National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

039. Rare Material, Pseudo Wolf Teeth (810)


"Finally dead."

Lin Nan let out a heavy breath, thumped, and sat back on the ground.

The first time he killed, Lin Nan felt a little out of power afterwards.

However, there is not much fear in my heart, fear.

Very adaptable.

Wiping away his sweat, Lin Nan stuffed half of the chocolate paste into his mouth, took a few sips of water, and then stood up again.

However, looking at the tragic scene on the ground, Lin Nan embarrassedly touched his stomach.

"If I let my mother know that I, who didn't dare to kill a fish before, now slaughtered a vicious wild dog, I would definitely be shocked!"

Shaking his head, Lin Nan started cleaning the battlefield.

After wiping the blade clean with fine sand, put it back into the scabbard.

Then, pick up the hand crossbow on the side.

Simply deal with the arrow that pierced through the wild dog, and re-install it.

After doing this, Lin Nan turned his attention back to the wild dog.

At this time, Lin Nan found that there were three more small characters on the body of the wild dog.

【Game panel】

【Decomposable! 】

Out of curiosity, Lin Nan tries to break it down.

The next second, something magical happened.

After a flash of light, the carcass of the wild dog disappeared.

In the original location, only a large pool of bright red blood remained, representing what happened here.

In addition, there are some items in the open space next to the bloodstain.

At the same time, there is a prompt sound in Lin Nan's ear.

[Successful decomposition of wild monsters and wild dogs]

[Get: Beast Soul x1]

[Get: Tattered Wild Dog Hide x1]

[Get: Wild Dog Meat 10kg]

[Obtain rare materials: false wolf teeth x1, maybe a certain ancestor of this wild dog is a ferocious wolf! 】

Harvesting the soul of the beast, Lin Nan guessed it before, it is not unexpected.

Tattered hide hides....

can also understand!

However, the following two harvests surprised Lin Nan!

Wild dog meat!


It turned out to be the source of meat!

Players can get meat by hunting wild monsters! ! !

"Sure enough, the challenge of the brave is the foundation of survival!"

Pseudo wolf tooth, Lin Nan didn't see any difference, it looked like a tooth.

Shaking his head, Lin Nan temporarily put it in his pocket.


Lin Nan doesn't know whether wild dog meat is edible or not.

He has eaten chicken, duck, cattle and sheep, but he has never eaten wild dog meat!

However, just because Lin Nan doesn't understand, doesn't mean no one understands!

Taking advantage of the rest period, Lin Nan opened a private chat.

"Shu He, are you busy?"

Luo Shuhe quickly replied.

"No, Brother Lin, I happened to return to the car with Yu He, and I have a big harvest!"

Lin Nan was startled, "Have you got a good drawing?"

"That's not true, I won't say it first, Brother Lin will find out in the evening!"

"Then I'm looking forward to tonight!"

"Hee hee, Brother Lin, are you looking for me for something?"

"Well, there is indeed something. I want to ask Shuhe if he knows about wild dog meat. Is it delicious? My understanding of wild dog meat only comes from a joke, dog meat hot pot!"

"Wild dog meat? It's okay, but I don't like it very much! I haven't done it!"

Luo Shuhe has two dogs at home, and he really doesn't know much about dog meat.

The royal chef doesn't understand it, and even Lin Nan doesn't understand it.

"Forget it, I just killed a wild dog and harvested 10 kilograms of wild dog meat. I don't plan to go back to the car for a while, and it's not convenient to take it with me now. You are in the car, and it happens to be traded to you first!"

"Brother Lin killed a wild monster by himself? Wow!"

Hearing what Luo Shuhe said, Lin Nan felt embarrassed.

"Shuhe, are you complimenting me, or burying me!"

"I know, you killed the wild monsters yesterday, oh right, after you said that, I just remembered, Shuhe, didn't you get meat for killing the wild monsters?"

"Brother Lin, I didn't kill you, I really congratulate you! We killed the wild monster yesterday by accident. We got a bottle of poison out of the box before, and it was poisoned! Yu He is also because we misestimated the poison's effect time. The injury! After disintegrating, it shows that the meat of the wild monster is poisonous and cannot be eaten!"

"Well, what I said!"

"Anyway, Brother Lin is still amazing. At this stage, no other player can kill wild monsters alone!"

Next, Lin Nan and Shu He chatted casually for a while.

Just when it was about to end, Lin Nan suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, Yu He is not here, I need her help with something!"

"Huh? Yu He, yes, I'm lying down and resting with my eyes closed!"

"Then let me tell you, you will give her the wild dog meat in a while, and let her sell it for me to buy electronic components, herbs, drawings, etc. She is smarter than us and must be better than us, I will give She paid for 500ml of water!"

It was indeed a good thing, but Luo Shuhe frowned upon hearing this.

"Brother Lin, meat is hard currency in the trading area, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it. 500ml of water is too much!"

"Shuhe, things can't be counted like this. If you want the horse to run fast, you need to feed more grass!"

"If I wasn't afraid that you wouldn't agree, I would have used 1,000 ml of water as my reward!"

"After all, selling wild dog meat is a trivial matter. The acquisition of electronic components, blueprints and other items is the key this time. However, don't rush to sell it now, it's not too late to wait for the brave challenge to end!"

Luo Shuhe still felt inappropriate, but he could barely accept Lin Nan's words.

In her mind, her sister is indeed very business-minded.

Seeing that Luo Shuhe agreed, Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe chatted in a mess again.

After feeling almost recovered, Lin Nan said goodbye to Luo Shuhe.

"Brother Lin, pay attention to safety!"

"Well, I know, you are the same, be careful, don't be impatient, even if you don't gain anything, it's okay, don't rush in!"

"Hmm, I know!"

Subsequently, Lin Nan closed the private chat.

look up,

Look in the direction of the purple treasure chest again.


Thanks again for the rewards of "Weicai" and "Long Kongming". This book has persisted until now, and it is very dependent on you. I am very grateful.


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