National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

353. Powerful Skill, Vitality Bomb! (Please Book In Full!)

After Lin Nan reaches the 200th floor,

The familiar mage statue reappeared.

light flashes,

Dafa Ball has changed again!

[Ding! The player has gained a new understanding of the magic ball technique, and the skills have changed! 】

【Large Magic Ball Technique --- Advanced to Super Large Magic Ball Technique!!】

[Skill: Super Magic Ball!]

[Introduction: A more efficient attack using energy, which is an extension of the orb technique. The user can use the power of the spirit to summon a larger orb! The damage ratio is up to 3 times that of the spirit attribute! 】

Looking at the game board, Lin Nan was stunned.


'That's it?'

‘Big magic ball, just turned into a super big magic ball?

'Then next, will it become a super super Dafa?

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously used it.

Super large magic ball can be said to be a new upgrade.


To put it bluntly, it's just a bigger ball spell!

Difficulty is very limited!


Lin Nan used it.

A big dharma ball half a person's height appeared at his fingertips.

Looking at the magic ball in front of him, Lin Nan was even more speechless.

'The volume has become so large that the damage has doubled?'

After the skill change, Lin Nan felt that he was consuming more mental energy.

Is this an improvement, or a negative optimization?

Fortunately, every time you pass the trial tower of Sky City, your spiritual power will be restored.

Otherwise, Lin Nan can't guarantee whether he can use 100 super large magic balls!

With a dark face, Lin continued to break through.

‘I really hope that at the 300th floor, it’s not a super invincible magic ball!!



Magic ball, big magic ball, super big magic ball, there is not much change in essence.

Lin Nan mastered it almost effortlessly.

There were no difficulties in between!

Wait until Lin Nan reaches the 300th floor.

The mage statue reappeared again.

[Ding! The player has gained a new understanding of the ball technique, change! 】

[Super large magic ball --- advanced to spiral magic ball!!]

[Skill: Spiral Ball Technique!]

[Introduction: A more subtle energy attack, which is an extension of the magic ball technique [the user can use the power of the spirit to summon a larger magic ball, and the damage ratio is twice that of the spirit attribute!]

at the same time,

There are many different information in Lin Nan's mind.


In a daze, Lin Nan understood the effect of the new skill.

‘A way to reduce the size of the ball and greatly increase the damage by rotating the energy inside the ball!’

However, it is easy to say, but it is not so simple to use it.

Because the spiral ball technique consumes more energy than the super large ball technique, and condenses more energy.

However, because of the spiral.

Instead, the volume of the magic ball shrinks to the original size of the magic ball.

Addition is easy, subtraction is hard.

Not to mention, this time it is only smaller in size, and more energy is required instead!

‘In other words, this spiral ball technique can be regarded as an alternative energy compression technique!

The new skills brought Lin Nan a lot of insights.

Although the difficulty has increased a bit, it is still much better than the super super big magic ball.

Otherwise, Lin is absolutely autistic.

Wearing a super big magic ball, it feels weird no matter how you look at it!


With challenges layer by layer, Lin Nan gradually became familiar with the spiral technique.

I didn't fully grasp it from the beginning, not because Lin Nan couldn't understand it.

Just a little rusty!

The new concept allows Lin Nan to expand a lot.

However, after clearing more than a dozen floors, Lin Nan has completely mastered it.

Basically, the spiral ball technique in a perfect state can be used.

'After using it a dozen times, it has almost reached the perfect state, it seems that I am really a little genius!!"

'I don't know, what will happen in the next 400 floors!'

Lin Nan became expectant again.

Then, the speed in his hands was raised to a higher level, and he started to swipe black shadows crazily.

at the same time,

Under the Sky City Trial Tower, the players are already buddhist.

Lin Nan's challenge of up to 350 floors has become an existence that players in the entire 030B area look up to.

Especially the second place is only more than 30 layers, which is not as good as Lin Nan's fraction.

Simply, they began to picnic, eat and drink, and take the time to rest.

This Sky City trial, although the time is suspended.

However, it does not mean a completely infinite time.

In the survival game, it is stipulated that all players must participate in the trial tower within 1 hour after landing on the island, otherwise they will be regarded as automatically giving up the trial qualification.

As for the Sky City Trial Tower, there is also an implicit time limit for each level of challenge!

The physical strength of the player and the attack of the shadow will end the challenge.

And when all players, Sky City Trial Tower challenge is over, it is the end time of this event.

Or, some players have cleared the 500th floor!

Therefore, the players in the 0303 area all default to Lin Nan's completion of the 500th floor as the end of the fourth round of disaster.

Now Lin Nan has passed the 350th floor, if they don't take the time to rest, they are afraid that they will have no time to rest!

time flies.....

Lin Nan defeated the boss on the 399th floor, and the surrounding scene changed again.

As soon as the 400th floor arrived, the mage statue arrived as scheduled.

[Ding! The player has gained a new understanding of the spiral ball technique, and the skill has changed! 】

[Spiral Ball Technique---Advanced to Vitality Bullet!!]

[Skill: Vitality Bomb!]

[Introduction: A powerful energy attack, which is an advanced form of magic ball [The user can use the power of the spirit to summon a powerful Nenghuang attack, and the damage ratio is up to 8 times that of the spirit attribute!]

‘Vitality Bomb!!!”

In an instant, Lin Nan felt that there was a lot of information in his mind.

The last time Lin Nan felt a headache was when he was learning the Ice Empress state.

Fortunately, with the accumulation of magic ball, big magic ball, super large magic ball, and spiral magic ball this time, Lin Nan will not be completely confused.


This time the difficulty was still very high, and even Lin Nan felt a bit strenuous.

'Before I complained about the simplicity of skills, I didn't expect that the difficulty suddenly increased!

If it is 1-399 floors, it is normal mode!

Then starting from the 400th floor, it is the hell mode.

There is no difficult mode in the middle, and there is no elite mode, and it is directly pulled to the hell mode.

Fortunately, I have mastered the state of the Ice Emperor by myself. In terms of energy form alone, the state of the Ice Emperor is much more complicated than the vitality bomb. Otherwise, I really can't guarantee whether I can use the vitality bomb!

As for mastering it immediately, Lin Nan dare not think about it!

'It seems that the next 100 floors, I have to deliberately slow down the speed of customs clearance!

Knowing that the boss facing the 499th floor perfectly mastered the vitality bomb, Lin Nan didn't dare to speed pass in order to save time.

Lin Nan plans to wait as long as he can before he masters the vitality bomb perfectly.

'Try the vitality bomb skill a few more times in the previous levels, and choose to pass the level before the mental power is exhausted!

Lin Nan is going to use the special rules for clearing the level to restore mental strength to train intensively on the skill of vitality bullets.

At the same time, it came silently in my heart.

'Only 400th floor, there are such difficult skills, I don't know if the 500th floor mage statue, vitality bomb will be promoted! Huge

Taking a deep breath, Lin Nan put aside distracting thoughts.

He raised his head and looked at the new black shadow that appeared in front of him.

‘Vital energy bomb!’

Ask for flowers, folks.

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