National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

035. The Joys And Sorrows Of People Are Not In Common (410)

In the next few minutes,

Lin Nan waited patiently while practicing his hand crossbow.

"Not yet? should be fine!"

"Now... what? It should be fine now!"

"Why isn't it okay!"

Lin Nan kept opening and closing private messages, waiting for news from Luo Shuhe.

The moment Luo Shuhe's news came, Lin Nan immediately put down the strong crossbow in his hand.

Seeing the long-awaited information, he subconsciously laughed.

"Brother Lin, the dumplings are ready!"

After Luo Shuhe finished speaking, he sent a transaction application directly.

Lin Nan's eyes were like lightning, and he glanced quickly.

In the trading column, the first thing that catches the eye is a large plate of dumplings.

The plate is very large, and there are two columns with yin and yang on it like a Tai Chi diagram.

Through the thin dumpling skin, a hint of green can be seen vaguely, while the color is deeper.

"This should be dumplings filled with leeks and eggs!"

"Then, the other side is pork and green onions!"

Lin Nan thought, and couldn't help licking his lips.

Yu Guang then swept back, subconsciously stunned.

Lin Nan never expected.

In addition to this plate of dumplings, there is another plate of food in the trading column! ! !

Through the size and appearance, Lin Nan quickly recognized what it was.

Quickly sent a message to Luo Shuhe.

"Shuhe, could it be... this is a leek egg box?"

"In addition to dumplings at noon today, is there a second kind of food?!"

Lin Nan was so pleasantly surprised.

Having a chef is different.

In this hard world, it is not only possible to eat two kinds of dumplings in luxury at the same time.

You can even eat a leek box!

In addition, Luo Shuhe also traded a small bowl of pale white dumpling soup and a small dish of dark vinegar sauce!

Perfect couldn't be more perfect!

"Brother Lin, as long as you like it, hee hee!"

"Aren't I afraid that Brother Lin won't have enough to eat, I just want to cook dumplings!"

"I was thinking of steaming a few boxes of leeks while the dumplings are being made."

Of course, Luo Shuhe did this because Lin Nan provided a lot of water.

It is also backed by a big dog like Lin Nan!

Otherwise, Luo Shuhe would never use steaming extravagantly when cooking.

Compared with boiling, steaming is a waste of water, and it is not cost-effective!

Lin Nan didn't know that there was a reason for the sumptuous meal at noon today.

After a brief chat with Luo Shuhe, Lin Nan couldn't help but go to cook.

As soon as he ate a dumpling, Lin Nan's eyes glared at the boss.

"good to eat!"

The mellow juice immediately hit Lin Nan's taste buds.

The filling is oily but not greasy, moderately salty and sweet, and super delicious.

In one breath, Lin Nan ate three or four in a row, and then he started to slow down.

Still, one bite at a time.

Sometimes it's not enough, one bite or two!

the other side,

Luo Yuhe didn't wait for the dumplings to be packed, and started to eat them impatiently.

While eating, he muttered, and his mouth was muffled.

"Well, sister, it's delicious, it tastes as good as when I was at home!!"

"No, no, it's better!"

"So fragrant, the meat is so tender!"

At first, Luo Shuhe thought that Luo Yuhe was extremely hungry, so she said such a thing.

Unexpectedly, when she ate the next one, she was stunned.

As a chef, the control of taste is the basic skill.

"It's not the illusion that Yu He is too hungry, but it is indeed better than before!"

Slowly savoring the subtle taste difference of the dumplings in his mouth, Luo Shuhe finally set his sights on the chopping board that had not been cleaned up.

"I can be sure that it's not that my cooking skills have improved!"

"Moreover, the cooking conditions are even worse than before the crossing."

"Then, the reason may lie in... the ingredients!"

"The quality of ingredients in this world is much higher than in the world before crossing."

"No wonder, the pork roasted yesterday tasted so good, I thought it was a pig breed problem!"

Realizing this, Luo Shuhe's tired heart suddenly had a hint of expectation for the future!

Yep, just looking forward to it.

Originally, Luo Shuhe had always been depressed after crossing into this strange world.

Not only have to live hard for the sake of parents and elders.

Moreover, the eldest sister is the mother.

In front of her sister Luo Yuhe, no matter what happened, she had to pretend to be calm.

If she hadn't met Lin Nan, she couldn't imagine the hardships she would have faced.

However, at this time,

In Luo Shuhe's heart, except for the desire to live.

There is also one more, to make a breakthrough in your own top food ideas!

"This is still an ordinary ingredient. If there are better ingredients, one day, will I be able to make bursting food?"

For a long time, Luo Shuhe suppressed the excitement in his heart.

While eating, I discussed with my sister about 'materials for upgrading secondary cars'.

According to previous habit,

They never speak when they eat.

However, now is a special time.

Just now, in order to maximize the speed of cooking, Luo Shuhe was so concentrated that he had no time to be distracted.

Not to mention, this is also Luo Shuhe's attitude towards cooking.

Either don't do it, or go all out!

And now, it's not too long before the Brave Challenge begins.

Luo Shuhe is not a person who sticks to the rules, so he doesn't care so much.

"Brother Nan has upgraded the second-level vehicle, it's true!"

"Wow, so many materials are needed to upgrade a vehicle. Fortunately, we knew it earlier!"

"If this is the case, then we have to change the handling fee of the [Multi-Purpose Piercing Suit] a little bit!"

"Try to give priority to purchasing the materials needed for the upgrade, and prepare in advance!"

Seemingly ordinary news is of great significance.

It directly overturned Luo Yuhe's previous arrangement.

Saved them a lot of time.

Because of this, Luo Shuhe resolutely did not charge Lin Nan's handling fee!

"Yuhe, your brain is alive, you should pay more attention to this matter!"

Although Luo Shuhe always thought her younger sister was silly, but in terms of shrewdness, Luo Yuhe was much better than her.

Moreover, Luo Yuhe is better at communication.

Asking Luo Shuhe to negotiate with other players is tantamount to killing her.

"Don't worry, sister, with this kind of inside information, I can guarantee that as long as we get the second-level vehicle upgrade map, we will definitely be the second upgraded vehicle in the area!"

Pretend to make an oath.

Luo Yuhe snorted, like a starving ghost, the storm inhaled the remaining dumplings in the bowl.

Then, hurriedly opened the 'Little Chef's Shop' and started busy operations.

In comparison, Luo Shuhe is more ladylike.

A small sip, a small sip slowly.

Next, she has nothing to do, just wait for the brave challenge to start.


Compared to before the time-travel, her eating speed has obviously improved a lot!

Sisters Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe enjoyed delicious food here.

Other players are much worse.

Better yet, nibbling on dry buns and drinking with water.

Almost, starving directly.

Even Xin Zhao, who got rich with shit on the first day, was nothing but instant noodles.

If let them know, Lin Nan not only ate hot food, but also dumplings.

Two kinds of stuffing!

The mood is absolutely broken!


time flies.

Under the scorching sun, the temperature in the desert is getting hotter and hotter.

And with an indifferent reminder sound.

Brave Challenge....

here we go!


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