National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

060. You heard it, he made me shoot (please subscribe automatically)

Hearing someone, the bald grinning man was also surprised.

However, when he saw that Lin Nan was alone.

His mouth cracked, he quickly regained his indifference, and looked at Lin Nan shyly.

"Yo, the equipment looks good~?"

When the bald grinning man saw the six-wheeled pickup not far away, undisguised greed erupted in his eyes.

'I thought everyone was a van, but I didn't realize that someone - had a better car!'

"His grandma's, it's too unfair, doesn't it amount to openly hanging? 99

'However, this car will soon be mine!

'Ha ha ha ha!'

'As long as I have a little bit of domineering air, this kid in front of me will definitely do his bidding!'

The bald-headed grinning man thought, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at the yellow-haired young man.

Before crossing, the bald and grinning man used to be a thug.

After eliminating the black, he conformed to the times and changed his career.

Professional Loan Collector!

And what he likes most is the loan from female college students!

The yellow-haired boy is a young man in the new era.

After watching some ancient and confusing dramas, I always fantasize about worshiping clubs and mixing society.

Coincidentally, I heard the name of a bald man in the mouth of an old gangster.

I met in the king's challenge, I thought I had found a backer, and took the initiative to be a younger brother.

Naturally, the bald man would not refuse, and even blossomed with joy in his heart.

After the Franco-Public society, gangsters have long since become legends.

I haven't been caught now, or it was a fish that slipped through the net.

Or it was a little guy who didn't have much ability at that time.

Well, however,

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys dominate.

These little guys brag about each other, naturally they can brag as much as they can.

After all, they too had lived through that era.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Huangmao is a person who was fooled by him!

Found it in this shitty place!

What a surprise!

Xiao Huangmao reacted and seemed to think his behavior just now was very shameful.

He coughed twice, revealing a fierce expression.

"Hey, when you see our grinning big brother, why don't you come over to say hello? Be careful I cut you with a knife!

After Xiao Huangmao finished speaking, he also waved the knife in his hand twice.

The bald-headed grinning elder brother put his hands in his pockets and watched leisurely from the side.

2 on 1,

tell me how to lose!

It's just a while before the treasure chest falls, so let's play for a while.

He even thought that the young man in front of him would become his second younger brother.

The corners of his mouth could not help cracking even more.

'Maybe, in this world, I can still be a figure like the godfather!

"Damn it, isn't that better than collecting money from college students?"

Seeing that Lin Nan was unmoved, Xiao Huangmao thought that Lin Nan looked down on him.

"Grass, boy, don't be shameless!

"My eldest brother killed more people than you have ever seen. Before coming to this world, my eldest brother killed a college student!

The bald grinning man smiled without explaining.

His trick, and the trick that Xiao Huangmao understands, are not the same trick at all.

However, it is not an exaggeration, he has done it before.

Lin Nan's brows loosened when he heard the words.

Then, paradoxically, he said something.

"If that's the case, then I don't have any psychological pressure! 39

"What do you mean, kid, don't eat and drink for a toast, right? I hope you can be as calm as you are now when you kneel down!"5

"I am, wait, what are you holding in your hand, boy!"

"Gun, my mother!"

Xiao Huang Mao was scared to pee in an instant, and his legs were shaking like two noodles.

This kind of bullying and fearing the hard stuff.

How fierce is the face of those who are weaker than him, and how weak he is in the face of those who are stronger than him.

The bald man watching the play on the side was also nervous.

However, then he seemed to have thought of something, and his face returned to indifference.

"Boy, you are also scaring young people with little experience. How can you possibly have a gun in your hand in this ghost place? Even boss Lin can't have it at this stage, and you can't have it!""

"However, your behavior has successfully angered me!"5

Lin Nan's hat covered his entire face, and the bald man didn't know that the man in front of him was the big boss Lin he called.

Lin Nan chuckled lightly.

"You are not Lin Nan, how do you know that Lin Nan is not?"

"On the contrary, I happen to know that Lin Nan has a gun in his hand!""

The bald grinning man didn't care at all.

"I don't know, do you know?"

"Threats me with children's toys!"

"If you shoot, I'll just stand here. 35

"Scare the old..."



A loud bang.

The bald and grinning man fell.

Looking at the blood hole in his chest, before the bald man died, his face was full of disbelief.

'This gun turned out to be real!'

one shot,

Lin Nan shrugged and looked at the little yellow hair on the other side.

"You heard, he asked me to shoot. I haven't seen anyone who actively seeks death."

"As for how you asked me to know, because I am Lin Nan!

Xiao Huangmao was immediately stunned.

However, Lin Nan was in trouble.

The bald-headed grinning man looked like the kind of extrajudicial madman.

Every time a player is hurt, it means that Lin Nan is missing a leek.

Ah, no.

is one less potential trading player.

This is equivalent to moving Lin Nan's cake.

So after killing the bald-headed grinning man, Lin Nan didn't feel much pressure.

However, the little yellow hair in front of him was obviously a fox-fake-tiger brat.

In reality, the unforgivable death penalty will not be committed.

However, if it is allowed to develop freely, it will definitely be necessary to have a long memory for a few years.

The problem is, the yellow-haired boy has no chance to transform now.

"Hey, worry!"

Shaking his head, Lin Nan doesn't care about Xiao Huangmao.

Taking advantage of the time before the treasure chest fell, Lin Nan first came to the car of the bald and grinning man.

Think about what else is in the car and whether it can be recycled.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I approached the vehicle, the game panel sent a prompt.

【Game panel】

[If an ownerless vehicle is found, players can choose to destroy or occupy it! 】

Lin Nan was stunned, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.


Lin Nan glanced at the bald-headed, grinning man's still uncool body.

Is it because the owner of the vehicle died?

What is the difference between destroy and occupy?

The game panel quickly responded.

[Destroy the vehicle, players can get all the blueprints of the destroyed vehicle crafting table, as well as all the resources in the vehicle, and get a special item, the vehicle core! 】

[Owning the vehicle, the player will get the second vehicle and have all the right to use this vehicle! 】

Lin Nan was startled, then frowned.

The game panel is simple and two sentences, but it makes Lin Nan seem to see a bloody storm.

Let's not talk about destroying all the blueprints of the vehicle crafting table, nor what is the use of the special props vehicle core.

This is clearly forcing the players to kill each other.

With a heavy sigh, Lin Nan stopped thinking about it.

"Traveling into this world, people are swordsmen, and I am fish. 35

"I can't change the general environment, at least I have to stick to my heart!"

The firmness in his eyes flashed, Lin Nan looked at the game system.

"Confirmed to destroy the vehicle!'39

It is impossible for Lin Nan to drive two vehicles at the same time, and occupying the vehicle is of no use.

 …for flowers  …

In this case, it is better to destroy it directly.

【Ding! Vehicle has been destroyed!】

[Get: 45 units of metal hard block]

[Get: 120 units of wood]

[Get: 1 unit of advanced electronic components]

[Get: 1.5 bottles of Erguotou]

[Get blueprint: Lancet production drawing]

【Get the blueprint:...)

After a long time, the system prompt sound ended.

Lin Nan never thought that he had harvested so many items.

“The great man once said that as long as there is 300% profit, capital will trample on law and morality.35

"The immediate profit is more than 300%!"

At this moment, Rao Shi Lin Nan couldn't help but shudder.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan couldn't help but glance at the unconscious little yellow hair.

Even he couldn't help swaying when he saw this kind of harvest, how could Xiao Huangmao hold back.

Otherwise, still...

I don't know if it's because Lin Nan's gaze is so terrifying, Xiao Huangmao woke up at this moment!

Seeing Lin Nan's strange eyes, Xiao Huangmao's heart tightened and he didn't dare to faint again.

He was afraid that he would faint and would never wake up again.

At this moment, the fear of Lin Nan in his heart came to the bald and grinning man.

He had only heard the bald-headed, grinning big man being vicious and had once killed people.

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan really killed!

Let him kill, he really dares to kill!

"Brother, big brother, Lord! I was wrong, please forgive me, I swear, I will change it in the future! 99

The yellow-haired young man was crying with snot and tears.

Seeing that Xiao Huangmao was so afraid of himself, Lin Nan couldn't help laughing.

Even the ruthlessness in his heart softened a bit.

"Perhaps...I can do this!"

At first, Lin Nan thought, just kill Xiao Huangmao.

However, after thinking about it, he finally gave up.

"come here!"

Little Huangmao dared to refuse, and crawled to Lin Nan's side.

During this period, Xiao Huangmao fell twice because of his weak legs.

It made Lin Nan even more dumbfounded.

However, it is more firm in their own ideas.

"Looks like you're afraid of me?"

"Fear, no, not fear, but respect, yes, respect!


Lin Nan patted the car door next to him.

Xiao Huangmao was shocked and spread directly to the ground.

"Master, master, don't kill me, I really know I'm wrong, I will never dye my hair again, I will listen to my mother's words in the future, I..."

"Stop, stop!" Lin Nan had a headache.

"Regret? I can give you a chance!

"Starting today, if I hear from other players that you are doing evil..."

"you know what I mean!""

"When the time comes, no matter where you are, I will take you personally..."

Lin Nan paused, and in front of Xiao Huangmao, wiped his neck with his hand.

Xiao Huangmao was so frightened that he promised again and again, "Master, I will definitely be willing to help others in the future, and I will never do bad things again!

To scare a little kid, Lin Nan has no interest.

Although he is not very old.

"Okay, drive your car and roll~"

However, before Xiao Huangmao left, Lin Nan added another sentence.

"I really hope that you will do evil again, hehe!

The little yellow hair was so frightened that his legs were so soft that he could barely walk.

After solving the small yellow hair,

At this time, the treasure box has also landed!


Lin Nan instantly became interested and strode forward.

Ps: The protagonist is not a mother worker.

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