it is already not a low price!

‘However, 10,000 points of shield value is really not a low defense index!

‘Even if the players encounter the giant beast, this energy shield will allow them to escape in front of the giant beast!’

This is a life-saving thing!’

Lin Nan thought silently.

This blueprint does not mean that all spokespersons in the 0303 area can afford it, but there must be better spokespersons who are not less developed than "703" and are willing to buy it.

For Lin Nan, selling ex energy shield (level 1) blueprints is not a big deal.

If you want to use the ex energy shield, you cannot do without the energy shield battery. This is the source of continuous income!

However, Lin Nan is not in a hurry to sell ex energy shields.

At least Lin Nan is not in a hurry to sell now.

At this stage, the players in the 0303 area are too poor, and the environment they are in doesn't really need ex energy nose shields.

Selling the ex energy shield now will definitely not fetch a good price.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

'When you meet a suitable opportunity in the future, it will be the moment when this blueprint will shine!

After harvesting three blueprints in a row, Lin Nan was very satisfied.

"Eudora, well done!"

After Yudola handed over the blueprint, she kept observing Lin Nan's changes. Seeing Lin Nan's satisfied expression, a happy smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"I'm very happy to help Nan big brother!"

"I am also very happy to have a sister like Eudora!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled.

After chatting for a while, the smile on Lin Nan's face gradually faded.

Time does not allow him to stay here any longer.

Eudora, big brother is going to continue training!"

"Next, divide up some slimes and make these three blueprints. There are more blueprints for the fleet command center and ex energy shield, and a little less for the fleet command center!"

Fleet headquarters drawings, Lin Nan is not worried about sales.

The same goes for ex energy shields.

In comparison, Lin Nan is better in the sales market of ex energy shields.

It's just not for sale right now.

However, to say that the best seller is the team headquarters.

It's just that the number of fleets is much smaller than that of vehicles.

There is a clear upper limit to this market!

"As for the more advanced versions of these three blueprints, you can study them slowly if you have time. What is more important now is the fourth-level vehicle blueprints!"

The first-level versions of these three blueprints are already difficult for players to use. Now even if there are better versions, players can't afford or use them.

"Yeah, got it, Nan big brother!" Yudora nodded vigorously

"Then I'll go first~" Lin Nan got up and waved his hand!

"Goodbye Nan big brother~"

Hearing Eudora's sweet voice, Lin Nan left the super lab slowly.

Indora didn't look away until Lin Nan's back disappeared at the door.

Stretch out a small fist to cheer yourself up, and then get busy.


Eudora's efficiency was not high at the beginning, and it was easy to fall into a fallen god.

If there is 'process software', it can be found that Udora is currently in a state of CPU overload.

'What are big brother and that woman doing in the living room today?

'What a strange state, why is there such a sound?

'That woman is like the sister Ruby that my father told me, but why haven't I seen her in the car!"

Doradio discovered that this world is also different from the previous impression.

After a long time, Duo completely entered the job as a minister.

She couldn't figure out these complicated things. In contrast, studying the blueprints was much easier!

in the compartment,

Lin Nan held an item that looked like a luminous ring in his hand.

"Xiaoyue, load the ex vehicle energy shield!"

"Got it, driver!"

next second,

The glowing ring in Lin Nan's hand disappeared.

At the same time, pieces of hexagonal transparent corners appeared on the periphery of the vehicle, and the faint hexagons one after another soon completely enveloped the entire vehicle.

Through the car window, Lin Nan can clearly see this energy shield.

'I really can't imagine that this layer of film, which seems to be broken with a poke, can resist an attack of 200,000 damage!'

Under Lin Nan's watchful eye, this thin layer cut through the doctor.

Then little by little it becomes transparent.

However, Lin Nan knew that this film did not disappear.

Once the vehicle is attacked, it will reappear around the vehicle.


There is also a charge value added to the information about the vehicle on the game panel.

'It's done, the next step is to carry out today's training!

Lin Nan let out a breath, straightened his clothes, and walked slowly towards the center of time and space.

Soon, Lin Nan entered the Loulan Royal Training Room.

Luo Shuhe, Luo Yuhe, and Hu Jingjing had already trained inside.

The three of them did not notice Lin Nan's arrival.

In the Loulan Royal Training Ground, although 5 players can train at the same time.

But after the player starts training, a barrier similar to an air film will appear around the player, completely separating the player.

In other words, none of them can disturb anyone, so that everyone can devote themselves to training.

You know, the 10 times efficiency here is the upper limit efficiency.

Whether it can achieve the maximum 10 times efficiency depends on the player's concentration!

Lin Nan habitually sits cross-legged where he often does, closes his eyes, and enters the ice and snow castle space!

Here, Lin Nan can get rid of bugs and maintain the maximum training efficiency of the Loulan Royal Training Ground at all times!

Before Lin Nan came in, he had already replaced the small energy battery charged in the Loulan Royal Training Ground with a medium-sized energy battery!

Lin Nan made part of the equipment for producing medium-sized energy batteries and handed it over to Daheng Wang!

The medium energy cell device is very similar to the small energy cell.

The raw materials are all energy ores.

However, the proportions of their production are not the same.

1 unit of small energy battery only needs 10 units of energy ore!

And 1 unit of medium-sized energy battery needs 200 units of energy ore!

According to this ratio, in theory, 1 unit of medium energy ore is equal to 20 units of small energy batteries!

However, when Lin Nan used a medium-sized energy battery to charge the weather system in a super small space, he found that......

The energy possessed by 1 medium-sized energy cell is only equivalent to 10 small-sized energy cells!

This is also an important reason why Lin Nan did not popularize medium-sized energy batteries in large numbers.

The energy consumption ratio of the medium-sized energy battery is higher!

'At this stage, there are too many places that need energy ores, and medium-sized energy batteries are not popular for the time being!

In addition to Lin Nan's own use, it is to provide a small amount for the team, allowing players to redeem themselves with contribution points.


Now the maximum efficiency of Loulan Royal Training Ground is not 10 times.

Instead came 15 times!

There are more attributes that Lin Nan can improve in one night!!!

It turned out that less than two hours added 5 to all attributes.

Now a little more than 1 hour, you can add 5 to all attributes!

Nothing to say all night.

It was after 3 o'clock in the morning that Lin Nan withdrew from the training state.

At this time, Luo Shuhe and the others had already gone back to rest.

Lin Nan has a dream double bed and quick refreshment, but they don't.

Therefore, the necessary rest every day is extremely important.

However, when they are not busy during the day, they can also practice, and the speed of improvement is not slow every day.

Supporting his tired body, Lin Nan returned to the bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Nan smelled a faint fragrance.

In an instant, he was no longer sleepy.

He has a bedtime benefit tonight!

Originally, Lin Nan thought it would still be Luo Shuhe tonight.

Unexpectedly, after a little exploration, I found someone else.


"Brother Nan, it's me, but don't be complacent, I'm just afraid you'll be bored, can you eat a little vegetarian today?"

Luo Yuhe stammered.

In fact, it's embarrassing for her to appear here today.

It was her sister who encouraged her to come.

Obviously she is usually the most daring, but in the end...


Moreover, her sister encouraged her to be brave yesterday.

As a result, she only came today!

Lin Nan smiled, like a big bad wolf on the 27th schedule.

"Okay, I'll just cc, don't go in!"

"Today, I'm a vegetarian!"

Then, Lu Yuxiang understood a truth tonight.


Men's mouths, deceitful ghosts!

I heard Luo Yuhe say: 'Aren't you not coming in?'

Lin Nan smiled even more happily...

In the morning, Lin Nan and Luo Yuhe were woken up by Luo Shuhe.

Through the quilt, Luo Yuhe saw her sister covering her mouth and giggling, inexplicably thinking of the morning before yesterday.

Feng Shui turns,

God forgive who!


Obviously there is no time to mess around with them today.

The time came to the exact moment of 6:00.

A system notification sound appeared in the ears of all players.

【Ding! The fourth round of disaster days, the castle in the sky begins now!】

The moment he heard the system prompt, Lin Nan suddenly discovered that

The entire super small map system interface,

even for a moment,

All turned a weird red...

Is anyone else watching?

Squeak aloud~ come to a flower~

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