National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

089. Rare, infinite possibility of improvement (please order all!)

The sound came from the direction of Shanquankou.

Seeing what happened, Lin Nan immediately sat up from the reclining chair.

"The mountain spring water is gone!

At this time, Lin Nan glanced at the time on the game panel.


Lin Nan came to this place after 1pm.

In other words, the [Fantastic Klein Bottle] has been filled with water for almost 3 hours.

0.5 liters in one second, 30 liters in one minute, and 1800 liters in one hour.

3 hours....

There are a total of 5400 liters of water in total!

A person needs 2 liters of water a day.

This water is enough for Lin Nan to use for 2700 days.

It's been more than 7 years!

Not to mention, these waters also have special effects.

Long-term use of skin care and beauty, maintain energy.

Lin Nan made up his mind that he would drink this kind of water in the future.

Manipulating the mind, Lin Nan separated this part of the water and placed it in the center of the [Fantastic Klein Bottle].

Other water was pushed to the corners.

"I didn't expect the mountain spring water to stop flowing."

"However, now you don't need to bother Shuhe, just use the Klein bottle to fill the rest of the water!"

The water from the mountain spring is pure and natural, clean and hygienic.

There is a game panel identification, you can drink it directly!

However, there is not necessarily so much water left in the pool.

When Lin Nan poured it into the Klein bottle, it was separated from the previous water and placed in the corner.

These water, Lin Nan prepared to boil and drink.

After all, the monkeys also drank water here before.

Lin Nan subconsciously thinks that the water is not clean.

"Exactly, the wild fruits are almost picked, so prepare to leave!"

The recliner Lin Nan is here to stay.

This kind of recliner occupies a large area and is of little use. There is no place to put it in the car, so there is no need to take it away.

The Golden Monkey King looked at the wild fruits piled up on the ground, and saw Lin Nan holding up the chains and preparing to leave.

called out suddenly.


Lin Nan290 glanced suspiciously.

In the afternoon, the Golden Retriever Monkey King was very peaceful.

Knowing that Lin Nan was resting, he didn't dare to breathe.

The ability to observe words and colors is even stronger than that of most humans.

Now I suddenly shout, I don't know what it means.

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't listen to what it said, the Golden Retriever Monkey King was a little anxious and began to gesture.

Although I can't understand what it means, Lin Nan can see that it is pointing in one direction.

Deep in the valley.

Lin Nan has been there before.

It's full of fruit forests, no different.

However, seeing the eager look of the Golden Retriever Monkey King, Lin Nan also became curious about what it was referring to.

"Be honest, take me there!

"I said in advance, dare to lie to me..."

Lin Nan said, raised the ak47 in his hand.

The golden-haired monkey king shook his head quickly, with a flattering smile on his face.

This "treasure offering" made Lin Nan even more curious.

"Go, go and see, you lead the way!"

Lin Nan took the golden monkey king and walked towards the depths of the valley.

Soon, one person and several monkeys stopped in front of a huge fruit tree.

This fruit tree, Lin Nan has an impression.

Not tall, but big and thick, Lin Nan also took two photos as a souvenir.

"Is there any difference here?"

The golden-haired monkey king gestured for a long time, but Lin Nan didn't understand either.

Obviously, the two are not on the same channel.

The Golden Retriever Monkey King gave up, and roared twice at the monkey who had just moved the fruit and hadn't locked it again.

Then, the monkey obeyed the command of the monkey king and ran to the fruit tree.

In a short while, the monkey was at the intersection of the canopy and opened a large piece of bark.


A particularly strong fragrance came from it.

However, the scent is not greasy at all and is exceptionally fresh.

Just smelling it, Lin Nan felt that his mind became clearer.


This thought instantly popped into Lin Nan's mind.

Stop thinking about what the Golden Retriever Monkey King wants to express, and lock it up.

He jumped several meters high with a single jump, which frightened the Golden Retriever Monkey King.

Then, Lin Nan clasped the bark with both hands and climbed up the tree.

The overall quality has tripled.

Not only bounce, but also grip, grip.

Climbing a tree is too easy for Lin Nan, and even his movements are more agile and quicker than the monkey just now.

Soon Lin Nan came to the canopy, where the fragrance was more intense.

Lin Nan also saw clearly what was inside.

A pale bluish-yellow liquid, a bit like brewed orange juice.

Subsequently, the game panel is also displayed.

【Game panel】

【Monkey wine (rare)】

[Description: It is rumored that this is the treasure of the monkey tribe. It is extremely difficult to brew and requires special storage methods. If it is exposed to the air for a long time, it will deteriorate rapidly! 】

[Efficacy: After drinking it, the mental power is slightly increased, and it is effective for a long time. But remember not to be greedy for cups, you have a lot of stamina! 】

Lin Nan's eyes were full of joy.

Monkey wine!

A regular in the novel!

Let me just say, how can there be no monkey wine when I meet a group of monkeys, and there are spirit monkeys like the Golden Retriever Monkey King.

I just didn't expect that the monkey wine was hidden so deeply!

If it wasn't for the Golden Retriever Monkey King taking the initiative to offer the treasure, Lin Nan would never have imagined that the Monkey Wine was sealed in this way.

Before he wandered the whole valley, he just wanted to find some rare treasures.

However, it was not found.

However, Lin Nan didn't care about the spoilage hints in the description of the monkey wine.

Deteriorates when exposed to air.

Have you asked about my [Fantastic Artifact Klein Bottle].

[Fantastic Klein Bottle] not only can hold an infinite amount of water, but the water that enters it will always keep the state it was in when it entered.

Knowing that it was monkey wine, Lin Nan no longer hesitated.

Pick up the [Fantastic Klein Bottle], and the mouth of the bottle is in the direction where the monkey wine was prepared.


In the next second, Monkey Wine seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force.

A stream of water quickly rose and flew towards the [Fantastic Artifact Klein Bottle].

Newton couldn't fall asleep watching this scene.

Seeing that there was a lot of monkey wine stored in the huge canopy, Lin Nan simply put the [Fantastic Klein Bottle] next to it and let it collect by itself.

He fell down first and patted the golden monkey king on the shoulder.

"Well done, I won't kill you anymore."

"Being obedient in the future will benefit you!

After obtaining the monkey wine this time, Lin Nan has already started to think about whether he will be able to produce energy in the future.

After all, the amount of monkey wine in the canopy is limited.

In this system description (bcci), it does not say that there is a limit to the spiritual power of drinking monkey wine.

"If I can keep improving, I don't know how much my mental power will be enhanced!

"In short, if you use the power of overlord in the future, there will definitely not be a situation where it is difficult to control your body!

The golden monkey king smiled ingratiatingly, and obediently let Lin Nan touch his monkey head.

Lin Nan was a little surprised, the golden monkey king rua felt very good.

This golden hair is not only not as hard as imagined, but is exceptionally smooth.

It's like touching top-quality satin.

Even the thought that this fur is made into a collar, which must be warm and comfortable, even arises in my mind.

Fortunately, the Golden Retriever Monkey King didn't know what Lin Nan was thinking, otherwise his smile would never be so natural.

It took 5 minutes for the Klein bottle to finish the monkey wine.

"150 liters, more than I thought!"

"Should be able to drink for a long time!

Lin Nan didn't know that the alcohol of monkey wine was stronger than he imagined.

This 150 liters is enough for him to drink for a long time.

At the same time, Lin Nan also understands why there is no limit to the promotion of Monkey Wine.

If you drink too little each time, you won't be able to drink much in a lifetime.

Not to mention the delusional delusion of spirit becoming a god in Lin Nan's imagination!

If he can achieve immortality, live forever, and drink monkey wine all the time, he doesn't care about the improvement of his spiritual power.

However, it is still very useful for Lin Nan to improve mental strength!

After the wild fruit was traded, Lin Nan set out on the return journey with four monkeys.

By the time I got back to the car, it was already 5:00 pm.

Back in the car, Lin Nan first made four electric shock collars, and then threw away all the chains.


The Golden Retriever Monkey King looked at the items on his neck with curiosity in his eyes.

Especially when Lin Nan threw away the shackles and handcuffs, his little eyes couldn't help rolling.

Lin Nan saw the abnormality of the Golden Monkey King at a glance, and said coldly.

"Don't think about running away, you can't run away with it."

"Not only does it shock, it also..."

"Boom explosion!"

Lin Nan was worried that the golden monkey king couldn't understand, so he made an extra collar.

"Let you feel the electric shock first, there are five levels of electric shock, from the first level to the fifth level, the first level is the lowest, and the highest level is five. Let me give you a taste!

After Lin Nan finished speaking, an electric shock rang out in his heart.

Shock collars are magical mind control items.

After putting it on the Golden Retriever Monkey King, Lin Nan can operate the electric shock collar as long as a thought arises in his mind.

When it was first made, Lin Nan was also full of surprises.

It's an amazing device!

The next second, the four monkeys twitched.

"Ow ooh!

For a time, the four monkeys kept barking.

Strangely, Lin Nan seemed to understand what the golden monkey king was called this time.

"Aoaoaoao (forgive my life, forgive my life, master, I never thought of running away!)

When Lin Nan canceled the electric shock, the four monkeys lay on the ground and slumped.

For a time, Lin Nan thought that he was not driving the first gear, but the fifth gear.

"It seems that Master Yang is far from enough compared to me!"

"If the fifth gear is turned on, the gods and demons will be unstoppable!"

However, Lin Nan didn't stop his movements and put the electric shock collar on a wooden bar.

Then, it was thrown out of the car far away.

"Show you the effect of the explosion!

After Lin Nan finished speaking, in front of the four monkeys, he operated the electric shock collar to explode.


A loud bang.


The long, thick wooden slats were directly torn apart.

Hearing the loud noise again, the four monkeys shivered in fright.

Especially the Golden Retriever Monkey King, his body froze directly.

This explosion is no less than the explosion he encountered in the valley before.

Now, he has one around his neck.

The golden-haired monkey king immediately understood.

"Ooooooooooooooooo! (Master, you are my forever master!)

Lin Nan looked at the reaction of the Golden Retriever Monkey King with satisfaction.

His trick is called fried wooden sticks to warn the monkeys!

Looking at it now, it works great.

The ancestors do not deceive me!

Under the flattering smile of the Golden Retriever Monkey King, he felt that the future was full of darkness.

However, thinking that there are three female monkeys around.

It suddenly felt much better.

Be a prisoner, be a prisoner.

At any rate, he is not alone, and there are three concubines who accompany him.

Fortunately, Lin Nan didn't know what the Golden Retriever Monkey King was thinking.

Otherwise, I must be thinking about chemical castration of the Golden Retriever Monkey King!

Your master is still single.

You little monkey still want a group of wives and concubines?

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