National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

087. The Monkey King of the Golden Retriever, I am shocked to discover the mountain spring (please b

Lin Nan explained Satsuki before getting off the bus.

The moment Satsuki observed the monkeys through the drone, she mobilized the vehicle-mounted cannon.


A scene that shocked Lin Nan happened.

On the huge armored car, a double-barreled cannon made the sound of metal friction.

The muzzle quickly turned its direction, facing the direction of the monkeys.

Da da da!

Facing the group of monkeys, the double-barreled cannon spun.

Exaggerated tongues of flame blazed from the barrel.

"If this firepower hits people, it might turn into a sieve in an instant!"

Witnessing this scene, Lin Nan couldn't help speechless.

at the same time....

Still a little sad!

Originally, the production cost of the machine gun was 5 times that of the pistol bullet.

Plus the double of [Universal Ammo Production Diagram].

The cost of a machine gun is ten times the cost of a pistol bullet!

And the cannon, 320 revolutions a minute!

Double tube, that is 640 revolutions per minute!!!

Equivalent to one minute, the machine gun fired 6400 pistol bullets!

Every bullet is a resource!

The monkey group did not succeed in the robbery, but it was a success!

"Ow, ooh, ooh!"


Where did the monkey group have seen the power of guns and cannons, they immediately screamed in confusion.

Under the bullet rain, more than a dozen monkeys died in an instant.

The remaining monkeys ducked while holding their heads.

After just one encounter, the monkey group collapsed and began to flee.

However, the on-board cannon does not stop, it has a range of 1500 meters!!

It wasn't until the monkey group re-entered the dead wood and escaped the range of 300 meters that Xiaoyue stopped shooting.

At this time, the ground was a mess.

The bodies of dozens of monkeys were scattered on the 300-meter-long loess road.

Only ten or so monkeys escaped from this purgatory-like place.

That is to say, the speed of the monkeys is fast, and due to the terrain, they cover each other and block a lot of muzzles.

Otherwise, Xiaoyue can definitely kill all the monkeys easily!

The monkeys retreated, and Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he finally understood why the war was made of banknotes.

In just a short while, Lin Nan gritted his teeth and hoarded almost all the ammunition for the machine guns.

"These monkeys really deserve to die!"

"Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan's eyes fell on the monkey's corpse, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"Then let you make up for my losses, eight or ninety monkeys can always decompose a lot of meat!

However, Lin Nan didn't do it right away.

Quickly came to the side of the car and gave Xiaoyue a wireless headset.

"Xiaoyue, keep your car, I'll go to the wilderness!

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he walked quickly to the production table and made more than a dozen fragmentation grenades.

It didn't stop until it couldn't fit.

During this period, Lin Nan's attention has been on the small map.

There were more than a dozen monkeys left, panicked and irregular when they fled.


After the monkeys entered the wilderness, they began to flee in the same direction.

This made a guess in Lin Nan's heart.

They are running home!

"Dare to steal my home, and I'll let you taste the feeling of being stolen!

Lin Nan said fiercely, and then, touched nearly 30 fragmentation grenades on his body.

"With so many grenades smashed, the monkeys should be very happy!"

With the blessing of the Brave Necklace, Lin Nan adds fragmentation grenades, which is a simplified version of the mortar.

Before, I pretended to go to collect the treasure chest and didn't take the initiative to attack, so I didn't know what the red dot was.

When he got out of the car, he pretended to go the wrong way and approached the red dot group.

Unexpectedly, those red dots also began to retreat.

Quite astute.

Without knowing what the red dots represent, Lin Nan naturally wouldn't take risks.

Anyway, the car is loaded with the strongest firepower in Lin Nan's hands.

After doing everything, Lin Nan doesn't stop.

"Xiaoyue, if there is anything unusual, you can use this thing to contact me!

"It's okay if you can't reach me, don't let anything approach the vehicle!"

At this time, the monkey group had already reached the edge of the small map system.

Lin Nan no longer hesitated, grabbed something good and started chasing.

Monkey's speed is not slow, Lin Nan's speed is equally fast.

Under the deliberate pursuit, Lin Nan never let the monkeys escape from the display range of the mini-map system.

After almost 20 minutes of running, the monkey group finally slowed down.

At the same time, dozens of red dots appeared on the minimap system.

There is also a slightly larger red dot in it!

"finally reached!"

"I like stealing your home, don't you, I'll let you all try the feeling of being stolen!""

At the same time, Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

If the monkey has not stopped after waiting for a while, Lin Nan is ready to give up.

Too far from the car.

At the same time, he is not sure...

The appearance of monkeys is traceable, or is the game system refreshed.

Now it seems....

Even if the monkeys have traces, they are also arranged by the game system.

Otherwise, where are there so many wild monsters in the desert!

People can't survive, how do wild monsters survive.

However, the arrangement of the game system does not appear out of thin air.

Just like the monkeys in front of you.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Nan began to approach cautiously.

Not long after, Lin Nan appeared above the entrance of a valley.

Then, a scene that shocked Lin Nan appeared in front of his eyes.

The valley was full of green, filling Lin Nan's eyes in an instant.

After so many days, Lin Nan can see some green except when he eats.

What you see every day is either yellow or black.

Suddenly seeing so many plants, Lin Nan couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"This is a peach tree, this is an apple tree, this is a banana..."

"Also, that's..."

Lin Nan actually saw a mountain spring, and the whole person couldn't help but get excited.

"Oh my god, be prosperous!"

Lin Nan subconsciously touched the [Fantastic Klein Bottle] that he was wearing.


"Fortunately, I use it as a water bottle and wear it by my side at any time!

"Now, it works!"

"Hey, put a lot of water in it, and you can buy a lot of things today!"

"Unfortunately, with a large number of monkeys appearing, players' income is bound to decrease a lot!"

"Damn monkey!"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan frowned again.

"No, we have to improve the strength of the players!"

"Otherwise, if the monkey group succeeds, it will indirectly infringe on my interests!"

thinking about it,

An item finally appeared in Lin Nan's mind.

【Powerful single-shot hand crossbow】

"Now, I have a pistol, an ak47, a cannon, and a stab-proof suit.

"It's time to announce the hand crossbow!"

"In this way, when the monkeys appear, the players are not considered powerless to resist."

"Even.... if the number of monkeys is small, the player can be lucky enough to fight back!

However, 【Powerful Single Shot Hand Crossbow】is different from food and water.

Lin Nan trades food and water, on the one hand, to obtain resources from players.

There is another aspect of Ling, to ensure that the vast majority of players survive.

So, the pricing won't be too high.

As long as players take every day seriously, they will definitely be able to exchange supplies for one day's survival.

[Powerful single-shot hand crossbow] is different, it is a weapon.

The weapon is to protect the wealth on the car, and the average player is destitute, what to protect.

So, the object of this transaction is different.

The price of a powerful single-shot hand crossbow will be much higher than that of food and water.

"It will be on the shelves when we go back, and the price will be temporarily set at 5 units of advanced materials!

Lin Nan considered again and again, and formulated a trade-off price.

Right at this moment,

A huge change has taken place in Lin Nan's vision.

A monkey with short golden hair crawled out of the cave.

The Golden Retriever Monkey is not big, about half the height of a person, and there are several monkeys that look like bodyguards behind him.

The Golden-haired Monkey King looked directly at the monkey who had returned in a state of embarrassment in front of him, and cried out, "Ow, Ow, Ow."

"Looks a bit like the boss' incompetent fury!"

"No wonder people say that monkeys are the most human-like!"

This scene, Lin Nan said he had seen it!

"However, the main lord came out, and the monkeys in the valley also gathered together."

"It's my turn to shoot!"

Lin Nan smiled and took out the grenades one by one from his pocket.

How many are nearly thirty fragmentation grenades?

Lin Nan looked at the pile of debris grenade in front of him clearly.

Pick up one of them and pull the bolt.

Lin Nan slammed into the valley without hesitation.


The metal ball landed in the center of the monkey group.

Hearing the movement, a curious monkey stepped forward and looked down.



With a loud bang, the monkey was directly blasted to the sky.

The monkeys that were closer to 290 also flew around.

Lin Nan couldn't help laughing, the grenade in his hand kept coming.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, there was a constant roar in the valley.

There are hundreds of exclamation marks on the minimap, and the distance from the vehicle is very far, so Lin Nan dare not be careless.

He smashed all the fragmentation grenades in his hand in one breath.

The roar took a long time to subside.

At this time, the dense red dots on the minimap system seemed to be cleared.

Only a few bits and pieces left!

Seeing this, Lin Nan exhaled and smiled.

"You still want to fight with me, and dare to rob me!"

"It's just, what a pity this forest!

The lethality of the grenade was extremely high, so Lin Nan naturally did not keep his hand for the sake of safety.

At this point, more than half of the forest was destroyed.

However, on most orchards, there is no fruit.

It is also impossible for Lin Nan to leave with the fruit tree.

Lin Nan doesn't like the little wood that was cut down.

Not to mention the time-consuming, the income is too low.

So not too distressed.

Water sources are different.

Lin Nan paid special attention to the location of the mountain spring and did not throw grenades in that direction.

The mountain spring is still intact.

I stood up from the valley and sorted out my equipment.

Lin Nan took the ak47 in his hand and walked towards the location of the mountain spring in the valley.

The only six or seven red dots left in the valley are also at this location.

With a small map system, Lin Nan is not afraid of monkeys hiding in secret.

Soon, carefree walked to the location of Shanquankou.

Taking a look around, Lin Nan was happy.

"Oh, the golden monkey king is still alive!


However, Lin Nan quickly figured out why.

The monkey king controls the resources of the monkey group, and the mountain spring should be a forbidden place for the monkey group, only the monkey king and his cronies can approach.

The other monkeys didn't dare to come near here, and they were naturally killed by Lin Nan!


Seeing Lin Nan appear,

The golden-haired monkey king stood up suddenly and started baring his teeth. . . .

Sorry, only one chapter was updated yesterday.

Hands hurt badly.

Restored today.

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