National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

347. Island Guard Mirror Image, Special Mechanism (Please Order All!)


The vehicle only drove for a few minutes,

Then, it slowly stopped near an ultimate dark mirror image that was closest to him.

On the way, Lin Nan also seriously studied the super small map system.

It is found that although the area of ​​Sky City is small, the distribution on the island is very regular.

There is nothing on the outermost circle, which is extremely safe.

Lin Nan calls it a safe zone for landing on the island!

A large area in the center is a golden exclamation point. Like the safe area, there is no ultimate dark mirror here.

All ultimate dark images are distributed in the central ring space.

It is an area where monsters are concentrated!

The ultimate dark mirror in front of Lin Nan is the one closest to the outer edge.

However, Lin Nan didn't get out of the car immediately, but looked at the ultimate dark mirror from a distance.

At the same time, the game panel is opened.

【Game Panel】

【Name: Island Guardian Mirror】

【Skill: Mirror Image】

[Mirror: The strongest creature within the distance seen by the mirror! 】

[Remarks: The pinnacle of mirroring, not only can completely mirror places, but can also change at any time. It is rumored that they are guarding a legendary mysterious place --- Continental Historical Records!]

Lin Nan froze for a moment.

‘It’s not the ultimate dark image, but a brand new image, the island guard image?

'The skills are also different from before!'

Lin Nan has seen many kinds of mirror image skills, but this is the first time he has seen such skills.

However, one thing Lin Nan can be sure of is that this mirror image skill is definitely the strongest he has ever seen.

Not only can it be completely mirrored like the ultimate dark mirror image, but it also has the ability to change at any time.

Automatically mirrors the strongest unit within range of sight!

at the same time,

Others in the carriage also saw the information about the mirror image of the guard island through the game panel.

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise!

Although they didn't participate in the sky island defense battle, they have read a lot of information shared in the chat room.

Travel the world without leaving home.

They have also seen many kinds of mirror images.


Most of those mirror images only exist on ordinary stone tablets, mirror images of blue stone tablets!

At most, I have only seen the mirror image of the purple stele challenge.

They have never seen the dark mirror image on the orange stone tablet empty island, let alone the ultimate dark mirror image.

Therefore, when they saw the mirror image of the guard island in front of them, they didn't react for a long time.

It was completely unexpected that such a powerful mirror image actually existed on the Sky City!

Lin Nan's focus is completely different from theirs.

His eyes patrolled back and forth on the skill introduction of the island guard mirror.

'The mirror image can be copied at any time, and can mirror the strongest character within the seen distance?

'Could it be...

Will the players meet on the Sky Castle this time?"

‘Otherwise, why would there be such an extra setting in survival games!

Lin Nan speculates that the players will reunite in the island landing mechanism of the city in the sky.

I just don’t know if it’s a large area meeting this time, or the entire 0303 area.

'It should be a divisional landing on the island!'

Lin Nan looked at the super small map system again.

1 square kilometer is equivalent to 1500 mu of land.

It is definitely not a problem to arrange tens of thousands of people to land on the island at the same time!

However, it is completely impossible for hundreds of millions of players in the entire 0303 area to land on the island at the same time.

Of course, survival games often do not play cards according to common sense.

God knows if hundreds of millions of players will be allowed to land on the island at the same time.

However, Lin Nan guessed that there is a high probability that it will not be.

‘Exclude extreme situations first, and think according to the situation of landing on the island in each region!

Lin Nan touched his chin.

'In this way, the skill of protecting the mirror image of the island is very intriguing!'

Mirror images above the level of Dark Mirror can basically ignore the damage of energy weapons.

According to Lin Nan, it makes no sense that dirty island mirrors do not have the same defense mechanism.

'According to the above information, re-examining the city of the sky, it is not difficult to see that this is a 'small copy' of a large-region cooperation strategy,

'Players are divided into groups of similar strength, and then rely on the number of advantages to clear the mirror image of the island guards on the island, and finally reach the mysterious golden exclamation mark ground!

‘However, maybe the survival game didn’t expect a [monster’ like me to appear! ”

‘If I follow the rules of the survival game, the players in the first district will probably die!!

Lin Nan is well aware of his strength in the Ice Emperor form!

Thousands of him in the Ice Emperor state, even if only one fish slipped through the net, the players in the first area will be gone in an instant.

'So, I definitely can't act with the big army at the same time!'

'For me, a large number of people will only provoke more island guard images at the same time!'

'If I was alone, I could use my vehicle as a rest stop and push every day!

Even if he is transformed into the Ice Emperor by the mirror image of Gujiu, he is still not enough to look at in front of the ex energy shield with a shield value of 200,000!

At this moment, Luo Shuhe suddenly spoke.

"Brother Lin, Wang Xiaosun sent a message that players from the Glory Army have also landed on the island!"

"Moreover, the number of players landing on the island is still increasing a lot!"

The Glory motorcade was the first group to get the news. Calculated the waiting time in the middle, based on two hours, it is indeed time to land on the island!

Lin Nan returned to his soul a little bit, and turned on the super mini map system again.

Sure enough, green dots with player logos appeared on the outer edge of Sky City!

These green dots do not appear concentrated, but present a certain pattern.

The roundabouts appear one after the other, and the distance between each green dot is almost the same!

Lin Nan looked at it for a while, and based on the frequency of green dots, he came to the final judgment.

Sky City lands on the island according to the region!

Knowing this, Lin Nan immediately looked at Luo Shuhe and said.

"Hurry up and hold a team leader meeting, and tell them that after the players in the convoy land on the island, 123, don't go to the center of the island immediately!"

"Let them meet along the edge of the island in the same direction!"

Lin Nan said, and told Luo Shudun some information about the island of Sky City.

"After they've assembled, let them group themselves into groups according to their strength, in a group of about ten people, and clear all the island guard mirrors on the island of Sky City!"

There are now 40,000 players in the first district, and there are 3,000 or 4,000 island guard mirrors on Sky City. It is normal for 10 to fight against 1!

It is very troublesome for Lin Nan to solve the island guard mirror,

But it is very easy to hand over the same thing to the Glory team!

Luo Shuhe quickly understood what Lin Nan meant.

"Brother Lin, I understand, I will inform them now!"

Not waiting for me, Luo Shuhe immediately opened the game panel and started to communicate.

Luo Yuhe waited for Lin Nan to finish speaking, and immediately came up to him.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan, what shall we do next, shall we also clean up the mirror image on the island?"

As Luo Yuhe spoke, her big eyes were full of anticipation.

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan shook his head.

Originally, he did have a plan to clean up the island guard mirror before.

However, he now has a whole new idea.

A bold idea....

Everyone blossoming flowers,

It is the motivation to support the author to persevere!

Every flower of yours counts!!!.

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