National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

080. Universal ammunition blueprint, two paths (for a reward at the beginning of the month)

Not much has changed this time around.

At first glance, there is only one more picture on the top.


When Lin Nan saw what it was, the whole person was excited~.

【Supply Station】

[Universal Ammunition Production Drawings (-Special Class Drawings)]

[Material: Provide items that require ammunition, and double the ammunition material, which can be used to make any ammunition. 】

【Redeem points: 10000 points!】

The points required to redeem this drawing are extremely exaggerated, as high as 10,000 points!

However, Lin Nan switched without hesitation.

Then, the [Universal Ammo Production Blueprint] hanging high at the supply station turned gray.

Lin Nan's behavior of spending a lot of money made the regional chat room go crazy again.

However, Lin Nan didn't have time to watch the changes in regional chat rooms.

Looking down at the blueprint in his hand, his heart is full of joy.

After reading the introduction a little, Lin Nan knew how to use this drawing.

Like a pistol.

Put the pistol on the crafting table, then provide double material for crafting pistol bullets.

Lin Nan can make pistol bullets without the pistol bullet making diagram.

The pistols here can be exchanged for any weapon that requires ammo.

All you need is double the ammo material and you can make it all!

As for the double material, Lin Nan directly ignored it.

Not to mention double, it means triple or quadruple the material.

Lin Nan feels that he has made a lot of money!

The pistol incident made him understand the importance of bullet making diagrams.

Compared to the manufactured ammunition, this material consumption is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention, Lin Nan can also slowly collect blueprints for various ammunition.

"I didn't expect such a blueprint to be added to the supply station!"

"Is it because I have too many points!"

"However, after exchanging this blueprint, the remaining points for exchanging advanced materials are much less! 35

"Still collect some advanced materials from players!!

However, Lin Nan was not too worried.

Without upgrading the vehicle yesterday, Lin Nan still has a little advanced material left in his hand.

Not enough to upgrade a vehicle, but more than enough to make an advanced water maker.

After obtaining the advanced water maker, Lin Nan made it directly.

The advanced water maker, under the current environment, can produce 240 liters of water a day.

In one afternoon, there are 60 liters.

The purchasing power of water is much stronger than that of meat.

Definitely can buy some more advanced materials from the players!

Afterwards, Lin Nan exchanged two relatively rare blueprints: [Turbocharger Parts Drawing] [Quick Fertilizer Maker Drawing].

The remaining points are all used to exchange for advanced materials.

One of the materials solved a difficulty in Lin Nan's mind.

[Vehicle core materials, 100 points exchange for one! 】

"The core material of the vehicle, the supply station did not seem to have the option to exchange it before.

"Is it not seen, or is it the last addition?"

Lin Nan is unknown.


When Lin Nan saw that there were only more than 3,100 people left in the regional chat room, he fell silent.

It is even guessed that the core of these vehicles is the dead player. After death, the game recycles it and then takes it out for exchange.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts, Lin Nan quickly completed the exchange.

Seeing that there is nothing around, there is no change on the minimap system.

It bored back to the driveway and waited for the exchange to end.

Also, some looking forward to the rewards after this challenge is over!

Having nothing to do, Lin Nan first looked at the regional chat room for a while.

Then, he opened Luo Shuhe's private letter.

"How about it, Shuhe, is the exchange ready?

Luo Shuhe also saw Lin Nan's frantic sweeping of goods.

Basically, the large amount of points exchanged for blueprints, all made by Lin Nan alone.

At this time, the rarest blueprints in the supply station are all gray.

In stark contrast to the redemption options that are all lit below.

"Brother Lin, we are not big local tyrants like you, every point is very important to us, and even related to our future development!

"Also, you really need to think about it carefully, Shu He, do you have any ideas now?

"There are, but there are, I thought of two ways."

"Let's hear it, maybe I can give you some advice!"

Lin Nan is fine now, just listen.

"That's it, the first way is definitely stronger. The points are not enough to exchange for blueprints, but a lot of advanced materials can be exchanged, which can not only make up for the materials we needed to obtain the air conditioner yesterday, but also have some leftovers! 99

Air conditioning does more than provide a good and comfortable environment.

It can also greatly improve the player's strength.

Lin Nan has a deep understanding of this.

Driving with air conditioning and driving without air conditioning are completely two states.

Driving with air conditioning reduces energy consumption considerably.

This allows for a more serious search for treasure chests, ensuring that none of them are missed.

"What about the second way?"

Lin Nan was full of curiosity for a while.

If it were him, he would definitely choose the first way!

"The second way..."

Speaking of this, Luo Shuhe's face turned slightly red.

"The second way is to openly hug your thighs!

After speaking, Luo Shuhe hurriedly added another sentence, as if this choice had nothing to do with me.

"Of course, the idea came out of Yu He!

Lin Nan smiled. He didn't expect Luo Shuhe to say such a thing. It's kind of cute.

Through the private chat, Lin Nan could imagine Luo Shuhe blushing.

To be able to come up with such a way, Luo Yuhe must be right.

Luo Shuhe is not such a character!

If they first met, Luo Shuhe would not even have said these words.

Say it now...

Lin Nan was in a better mood for a while.

The use of time by the little cook has changed from a limited period to an indefinite trend.

Later, Luo Shuhe said the second way.

"Brother Lin, this is a world of survival, there is only one way to become stronger!

"We understand that the strong are always strong, but there is not only one way to become stronger!"

"Brother Lin, you are a well-deserved king in the region in terms of resources, strength, and popularity. If we choose the same path, it will definitely not work!

"It's better to develop your own strengths instead of going further and further!"

"Our second way is to not exchange for advanced materials, but to exchange equipment such as automatic sausage making machines and automatic bread making machines!"

"Yu He said that it would be a huge loss to trade meat directly!"

"Players are also cumbersome to use."

"After processing, not only can more resources be exchanged, but players can also have a lot of convenience!"

"Besides, Yu He and I didn't have much ambition at all, we just wanted to live in peace and live until my parents put in..."

Luo Shuhe said, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

Lin Nan listened and understood.

Luo Shuhe's ideas are similar to Wang Daheng's.

The difference is that one takes advantage of the fuel.

Controlled fuel transactions in regional chat rooms to a certain extent.

Luo Shuhe and the others wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to control part of the food trade.

At the same time, Lin Nan also knew why Luo Shuhe felt embarrassed.

Wang Daheng can do it only by virtue of his unique talent.


Luo Shuhe and the others want to achieve this level, in addition to their own cooking skills, they also need to rely on Lin Nan for supplies to a large extent.

A clever woman is hard to come by without rice.

It's like a fully automatic sausage making machine, which requires a lot of meat.

At present, apart from Lin Nan, other players don't talk about supply, whether they can eat meat or not depends on Lin Nan's harvest in one day.

Just like today, a racing challenge day.

Most players can only drink water to get by!

Understanding Luo Shuhe's meaning, Lin Nan did not answer, but asked instead.

"Shuhe, aside from these, which way do you want to go?"

Luo Shuhe was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Lin Nan would ask such a question.

Yeah, what's on her mind.

She hadn't really thought about it.

In these two ways, she and her sister are thinking on the basis of survival.

Lin Nan did not urge.

After a long time, Luo Shuhe's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Brother Lin, I want to choose the next day."

"In my dream, I want to be a top chef that surpasses my parents, and the next day, is closer to my idea!

"Then why hesitate, choose the second way!"

"Why, I'm still worried that I won't give you a hug that day!"

"You don't know that I've eaten the food you cook, so I can't leave you?

Seeing Lin Nan's caution, Luo Shuhe was stunned.


Brother Ling, is this a confession?

Then the next second, Luo Shuhe disappeared.

"At first, I was going to talk about the upgrade blueprint of the third-level vehicle, but I didn't expect that, after teasing Luo Shuhe a little, she ran away! 35

"It's useless to keep this blueprint in my hands!"

"However, it is useless to say it, she will definitely not accept it directly to Luo Shuhe!

"Unless she obtains an equivalent item, she will accept it!"


"Stubborn little girl, have a good tjtj in the future!"

Luo Shuhe conquered Lin Nan with his cooking skills.

The two sisters rely on a little advantage and a little luck.

Now he is the number one player besides Lin Nan.

Even if they can't find an equivalent, let alone other players.

"Come on, I didn't say anything, just leave it alone!

"Even if they have Level 3 blueprints, they definitely won't be able to get the resources to upgrade!

"Upgraded, it can't afford such terrible fuel consumption."

"At this stage, speed doesn't matter to them."

"Apart from being a little bigger, the third-level vehicle does not have much improvement! 35

Shaking his head, Lin Nan put the third-level blueprint aside.

For other players, the third-level blueprint is too far away.

However, Lin Nan did not close the private message immediately.

"Shuhe, don't exchange the drawings of the automatic sausage making machine, I just have one that I haven't used yet, agree to the deal!"

Luo Shuhe didn't mention it today, he forgot that he still had this blueprint.

The food was basically in Luo Shuhe, and the super fertilizer was also given to Luo Shuhe before.

Lin Nan didn't bother about the food at all.

Luo Shuhe replied with the word 'um' and disappeared again.


The beep of the game system reappears.

[The redemption of the racing challenge is over, and the return transmission is now started]

[Rewards will be issued to the top three players in the score. 】

【All players get survival treasure chest x1!】

[Surviving treasure chests, 60% are common, 35% are rare, and 5% are rare! 】

The treasure chest obtained by the player is almost the same as the end of the king challenge.

The only difference is the probability of each level of treasure chest.

And when Lin Nan regained his vision.

There is an orange treasure chest and a purple treasure chest in front of me...

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