National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

005. Double Happiness (Happy Valentine's Day, It's Not Too Much To Ask For Flowers)

Wiping away his sweat, Lin Nan got up and got out of the driver's seat to the back row.

The rear row has a top cover, which is much cooler than the three-sided glass in the driver's seat.

At least, not so tan.

Also, this van is a large five-seater van.

All the rear rows are placed, which can barely be regarded as a Syrian war-damaged bed.

Lying on it, Lin Nan looked towards the regional chat room.

"I got together, what I want is water, not oil! A treasure chest actually opened 100 units of oil. I vomited so much, if it was water, I would take off right there!"

"Coincidentally, I am also oil, 150 units!"

"Hey, I am water, 800 ml, and now I am the richest boy in the chat room, who agrees and who disagrees!"

"I'm grass, water daddy, big brother begging for a drop of water, I'm dying of thirst!"

"Hey, I have 500ml of water, plus a pack of spicy sticks, hahaha!"

"Da, what a world, water is more expensive than oil, I thought it was only a third-party world, woohoo, I'm so thirsty and hungry!"

Seeing this, Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

More oil is good, otherwise, how can you drive without oil.

This is a road survival game!

Fuel is cheap and reasonable.

"Unfortunately... there are still no electronic components!"

Lin Nan was worried when someone sent him a private message.

Lin Nan's private message sets the conditional initiation mode.

That is to say, only players who have the transaction requirements posted by Lin Nan can open the private chat.

However, Lin Nan was a little stunned when he saw the name of the person who made the transaction.

Hao Haoren?

This person can be an active person in a regional chat room while driving a peep screen.

I often see him replying to help other players, no matter if he is a really good person or pretending to be a good person.

He does help others all the time.

"Hao Haoren: Mr. Lin, is your transaction still available? I just opened an electronic component and want to trade 100ml of water with you."

"Lin Nan: The transaction still exists, but the conditions have changed."

In the other van, Hao Haoren was instantly nervous when he saw the information.

He had previously entered the desert in order to help the group to verify.

It was found that the further away from the road, the higher the temperature, to the point of being unbearable.

Later, he sent this information to the group for free, but he became extremely dehydrated because of it.

Plus all players know the importance of water, and no one trades it out at all.

He thought that Lin Nan had already drank the water.

"Hao Haoren: Not for 100ml, but 50ml... that's fine. I'm really dying of thirst!"

"Lin Nan: Mr. Hao, you misunderstood. I also saw the news you posted in the group before. I really don't know whether you are brave or brave. You even drove into the desert. It's luck that you can come back!"

"Hao Haoren: This..."

"Lin Nan: Well, the deal was changed because of the rarity of electronic components, not what you think! In addition to the original 100ml of water, plus... a ham."

Lin Nan pondered for a while and said.

The transaction is originally as long as the two parties are willing, but it is also divided.

If it is an ordinary person, Lin Nan is still 100 ml of water, and the trading conditions remain unchanged.

If it is a traitor with bad behavior, Lin Nan will raise the price on the ground, saying that he can't just give 50ml, and he will be slaughtered.

However, if it is someone like Hao Haoren, Lin Nan is willing to trade on fairer terms.

In his mind, 1 unit of electronic components is absolutely worth the price.

Giving an extra ham sausage is already considered Lin Nan's righteousness!

When Hao Haoren heard this, he felt turbulent in his heart and couldn't help but say.

"Hao Haoren: Mr. Lin, you are a good person!"

"Lin Nan: Don't, the good person is you, I'm not!"

"Hao Haoren: Mr. Lin, you are too modest."

"Lin Nan: ......Trade it!"

The two operated according to the system requirements, and soon each got what they needed.

After the transaction was completed, Lin Nan directly closed the private chat.

A carp straightened up and sat up from the seat bed excitedly.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on the crafting table in the trunk...

This is also the reason why the van is not a seven-seater, and the third row and trunk are partially occupied by the crafting table.

At this moment, Lin Nan's gaze was a rectangular device with a bright silver alloy that resembled a large table.

At the same time, Lin Nan also picked up the production drawings and materials placed on the co-pilot.

According to the requirements of the low-level water maker drawings, they were placed on the crafting table in turn.

【Ding! Meet the requirements for making low-level water maker drawings, ask the player whether to confirm the production of low-level water maker. 】

"Sure!" Lin Nan said.


The next second, the crafting table lights up.

The drawings and materials on the stage were instantly shrouded in white light.

After a while, a white and blue device appeared on the crafting table.

The water maker is about 40 cm high, the size of a small coffee machine, and sits securely on the production table.

At the same time, information about the water maker appeared on the game panel.

【Low-grade water maker】

[Effect: Every 24 hours, 2000 ml of natural water can be generated. The water production is slightly affected by the environment, and the fluctuation does not exceed 10%. The estimated 24-hour water production is 1950 ml. 】

Lin Nan immediately smiled.

The water maker is completed, and he no longer has to worry about water problems.

Coupled with the abundant fuel in the trading area, there is no need to worry about fuel problems.

It is a double happiness.

Clenching his fists, Lin Nan looked towards the endless road in front of the van.

Next, is the violent driving.

At this point, Lin Nan had a bigger goal in mind.

Create an excellent living environment for his parents before the game system launches the player for the second time.

At the very least....the car has air conditioning!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan couldn't help laughing.

Before crossing, it was his parents who created the conditions for him.

Now, it's him!

He is looking forward to the reaction of his father and mother!

Om ~ sound.

The van's engine roars again, set off on the journey!


In order not to affect the viewing of the big guys, I will only post it once.

The book is updated every day with one chapter for every 200 flowers, with a maximum of ten updates per day.

Or a reward of any amount at one time, the same day ten changes!


Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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