National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

084. The idea of ​​farming (please order all)

Solve the two big heads.

Lin Nan began to sort out the other gains of the day.

【Quick Fertilizer Maker】

[Making materials: 200 units of metal hard blocks, 200 units of production parts, 10 units of high-grade metal hard blocks, 10 units of high-grade precision parts, 1 unit of high-grade electronic chips! 】

[Description: It can degrade food, waste, and make quick fertilizer! 】

【Quick Fertilizer: Greatly shorten the planting time, the shortening time depends on different plants! 】

"The crafting material is a mix of common and advanced materials?"

"It's not that difficult to make. 35

"As for this description...."

Lin Nan felt, how could it look like a kitchen waste decomposer.

The difference is that it can generate valuable fertilizers after breaking down food.

"If it's effective, it's not as good as the bag I got at the time!"

"I remember, that bag is a magical item that can shorten the growth cycle of all ordinary plants to three days!

However, thinking about this energy production, Lin Nan has nothing to say.

"Speaking of which, I entered the survival world as a native of Xia."

"If you don't farm, do you always feel like you're missing something?"

"Now that the fertilizer is available, if there is a chance in the future, we must arrange the farming!!!35

Lin Nan took this matter to heart.

Then, I made one and loaded this blueprint.

Right at this moment,

Luo Shuhe sent a private message.

"It's dinner, Brother Lin! 35

A great meal was listed on the transaction application.

It is still dominated by Tyrannosaurus Rex meat.

Before stacking the bonus of Tyrannosaurus Rex meat, the staple food of several of them was Tyrannosaurus Rex meat.

Today, Luo Shuhe traded a lot of food to Lin Nan.

There are several plates of light meat!

Obviously not a person's appetite.

Lin Nan can't do anything about his appetite.

Since getting the Brave Necklace, Lin Nan's appetite has gradually developed in an incomprehensible direction.

At first, just added a little 290.

Lin Nan only thought that he was too tired and his digestive ability was relatively strong.

Until the Brave Necklace was upgraded and fused with Tyrannosaurus Rex's teeth.

Completely changed.

Only then did Lin Nan understand that the source of the sudden increase in appetite was because of the 'Necklace of the Brave'


It can be regarded as a side effect of the 'Brave Necklace' discovered by Lin Nan.

In other words, the amount of energy Lin Nan needs to take in a day has greatly increased.

However, Lin Nan himself does not consider this a 'side effect'.

Crazy eat not fat!

What a magical ability this is!

Luo Shuhe's craftsmanship and the unique ingredients of Survival World can be described as a delicacy on earth!

Lin Nan simply don't enjoy it too much!

I don't even have to worry about the possibility of gaining weight before.

Luo Shuhe was also surprised by Lin Nan's appetite, but she felt sweet when she watched Lin Nan eat the food she made every time.

As long as there is enough time, there are more than a dozen kinds of food to start each time.

This is beautiful Luo Yuhe.

She and her sister have a small appetite and can't eat much.

I used to make just a little bit, enough for them to eat,

So, every time she can only eat one or two.

With the appearance of Lin Nan's big stomach king, Luo Yuhe can eat a lot of different things every day.

Overwhelmed with happiness!

In addition to the Tyrannosaurus Rex meat, the food that Luo Shuhe traded this time also had a highlight.

Top quality wagyu beef steak.

However, after Lin Nan tasted it, he was greatly disappointed.

I had a good life when I was a kid, and it's the same with the players and Wagyu.

"By the way, Shuhe, I'll give you one of the [Quick Fertilizer Maker].""

"In this way, it will be much more convenient for you to pack up every time you finish cooking."

"Don't worry, it doesn't take many materials to make it, just treat me as returning your beast soul. 55

Speaking of which, Lin Nan almost forgot about the soul of the beast.

Lin Nan did not mention it, and Luo Shuhe (bcci) also forgot.

It's like two billionaires with a good relationship, but they can't remember when the other party has borrowed 1 yuan.

Looking at the [Quick Fertilizer Maker] sent by Lin Nan around the corner, Luo Shuhe's face turned slightly red.

She didn't know that Lin Nan was taking care of her.

"Brother Lin, as soon as you said it, I remembered that you gave me a drawing of the [Automatic Sausage Maker] during the day!"

Lin Nan patted his head when he heard the words.

At that time, Lin Nan took advantage of Luo Shuhe's shyness and forced it to her.

I thought that fishing in troubled waters was over.

Unexpectedly, the matter of the rapid fertilizer maker reminded her again.

"Shuhe, just accept it. Anyway, the automatic sausage machine is useless in my hands, and I don't have time to do these things."

"If you don't know that you don't agree, or the level 3 vehicle upgrade map, it's okay to give it to you directly!

There is food at home, so don't panic.

Lin Nan is too rich.

In addition to ultra-rare high-level drawings, and fetishes like Klein bottles.

Others, Lin Nan really ignored.

Even, if not for fear of disturbing the regional order, fear of players slack off and have the idea of ​​​​getting something for nothing. ,

He wants to actively support other players and let more players live.

For Lin Nan, the number of players is more important than temporary resources.

Just like these two days, if there is no large amount of advanced materials accumulated by players.

Lin Nan don't talk about upgrading level 3 vehicles.

It is extremely difficult to make hidden swords, car air conditioners, and L9-level intelligent assisted driving assistants!

Sometimes, Lin Nan still thinks...

Will regional chat rooms add players in the future?

The items obtained by more than 3,000 players can no longer meet his needs.

"Brother Lin, I know that you are treating me well and taking care of us!

"But, I don't want to be a vase~"

Of course Lin Nan understands, and it is Luo Shuhe's character that makes Lin Nan feel good.

In reality, there are too many boxers.

It is only natural that boys treat girls well.

Luo Shuhe was simply a breath of fresh air.

"Besides, Brother Lin, we are struggling to create an assisted driving assistant. The air conditioner of the car has not yet been made. You can give me the upgrade map of the third-level vehicle, and I can't use it! I can't even use it!

"We didn't even have time to build three full brake generators! 35

Ordinary players survive by eating and drinking.

Top players, headaches for materials.

Even Lin Nan, wasn't it delayed for a day because of the material stuck, upgrading the level 3 vehicle?

And Luo Shuhe has three fully automatic production drawings in his hands.

They are automatic bread making machine and automatic instant noodle making machine.

These two were exchanged by Luo Shuhe at the supply station.

The third picture is the fully automatic sausage making machine given by Lin Nan.

Lin Nan understood what Luo Shuhe meant, pondered for a while, and quickly came up with an idea.

"Shu He, aren't you planning to work hard on food, then this drawing will be my technology investment!

"With three devices, meat will not be sold directly in the future without Luo Yuhe!"

"I don't have to pay Luo Yuhe's service fee every day, let's share it directly!"5


"Bread, instant noodles, are yours.

"Sausage Maker Deal 55%!"

"The meat I provide, the transaction is 82%! 35

Knowing Luo Shuhe's character, Lin Nan didn't push around.

Seeing the ratio mentioned by Lin Nan, Luo Shuhe knew that they were still taking advantage.

However, it is acceptable.

However, it is too troublesome to do it one by one at a time.

"Brother Lin, we're hugging your thigh anyway, so let's keep it simple."

"All our income in the future, 82 points, Brother Lin, you are 8, and Yu He and I are 2."

"If we can account for 20%, we have already taken advantage of it!"

"After all, whether it's a fully automatic bread maker or a fully automatic instant noodle maker, their value is limited!99

"Without your access to meat and other resources, no matter how much Yuhe and I do, it will be empty talk!"

"Actually, after all, you are the food controller, Brother Lin, and Yu He and I are just a sale at best!"

Lin Nan understood what Luo Shuhe meant, but did not agree.

"Shuhe, you are just underestimating yourself."

"Your cooking skills are also irreplaceable."

Luo Shuhe, it is not as simple as selling sausages.

MasterChef's Luo Shuhe, it's too easy to make a sauce.

In this way, even if other players get the 'automatic bread making machine' in the future, Luo Shuhe will also have an absolute advantage.

This is just an example.

Selling real objects, Chef Luo Shuhe has a lot of room for manipulation.

This means that meat will become more valuable.

2 units of premium material for a piece of raw meat.

3 units of high-grade materials, for a carefully seasoned food, not too much!

Production adds added value.

Lin Nan seems to have turned into 80% profit, but in fact, he can get more than before by selling meat alone.

Of course, at this stage, there is no need for careful processing, making sauces and the like.

Just fully automatic production is enough.


Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe are worried that players will not be able to afford it. …

Seeing Luo Shuhe's firm attitude, Lin Nan nodded in agreement.

"Then... work together!

Luo Shuhe laughed when he heard the words, "Mmmm, Brother Lin! 99

Next, the chat between the two became much easier.

Luo Yuhe found out that her sister was chatting with Lin Nan and joined in.

While chatting with the two sisters, Lin Nan focused on cleaning up the carriage.

Start making hype.

【Wooden Single Bed】,【Wooden Table】,【Wooden Chair】


Most of these drawings can be made in their own shops.

There are only a few, made by Lin Nan in other players' shops.

It took more than an hour for Lin Nan to finish packing the carriage.

[Simple bathroom] has been upgraded to [more spacious bathroom].

In addition, there is an additional [small bathroom].

There is a portable toilet inside, so Lin Nan finally doesn't have to hold it at night.

Clapping his hands, Lin Nan looked inside the car with satisfaction.

There is a 1.5-meter-wide vertical single bed on the right side of the rear of the car.

On the left is a more spacious bathroom and a small toilet.

The width of the car is 5 meters, the space is large, and it is extremely capricious.

For the position of the production table, Lin Nan placed it in the middle of the car.

On the left is a row of tables on which equipment such as water makers are placed.

Lin Nan also reserved a little space for him to eat later.

On the right, there are various storage cabinets.

There are places for clothes, places for firearms, and places for food.

Lin Nan's equipment, stab-proof clothing, sand-proof sunglasses, and the Blade of Secret are all stored in a dedicated area.

"In the future, there is no need to pile everything in the co-pilot again!"

"I finally have a bed too!

After washing up, Lin Nan Meimei lay down.

find a comfortable position,

fell asleep soon...

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