National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

064. Hidden Blade, a huge red exclamation mark (for automatic subscription)

[Hidden Blade・High-tech Intelligent Retractable Sword (One-time Production Drawing) (Rare)]

[Making materials: 20 units of high-grade metal hard blocks, 10 units of beast spirits, 5 units of high-grade batteries, 5 units of high-grade wood, and 1 unit of high-grade electronic components. 】

[Description: A high-tech intelligent retractable sword that can be folded up to maintain the shape of the hilt when not in use. After the display, high-density energy surrounds the blade, providing extremely strong slashing destructive power. 】

[Finished drawing: Click to view in the upper right corner of the drawing]

Just one glance, Lin Nan fell in love with this hidden blade.

It even felt that the standard long sword behind him was extremely annoying.

In the picture, the Hidden Blades are segmented one by one, resembling telescopic joints one by one.

However, it does not affect the beauty of the hidden blade at all, on the contrary, it is full of technology.


After the hidden blade is unfolded, it emits a blue-green light at all times.

well known,

A weapon that glows must be very powerful!

Not to mention, it can still shrink.

When you usually carry it, it's not too convenient!

"Make it, make it!"

However, Lin Nan was not in a hurry.

No matter how good the Hidden Blade is, can he still use his pistol?

If you open the treasure chest, let's make do with this standard long sword for now.

When you have time in the evening, take the time to collect all the materials for remanufacturing.

Lin Nan didn't take it seriously until the night to forge the hidden blade.

Only then did he know that he was wrong!

"The next step is to go to the location of the second orange treasure chest.

"Go in this direction and you'll be there in about an hour!"

At this time, Lin Nan also understood why Zhao Gan and the others said that they could only take one of the three treasure chests.

Lin Nan can travel 220 kilometers in one hour, while other players need more than two hours.

The distance between two treasure chests alone is so far, one can imagine how difficult it is to obtain three treasure chests.

You know, the entire king challenge is only 5 hours.

277 You have to look for the place where the treasure chest is, and when you find it, you have to stay away from the power grid.

Bad luck, even if you have a map in hand, you may not be able to find an orange treasure chest.

Hurrying is boring.

Lin Nan peeked at the chat room from time to time, or just chatted with the Luo Shuhe sisters.

Until the second orange treasure chest was approaching, Lin Nan suddenly heard the sky explode.

A purple beam of light descended from the sky.


"The previous airdrop was too late because I was in a hurry, so I won't miss it this time!

Lin Nan was overjoyed and took a detour a bit to the place where the treasure chest landed.

The small map system shows that this airdrop is on the side of the road.

Waiting for the airdrop to land, again nothing special happened.


When the treasure chest was opened, Lin Nan had a look of surprise on his face.

【Game panel】

[Intermediate water maker (one-time production drawing)]

[Making materials: 100 units of metal hard blocks, 100 units of manufacturing parts, 100 units of glass, 1 unit of advanced electronic components. 】

[Description: It can produce 20-30 liters of water resources per day. The amount of water produced is related to the current environment! 】

Lin Nan didn't expect that the airdrop would be a higher-level water maker just by opening it!

Great harvest!

Compared with the low-level water maker, the production materials are greatly increased in addition to the basic materials, and the electronic components of rare materials have also changed from ordinary electronic components to advanced electronic components!

However, none of this matters.

Lin Nan happened to have these materials in his hands and made them at will.

The earlier the water maker is built, the greater the harvest.

Then, Lin Nan looked at the two small low-grade water makers and a slightly larger mid-grade water maker in the back of the car, his face was full of joy!

"This time, the initial realization of worry-free water, I can't say that (bcci) I can take another bath tonight!

" for a few more days and take a bath is not a problem!!!"

Lin Nan looked satisfied.

Restart the car and continue towards the location of the orange treasure chest.

On the way, Luo Shuhe sent a message.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin, look what Yuhe and I have come across!"


In the picture, there is a low-grade water maker in the back seat of the van!

"This is an airdrop that Yuhe and I have just met. After making it, I will show it to Brother Lin. We will also have stable water resources in the future~"

Looking at Luo Shuhe who was overjoyed, Lin Nan fell silent.

I glanced at my three water makers through the rearview mirror, and for a while I didn't know whether to say it or not.

Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

Lin Nan is afraid of hitting the two sisters!

At the same time, Lin Nan felt the power of 【Ornament·Lucky Clover】in his hands.

It was also an airdrop. He turned on the intermediate water maker, while the Luo Shuhe sisters only turned on the low-level water maker.

"Congratulations, congratulations, oh right, I almost forgot to ask you, what was your first airdrop?"

Lin Nan was concerned about the orange treasure chest and forgot about it!

"Hee hee, the vehicle upgrade map, Brother Lin, we can also have a big car!"9

"However, the material is still a little short, and you can upgrade it later!"

"The second-level vehicle, coupled with the four-cylinder engine, this challenge, we absolutely won easily!!!"

In fact, Luo Shuhe's second airdrop was not as simple as she said.

However, it also passed, and she didn't want to worry Lin Nan.

They were waiting for the airdrop this time and met a disgusting middle-aged man.

Not only do they want to monopolize the airdrop, seeing the beautiful Luo Shuhe sisters, but also want to take the opportunity to rob.

What sister flowers are said in the mouth!

Luo Shuhe was a little flustered for a while, she had never seen such a thing before.

Luo Yuhe was different, he collapsed without saying a word when he pulled out a gun!

His face was still full of anger, cursing like a little sister.

"Just you, a scumbag, you still want to hit our sisters' attention? Don't pee and look at your own virtues!""

"I have a good temper, and I don't care about you, but you actually ranted, insulted my sister, and slaughtered you!"

Of course, these words were all said by Luo Yuhe to the corpse.

This time, Luo Shuhe looked at his sister who was swearing, and rarely did not teach her a lesson.

At the same time, Luo Shuhe also saw the danger of this world.

I made up my mind secretly.

next time,

Faced with this situation, she should protect her sister!!!

"Congratulations for upgrading the blueprints, if you are short of materials, I will give them to you first! 35

"No need, Brother Lin, it will be fine soon, we are also very fat!

"That's right, if you need help, just say, oh right, before upgrading the vehicle, pay attention to the location of the power grid, because the vehicle upgrade will take a while, and the car can't be driven at this time!

"Thank you Brother Lin, we got it, (picture) make a fist and work hard!

Next, Lin Nan chatted with Luo Shuhe, and Luo Shuhe went to upgrade the car.

At the same time, Lin Nan also came to the second treasure chest.

Like the previous orange treasure chest, it is located in a huge ruined town.

With previous experience, Lin Nan drives on the roads of the town with ease.

After a while, Lin Nan found an orange light spot on the minimap.

Besides, Lin Nan also saw a huge exclamation mark on the minimap!

There is a distance from the treasure chest, and it is not completely coincident.

"I didn't encounter a red exclamation mark last time.

"Isn't every treasure chest protected by wild monsters?"

"Again, the monster...has been killed by the power grid!"

Unknown to Lin Nan, he cautiously drove towards the location of the orange treasure chest.

Soon, it stopped in front of a huge house.

"Steal the treasure chest while the red exclamation mark is still some distance away!"

However, after searching the house for a while, Lin Nan was desperate.

Rare explosion. Foul language.

"md, it's actually in the basement again!

Standing at the position of the treasure box, without seeing the treasure box, Lin Nan was numb.

Lin Nan still remembers the previous experience in the basement.

"Forget it, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell will fight for the treasure chest!"

Lin Nan guessed that it is not so easy to get the treasure chest.

Covering his nose, he found the way to the basement, and then followed the stairs to the basement.

However, seeing the scene in the basement clearly, Lin Nan was numb.

Totally numb!

In front of him, there are dense spider webs, and an orange treasure chest exudes an attractive luster in the depths.

"I'm going, it's too scary!"

Resisting the intense fear, Lin Nan gritted his teeth and prepared to get the treasure chest.

Before taking action, Lin Nan habitually glanced at the small map system.

Then the whole person was stunned!

The minimap system has changed drastically.

No longer the stereotypical circle image it used to be.

Instead, a thin red thread is woven out of Lin Nan's light spot as the center.

"This thin line looks familiar!"

Lin Nan murmured, then shuddered.

"I mean, isn't this the cobwebs in the basement? 35

Lin Nan understood in an instant!

The spider webs here are not the same as the spider webs accumulated over the years.

"Could this cobweb be a trap set by that huge red exclamation mark?

Associating the habits of spiders and the abnormal performance of the minimap system, the more Lin Nan thought about it, the more he became more like this.

Maybe, the red exclamation mark this time is a huge spider!


It can make the small map system change, indicating that it is impossible to resist!

In other words, there is a big risk!

"Be wise, be wise!

Lin Nan forced himself to calm down.

However, the change in the minimap system this time made Lin Nan happy.

Make up your mind, no matter what you do in the future, look at the small map system first.

Sinking down, Lin Nan quickly discovered the loopholes in the underground spider web.

"Go in from here, as long as you are careful, you should not touch the spider web!"

Lin Nan is fortunate that this unknown monster did not smear the basement with nets all over the place, and still has a chance to survive.

Otherwise, Lin Nan will definitely have to waste more effort.

After confirming it again, Lin Nan moved towards the treasure chest.

Bend over, crawl, sideways....

When Lin Nan came to the treasure chest, his forehead was already covered with sweat.

The journey is not long and the action seems simple.

But in a coherent way, it cost Lin Nan half his life.

However, in front of the treasure chest, everything is worth it!


The treasure chest is open!

Thanks to 'Fei Tongtong' and 'Long Kongming' for the reward, plus 1 more.

The monthly pass is currently 19, plus 1 update (10 monthly passes plus 1 update).

Now I owe 12 changes (plus four chapters on the basis of the daily change).

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

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