National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

095. God of War in Wine, Surprise (please order all)

Chu Wudao left two pictures and walked away gracefully.

Lin Nan sighed, closed the private message, and fell into contemplation.

Wine....where do you get it?

Don't look at the simplicity of Lin Nan's words, but it is not easy to obtain wine.

With Chu Wudao's alcoholic character, he must have bought wine in the trading area before.

But, found nothing.

Otherwise, Chu Wudao would not have come to him, and he even marked such a high price.

Last time, Erguotou's transaction made Lin Nan confused and surprised.

Chu Wudao gave too much.

However, after so many days, Lin Nan also understood the reason.

Wine is too rare to be obtained from treasure chests.

Lin Nan has such a high luck value, and he has only been there once.

Expecting to open the box is absolutely unreliable.

Monkey wine Lin Nan also thought about it.

But considering that it is a wine brewed from wild fruits, the subconscious feels unreliable.

In Lin Nan's mind, fruit wine is the same as fruit beer.

One is wine and the other is beverage.

Moreover, Lin Nan is also distressed.

This is a wine that can add attributes.

At this stage, use a little less.

Then...there is only one way!

Lin Nan's eyes were locked on the super small space system.

Such a large space is too wasteful to store things.

If you want to store a large number of items, the card bug should be stored in the system store.

There is enough space in the car to put things at hand, and it is more convenient to use and obtain.

And the characteristics of the scarcity of food in the survival world, and the instinct of the people of Xia to farm.

The first time Lin Nan got the super small space system, he wanted to make it a super farm.

2 acres of land can already grow a lot of things.

Not to mention, expand it to the maximum range and you can have a terrifying 20 acres of land!

In the 21st century, the vast majority of farmers in Xia do not have as much land as Lin Nan.

Plus the [Quick Fertilizer Maker], and a little [Super Soil] left in Luo Shuhe.

This kind of farming speed is only a little slower than that of the once popular farm on a certain line.

"That means....I can make my own wine!

"It's not just because of the blueprint in Chu Wudao's hand."

"Ordinary food is not very attractive to a high-level player like Chu Wudao.

"Just take this opportunity to try to devote some of my energy to making such rare resources. 55

"Rare means monopoly, and monopoly means high profits!"

Lin Nan's eyes are far away.

In the survival game is still in the situation of food shortage and water shortage, it has begun to think about the way forward.

"Once other players get a lot of water and food, my current advantage will be infinitely narrowed!"5

"At this time, high value-added items are the basis for me to maintain rapid development!

"Wine, just one of my attempts! 99

Super small space with so many things to try.

When the player does not meet the basic needs of life, the water and food in Lin Nan's hand is an ace.


Chu Wudao's successful hunting of the black-haired violent bear is a warning.

Players already have the ability to hunt wild monsters, although there is only one person now, there is still luck.

But in the future, this number will definitely increase.

At that time, water and food became plentiful, and it would be difficult for Lin Nan to continue to rely on water, food, and a large number of transactions to obtain props in the hands of players!

There must be something rarer and more precious!

In Lin Nan's eyes, such items are nothing more than rare drawings, rare items, and better food.

Rare blueprints, rare items, Lin Nan naturally needless to say.

With a small map system, he goes first one step at a time.

The current advantage is not something players can catch up with if they are lucky.

Not to mention, Lin Nan moves faster.

The gap will only get bigger.

As for better food....

Lin Nan started thinking about fresh vegetables, rice, wheat...


Raise livestock!

Lin Nan remembered the little pig from before.

Before he had no conditions and no capital to raise.

But, with a super small space, anything is possible!

"Step by step, don't worry.""

"Now players can't even get enough to eat. Even if I do what I want, I'll be thankful for my efforts!""

One step ahead is the lead.

Leading too much is ahead.

Too much ahead means not being understood.

For example, Lin Nan now sells an exquisite ramen steak set.

Definitely not as good as selling raw beef, noodles, vegetables separately!

Not only can it sell for a higher price, but it can also sell better.

More importantly, players can afford it.

The example is a bit inappropriate, but that's probably what it means.

The process of chatting with Chu Wudao.

Lin Nan also knew how Chu Wudao killed the black-haired violent bear.

Completely subverted, in Lin Nan's mind, Chu Wudao's image as a master of Taoism.

Lin Nan remembered that Chu Wudao's original words at the time said so.

"At that time, I drank a little wine and encountered a black bear blocking the road, and my temper came up instantly!"

"While hitting the car while holding the ak47 chug, the bullets ran out. 35

"I don't remember the specific details, anyway, I came back to my senses, I have fallen on the black bear's body!

"Fortunately, it wasn't dark at that time, and now I'm a little scared when I think about it!

"Drinking is wrong!"

Chu Wudao also attached several pictures.

Twisted and deformed, it looks like a barely drivable vehicle.

The ground was covered with bright red blood, eggshells everywhere, and a terrible black-haired violent bear.

Chu Wudao was covered in blood, as if he had climbed out of a pool of blood, especially his two hands, which were still dripping blood.

Road rage?

Also, Lin Nan is full of doubts about what Chu Wudao said about the "100 million points of small wine".

Is this a million point wine?

It's all drank, but it's alright!

Still have the face to say, drinking is wrong?

However, others who are drunk are soft-footed prawns.

Chu Wudao is quite capable of fighting when he is drunk.

The last racing challenge, Chu Wudao was drunk.

As a first-class vehicle, the score of the rush is not much less than that of the Luo Shuhe sisters.

This time, he directly killed a rare beast and came to the second place!

"Hey, I was shocked by the blueprint sent by Chu Wudao, I almost forgot about the rare wild monster soul, and forgot to ask him whether to trade or not!"

"However, according to Chu Wudao's alcoholic character, as long as I have alcohol, I should be able to talk about everything!

"Anyway, including the rare beast souls I just obtained, there are only three, and there is one less.

"Other players probably won't use it either!"

"Let's settle the liquor thing first!"

Lin Nan shook his head and threw the "Prehistoric Pterodactyl Beast Soul" he had just obtained in the direction of the lucky four-leaf clover.

A faint blue light flashed.

On the lucky four-leaf clover, another leaf has changed.

Then, Lin Nan opened Luo Shuhe's private message.

Lin Nan doesn't drink and doesn't know much about alcohol.

I have only heard of grain wine, pure grain wine is good and so on.

So, wine is made from grain?

Like wheat?

Lin Nan happened to see seeds twice in the trading area. At that time, because of the super soil, Lin Nan bought some seeds.

...for flowers

Coupled with the idea of ​​farming, Lin Nan has always been interested in acquiring seeds.

There happens to be wheat seeds in hand.

"Shu He, are you busy?"

"It's Brother Lin, I'm cooking, but it doesn't affect my speech~ The game panel is really convenient, and the holographic mind control doesn't affect my cooking at all!"

"That's good, otherwise it will affect our dinner, then my sin will be big!

'Ling, what's the matter?

"I want to ask, does Shuhe know how to make wine?"

"Wine making? A little bit of a million points, but you need more equipment!

Brewing is simple and not easy.

Simple is the process, complex is the process and equipment.

It has been said that a cook who can't drink is not a good cook.

Because Luo Shuhe is a girl, she seldom drinks.

But her father and grandfather are the wine experiencers.

Under the dizzy eyes and ears, she will also have one or two unique methods of brewing.

Lin Nan's eyes lit up, he had Luo Shuhe at home, if he had a treasure.

"That's great, Shuhe, you are really my lucky star, I'll take care of the equipment! There are so many players, there will always be some! Maybe many players have them now, but no one will find it useful. !


Luo Shuhe didn't know why, "Brother Lin, do you like drinking? Tell me earlier that I can easily make some low-alcohol alcohol in small batches."

"Although it is not as good as good wine, it can definitely satisfy your hunger! 35

Super soil, able to ripen wheat in three days.

With some simple process props, Luo Shuhe can make a little bit in a few days.

Lin Nan shook his head, "It's not me, I'm not interested in wine. 35

"However, someone has a big love for wine! 35

The relationship between Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe is extremely close.

Not to mention that you have me, I have you, and they are bound very closely.

There is no need to hide things about Chu Wudao.

Moreover, this kind of thing can not be hidden.

Chu Wudao didn't think it was a shame that he liked to drink.

The last time the king challenged and met, Chu Wudao was indifferent, with a dusty temperament, he could only say that he had no wine in his hands at that time!

And low alcohol alcohol....

Lin Nan remembered that Chu Wudao had only one condition for wine, that he was strong.

For Chu Wudao, a low degree of alcohol might be... just water!

Afterwards, Lin Nan briefly talked to Luo Shuhe about Chu Wudao.

Luo Shuhe was stunned, completely never expecting that Chu Wudao, who looked like a great master, would have such a side.

In other words, the true side of Chu Wudao turned out to be like this!

After holding back for a long time, he said a word.

"This may be... the master, it is not understood by ordinary people!"

However, Luo Shuhe saw the value of the two drawings proposed by Chu Wudao at a glance, and Lin Nan wanted them very much.

He smiled lightly and said slowly.

"Brother Lin, wine can't quench the thirst far away, and I can't get it for a while~"

"I don't have Erguotou, or any fine wine!"

"However, I have something in my hand that will allow Brother Lin to exchange the desired blueprint from Master Chu!"9

Lin Nan just asked casually, but Luo Shuhe unexpectedly gave him a big surprise.

"Shuhe, it's true or false, let me see what it is!

"As long as you can get the blueprints, I'll cover you!

Lin Nan wanted to say.

Car alloy manipulator, rpg bazooka, including their unlimited use.

How much to ask, how much to provide.

However, with a bald mouth, he swallowed a few words.


not much,

Just a few words...


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