National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

062. The king challenges the map, the combination of pearls and curtains! (For flowers, monthly pass

When it was discovered, Lin Nan did not hide and walked out generously.

When the two saw Lin Nan, especially after finding that Lin Nan was the only one, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

There was even a hint of ruthlessness on Zhao Gan's face.

"Brother, it seems that you also got the guide map?""

"Unfortunately, you are late, to be on the safe side, you should die!

After Zhao Gan finished speaking, he gave Qian Buwei a look.

Qian Buwei hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and took out the long knife in his hand.

If you don't do one, you will never stop.

This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't matter if you kill one more.

On the contrary, Qian Buwei also began to fantasize about what those three treasures were.

Unknown treasures, like catalysts, make them lose their minds.

"Just because I'm here too, you're going to kill me?

"Haha, if the king wins or loses the bandit, if you kill it, you will kill it, who knows.

"History is written by the victors."

"Oh, by the way, before you die, let you be an understanding ghost."

"In this cave, the chat function of the game panel cannot be used. If you have the idea of ​​procrastinating, I advise you not to waste your energy!"

Zhao Gan said, and Qian Buwei was on the left and right, and wrapped up towards Lin Nan.

Qian Buwei obviously knew this, so there was no pressure to kill.

Anyway, no one knew that he killed people.

I don't even know that there are dead people here.

Even if another player came here, they would have long gone.

Lin Nan was startled, there is such a special place?

Seeing this, Zhao Gan thought that Lin Nan was being fooled, and laughed even more recklessly.

Killing, he was the 12th time.

However, he was inexplicably excited.

In other words, the world without morality and law released the demon in his heart.

"That means, I killed the two of you, and no one knows!

Lin Nan said, his eyes fell on the special map in Zhao Gan's hands.

It is not difficult to see that this special map is the treasure map they just mentioned.

"Anti-kill?" Zhao Gan was stunned.

Immediately, he laughed wildly.


It's just that the laughter lasted a bit short.

Because, Zhao Gan saw the pistol that Lin Nan took out.

Then, a dark black hole pointed at him, instantly making him feel a little weak in his legs.

Qian Buwei also shrank his pupils and swallowed subconsciously.

"'s not true!"

"Gun, how can you have such an illegal thing in your hand!"

Lin Nan smiled, "It's true or not, you'll find out later if you try it?"

"Why, now, do you still think I'm joking?"

"Brother, if you have something to discuss, in fact... in fact, we can share wealth!

"Just the three of us, there are three treasures in total, one for each of us!

Lin Nan sneered, "Really, why did I just listen to you, it would be nice to get one, why, are you planning to give me this treasure chest?"

Zhao Gan paused, "Brother, even if there is a treasure chest, the things you can open are absolutely beyond imagination, we... the three of us can be divided equally! 99

"Hehe, evenly divided, I don't want someone to stab someone in the back suddenly!"

"Big brother.. I'm not kidding, how could I stab big brother... Qian Buwei, let's do it, let's do it together!"

Zhao Gan's pleasing smile instantly became extremely hideous.

Qian Buwei had been prepared for a long time, and rushed up without a word.

The moment Lin Nan took out his gun, they knew that things couldn't be better today.

Showing weakness, just paralyzing Lin Nan, looking for opportunities.

They even fantasized in their hearts that the gun in Lin Nan's hand was fake, not real!

Lin Nan has been on guard for a long time.

The two are more than ten meters away from him, no matter how fast their movements are, can they be as fast as his fingers?

I didn't kill the two immediately, I just wanted to get more information.


Zhao Gan was hit.


empty gun...


But that's okay.

Lin Nan pulled the trigger again.

Money is not a hit.

The two fell in pain one after another, looking at each other with regrets in their eyes.

Almost, they almost got the precious treasure chest.

In that way, not to mention being able to call the wind and call the rain in this world.

At the very least, I can live quite well.

At this moment, the two thought of their own family.

'Maybe... we should be more stable. 9

'If we weren't blinded by interests and turned into demons, wouldn't it be... different!

Lin Nan waited a moment and confirmed the two dead.

Then, just stepped forward.

Pick up the map that Zhao Gan dropped to the side before he fell to the ground.

In hand, the game panel gave information.

【Game panel】

【King Challenge Map (Exclusive)】

[Description: A map that records information about the King's Challenge. 】

The huge map, now one-fifth of the area, has turned gray.

In the rest of the place, a dense number of thin lines are swirling and intertwined.

At the nodes of the thin lines, small circles are also marked from time to time.

What shocked Lin Nan the most was that three orange light spots were clearly engraved on the map!!!

"The map is grayed out by a fifth?"

"Is this map changing in real time? It's greyed out because it's covered by the grid?"

Lin Nan remembered what Zhao Gan said before.

If you want to get treasure, you must always bring a treasure map with you.

"It should be like this, then this green light point represents my current position!"

"Also, if you don't have this map guide, if you want to find a treasure chest at a specific location in the huge king's challenge, it's tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"And this thin line should represent roads, small circles of nodes..."

Lin Nan compares his current location with a small town he has just visited.

"No surprise, it's a small town!


These three orange dots are the orange treasure chest!

For a moment, Lin Nan understood why Zhao Gan and the others killed each other.

"Unfortunately, they don't know, except for the three orange treasure chests, these little circles are equally precious! 99

Later, Lin Nan also found an item in Zhao Gan's hand.

【Game panel】

[Treasure guide map (exclusive) (not unique)]

[Description: The end of the map records a great opportunity! 】

Lin Nan took it in his hand and looked at it.

It was found that this guide map is similar to the King Challenge map in Lin Nan's hands.

The difference is that on the king challenge map, all the information on the king challenge map is recorded.

As for the treasure guide map, the whole picture is empty.

Not to mention the small circles, not even the thin lines represented by the roads.

There are only two light spots on the entire map, one marking the cave.

The other one is the current position of the holder.

In addition, this map is not unique, Lin Nan guessed that many players should have obtained this guide map.

"Let's get out of here first, or you'll end up in trouble when you encounter players again.

The bodies and weapons of the four people, Lin Nan did not move.

Anyway, there is nothing good about them.

Not yet blood-stained, unlucky.

"When I came, I also saw the signs of four vehicles on the small map. It was only 100 meters away from here. It should be the vehicles of the four of them. Destroy them by the way!"

The corpse didn't move, there was nothing on the four of them.

Vehicles are completely different.

Not to mention, access to special materials, the core of the vehicle.

Once special, it must be rare.

Not sure what else it will do later.

More than 100 meters away, Lin Nan arrived quickly.

Here is another road, four cars parked not far apart.

There is a system to protect the vehicle, and players don't have to worry about leaving the vehicle.

However, all four car players are dead.

Lin Nan easily got the right to dispose of four cars.

At the same time, Lin Nan also found it from the [King Challenge Map] he just obtained.

The light spot representing him came to another thin line.

According to the light point of the cave, and the position of the light point of the road as a reference.

Lin Nan probably guessed where his vehicle was parked.

On an adjacent highway, the straight-line distance is less than 5 kilometers!

This discovery made Lin Nan fall in love with the challenge map of the king in his opponents.

"There is a small map system and a king's challenge map, this challenge is like a duck to water!

"A resource point that depicts the entire king's challenge map, a location that can accurately locate the treasure chest, it's amazing!

"However, I have to hurry up."

"Three orange chests, two in the center of the map, and one not far from the final safe zone!

"However, there is a treasure chest that is about to be covered by the grid!


Since he has the King Challenge map in his hand, Lin Nan naturally doesn't want to let go of any orange treasure chests.

"Unfortunately, there is no airdrop information on the map!"

Lin Nan shook his head regretfully, and complained about himself at the same time.

Greed really has no end.

In the King's Challenge, the three most precious orange treasure chests may be his.

He was still thinking about the airdrop.

Rubbing his head, Lin Nan destroyed three vehicles one after another.

The obtained resources were also traded to Luo Shuhe.

On this escape map, players are racing against the grid.

Except for those who have special tips, or those who are skilled and daring like Lin Nan.

No one dares to get out of the car, let alone enter the wilderness!

Luo Shuhe was also taken aback, especially the three vehicle cores that Lin Nan traded over.

They have seen this kind of thing.

When the sisters met and were about to use a car, the game panel gave a prompt.

Now, with Lin Nan trading in for three, it's not hard to imagine what happened.

However, Luo Shuhe does not think that Lin Nan is the kind of person who kills innocent people.

"Brother Lin, are you not injured?"

As soon as Lin Nan heard it, he knew that Luo Shuhe understood what the core of a vehicle was.

It's just that now everyone doesn't know what the use of this thing is, and they haven't mentioned it.

Originally, Lin Nan thought Luo Shuhe would be afraid, but he didn't expect it to be a word of concern.

"Shu He, your relatives don't help, don't you ask me why?"

"Brother Lin~~ I care about you, why are you kidding me!"

"Okay, I have a pistol, what can I do, I just met a few guys who don't have long eyes!"5

"Brother Lin will be fine~"

"Haha, if something happens, it's someone else's thing!"

Lin Nan smiled, suddenly, his face changed.

It turned black with a brush.

"Shu He, I have something to do first, so I won't talk to you!

Lin Nan didn't wait for Luo Shuhe to reply, and closed the private chat directly...

One more book.

"All People's Otherworld: I Have a System Prompt"

These two are the author's old books, both are under this pseudonym, plus a million words.

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