【Game Tips】

【King Challenge】

[From 1:00 to 6:00 pm today, start the challenge of the king! 】

[At that time, all players will be teleported to a huge map with a grid of destruction on the map, which will shrink every 20 minutes until the final safe zone! 】

[Players arrive at the final safe zone at the specified time, the game is over, and all players will be teleported back to the road after the game is over! 】

[In this event, all players must participate. If the player is touched by the grid, or killed, he will die directly. 】

[The speed of the grid moving in a straight line is 50 kilometers per hour! 】

[Hint: There are three extremely precious treasure chests on the map, and airdrop treasure chests will be dropped from time to time! 】

【Good luck to all players! 】

[The challenge of the king, it is not difficult to survive, what is even more rare is to find the treasure! 】

Brand new tips, the regional chat room exploded!

"No, you must participate, you can't even hide??"

"What are you afraid of? Our vans can travel at a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and in the short term, they can break out at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The power grid is only 50 kilometers per hour. If we just survive, it will not be difficult!"

"50 kilometers is not slow? Brother, the power grid is a straight line distance. Can you guarantee that when you escape from the power grid, it is all straight lines?"

"Wouldn't it be better to run ahead of time? Now, I am more curious about the treasure. Even the game says it is an extremely precious treasure chest. How precious is that!"

"There are also airdrops, I hope I can meet one so I don't have to worry about going hungry tomorrow!"

"This mode is like some kind of chicken-eating game before the time-travel. The difference is that we play with our lives!"

Lin Nan was also surprised when he heard the system beep.

He was all ready to wear the equipment to enter the wilderness today, but he didn't expect the game mechanics to change.

"However, this is a survival game, and it doesn't give people time to adapt at all!"

"It's even more challenging!"

Also interested in the three precious chests, and the airdrop box Lin Nan!

As for living to the end, the power grid, etc., Lin Nan is completely irrelevant.

He was traveling at 220 km/h and had 9,000 units of fuel ready.

It's not a problem to run wild all afternoon!

At this point, what Lin Nan was thinking was whether he could get all the three precious treasure chests!

Even thinking about whether these three precious treasure chests are ungrade treasure chests.

Who is more precious than the ungrade treasure chest.

Or, can you open up items similar to the Brave Necklace?

After thinking for a while, Lin Nan opened Luo Shuhe's private message.

"Shuhe, I'll give you the materials, help me make a few more pistols, the quantity...let's make 20 first! Don't be afraid of more, it can be used in the future! You can also prepare a few more, don't be afraid of wasting resources, safety first !"

This event was attended by all players, and the level of danger was not lower than the wilderness at all.

Even more than that.

People are separated from each other, sometimes people are more terrifying than beasts!

The players are fine if they don't see it, and whoever sees it doesn't know what will happen.

Luo Shuhe nodded, "Mmmm, Brother Lin, I see!"

"Brother Lin, you also remember to put on stab-proof clothing in advance to protect yourself!"

"Don't worry, I'll put it on when it's about to start, and I won't take it off for this event!"

After the transaction was completed, Lin Nan chatted with Luo Shuhe again.

During this period, Luo Yuhe also came up.

"Brother Nan, this time everyone's destination is the safe zone. Couldn't my sister and I be able to see Brother Nan?"

"Brother Nan, it's been two days, no, it's already the third day, and it smells like you haven't bathed for three days. Brother Nan, don't dislike Yu He~"

As soon as Luo Yuhe said, Lin Nan suddenly realized this.


Suddenly, there is an inexplicable sense of sight of online dating!

However, what do you mean by disgusting you!

"Little girl, you think too much, why do I despise you?"

The cold words made Luo Yuhe severely attacked!

"Brother Nan, when the time comes, I will stink you, hum hum hum!"

"Hahaha, Yuhe, pay attention to safety~"

"Well~ Brother Nan too!"

After closing the private message, Lin Nan thought about it, and finally opened Wang Daheng's private message.

"Here's a crossbow for you, take care of yourself, people are separated from each other, don't trust others too much!"

Wang Daheng's unique unboxing feature is very useful to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan doesn't really want him to die accidentally.

In that case, Lin Nan has to spend energy to retrain an agent.

Not to mention the trouble, it is not as easy as Wang Daheng to use it.

Guns, Lin Nan strictly controls, will not give.

However, the hand crossbow is not so limited.

Lin Nan told Wang Daheng not to trust others easily, but he trusted Wang Daheng so much and treated him so well!

Wang Daheng's heart is full of gratitude!

"Boss Lin, thank you, really thank you!"

"If it weren't for me having only one son and no daughter, I would definitely..."

"Okay, stop, and prepare for this king's challenge. I have a hunch that things won't be as simple as the game says on the surface!"

After that, Lin Nan closed the private message.

After parking the car on the side of the road, while taking stock of the resources in hand, I thought that there might be a crisis.

To prevent problems before they happen, if you can prepare a little in advance, prepare a little more.

This scene happens in all cars.

Everyone must participate in this event, and everyone is extremely cautious.

The same is true for Luo Shuhe, who did not prepare lunch carefully at noon today.

This is also what Lin Nan requested.

In the face of a crisis, life is the most important thing, and everything else is in the back.

At noon today, Lin Nan and sister Luo Shuhe ate instant food.

However, compared to other players, Lin Nan and the others still eat extremely rich.

High-calorie foods, carbs, and packaged cooked meats.

Time goes by every second....

until exactly 1pm.

Countless streamers suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the remaining 4232 players in the area were all wrapped up.


All players disappeared in place.

At the same time, a prompt sounded in each player's ear.

【Ding! 】

[The challenge of the king, start now! 】

[Countdown: 4 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds]



Put the testimonials on the shelves and put them in the works.

Readers can read it or not, but the author must write.

Thank you so much for everyone's support.

Finally, ask for the first order! ! ! !


Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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