It's okay if the three girls don't express their opinions. After all, women and men are inherently different in character.

But willow...

Ge Long looked at the Bingyun genius leaning against the wall lazily, and was a little dissatisfied. He thought that Yangliu should not be so depressed.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Yang Liu said feebly, "Hey, you can chase if you want, don't pull me."

He looked very negative, which made everyone shake their heads, and then stopped persuading him.

Yang Liu looked at these geniuses who wanted to make Su Bai their target, and a helpless smile appeared on her face, which happened to be seen by Xia Xueqing's three daughters.

Xia Xueqing, Chang Rui, and Wen Yuanyuan looked at each other and snickered.

They know why Yangliu becomes like this, and Yangliu is actually a hard-working genius.

Now that it has become like this, he has worked very hard to catch up with Su Bai before.

As a result, Yang Liu found out that the further he chased, the more hopeless he could see. He had already been "hurt" by Su Bai...

"What a boring target." Yang Liu muttered, leaning against the wall and slowly closing his eyes.


some mysterious place.

In an empty and dark hall beneath the ground, a statue of an unknown monster with a height of about 1,000 meters stood abruptly in the center of the hall.

It is said to be a monster statue, but it is somewhat similar to a human shape, with hands, feet, and facial features, but it has the characteristics of various monsters.

The most striking thing about this statue is not those contradictory human-animal contradictions, but its pupils.

It was pitch-dark, there were no eyes, it was empty...

Under the statue, a mysterious man shrouded in red robes was looking at the projection on the wall seriously. The picture was the battle between Su Bai and Zhu Wenyao.

He stood on the high platform, and there were more than twenty people wearing black robes standing under the platform.

At this time, if anyone finds out the situation here, they will be surprised, because the more than 20 people in the hall are all Shangren!

Shangnin, that is the first-class powerhouse of Blue Star, and he is respected wherever he goes.

If a certain family or an organization has a Jōnin, it is considered a middle-class force, but there are twenty-six here!

"The deputy leader has watched that projection hundreds of times. What the **** is he looking at?" A woman in black robes and around her thirties asked her companions.

If Su Bai is here, he will definitely recognize this woman, she is a member of the Butterfly Organization - Red Fox!

And her companion Su Bai is no stranger, it is the black dog!

The black dog shook his head, "I don't know, I didn't expect that the little guy I saw at that time could make the deputy leader so concerned now, I'm really surprised."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Red Fox sighed, she had also seen Su Bai, but she didn't pay attention at that time.


Chapter 189

Just as the black dog and the red fox were discussing in a low voice, they suddenly heard a voice of admiration coming from the mouth of the deputy leader.

"Wonderful! It's incredible that ordinary ninjutsu like Shunshu and Chidori can be used so much by this little guy named Su Bai."

The red-robed man was amazed, turned to look at the Shang Nin people in the hall and continued, "What makes me even more incredible is how did Su Bai solve the side effects of Sharinyan? With frequent use, why hasn't he been overwhelmed by the huge mental exhaustion of Sharinyan?"

Saying that, he looked at a middle-aged man in his forties, "Juemo, I'll give you a task."

"Sir, please tell me!" The Junin named Juemo immediately stepped forward a few steps and walked out, kneeling on one knee to the man in red, very respectful.

The red-robed man slightly foreheaded, "The task is very simple, I want you to win over Su Bai to join the organization. The treatment is A-level, which is equivalent to the elite Shangnin."

"What! Elite Jōnin!" Jueshu was stunned, not only him, but all the members of the Jōnin present were stunned.

"Sir, isn't this too hasty? That Su Bai is just a Chunin, you will make other members dissatisfied!" Jueshu asked.

Although there are a lot of more than 20 Junin present, they are only the tip of the iceberg of the Butterfly Organization, and they are only the staff of this branch.

Among these people, there are only a few Liao Liao members who can enjoy the treatment of the elite, and each of them is strong and powerful. They have been born and died for the organization for more than ten years to obtain such treatment, and no one objected.

But Su Bai...a Chunin, and it's a new addition... Juemo is wondering if the deputy leader said something wrong?

Everyone's reaction was similar to Jue Rat, and they all looked at the red-robed man in unison.

They disagreed in their hearts and were very dissatisfied with this Su Bai who had never met.

The man in red robe shook his head, "Do as I say, there are many secrets you don't know."

"The potential of a Sharinyan owner who has no side effects or can restrain them is unimaginable. If the legend is true... then don't talk about the treatment of Su Bai's elite, even if I give up my position to him. It's not impossible!"

"What! This..." Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect the deputy leader to value Su Bai so much.

Everyone knows that the red-robed man in front of him is the strongest of the three deputy leaders in the organization. Even the elite Jōnin is his subordinate, and his status is unimaginable!

But now, the deputy leader actually said such a thing?

Is that Su Bai's potential really so great? Is it worth the cost of the organization to win over?

Juemo was shocked, and he was stunned for a long time before he recovered, "Yes, my lord."

He got up as he spoke, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and turned around and asked, "Sir, what if Su Bai refuses?"

Although he, like everyone present, thought that Su Bai could not refuse this great temptation.

But things are not absolute, and if this happens, there must be a solution.

The man in the red robe asked for a moment, "If Su Bai refuses, then kill him and get back his writing wheel."

"Yes, my lord!" Juemo responded respectfully, turned around and left.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the red-robed man stopped him.

"Sir? Do you have any other orders?"

The man in red robe hesitated for a moment, then said, "Juemo, although I think it's more than enough to kill Su Bai with your strength, but to be on the safe side, you should go with the ice cat."

"Once you can't win over, you have to take away his writing wheel... Then you must ensure that you are killed in one hit, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise you will suffer endlessly!"

"This..." Jueshu looked at another female Junin, who was also stunned, and asked, "Sir, even if Juehu had an accident and didn't kill that Su Bai, this subordinate thinks our organization There's no need to be afraid of him, right?"

"Let's not talk about a small chunin, even if the federal government has to give our Butterfly Organization a third of face, the federal government can only smash the front teeth and swallow them after robbing their blood ninja, that Su Bai who has no background. You are so caring? Even if you offended the Xia family, you were never so careful before!"

Bing Mao is puzzled, she is also a powerful Shang Nin.

The man in red robe shook his head, "Don't ask, remember, once you make a move, you must kill Su Bai, otherwise, you'd rather not have a bad relationship with him."

"This... well, my subordinates understand."

Although Juemo and Bingmao responded respectfully, they didn't take Su Bai seriously in their hearts.

It's just a chunin, even if the instant body technique is stronger, there is a fart use?

The saying that all ninjas are ants under the top is not for nothing, this is the theorem that all ninjas on the Blue Star have recognized for two hundred years!


At this time, Su Bai didn't know that he had also enjoyed the treatment of Xia Xueqing, and had already been targeted by the Butterfly Organization. He was watching Jiang Haoyan, Tong Xiaoyan, and Xia Yan hunting tailed beasts.

Looking at the three-person team fighting with the two Yiwei in front of him, Su Bai shook his head, "Senior Jiang is too stubborn, now he will feel better."

In front of him, Jiang Haoyan was dragging one tail and the other, Xia Yan, Tong Xiaoyan and the three psychic beasts were hunting the other with all their strength.

The four had no suitable target since they killed the first one, and now they had to take the risk of killing two one-tails at the same time.

The reason why Su Bai sighed was because Jiang Haoyan prevented him from participating in the war, telling him to perform their duties and to be stubborn and rigid.


"Lan Dun · Guangya!" Jiang Haoyan consumed a lot of chakra, and spit out a thin black thunder line from his mouth, running through the chest in front of him!

"Roar!" Yiwei was in pain, spewing a lot of sand and rain from his mouth, and flew towards Jiang Haoyan at a very fast speed!

Jiang Haoyan began to seal after releasing the ninja. He knew that the fighting style of the tail beast was very violent, and he would not avoid his ninjutsu at all.

But he is still slow, his instant body needs to be sealed, and this time is enough for the sand and rain to attack him!

Whoosh whoosh!

The extremely fast sand rain penetrated most of Jiang Haoyan's body and seriously injured him!

At this time, Xia Yan, Tong Xiaoyan, and three other psychic beasts who were fighting with the other one tail had already joined forces to hunt down their prey, and they came to support Jiang Haoyan as soon as possible.

"Bagua empty palm!"

"Jing Dun·Cuijing Saber!"

"Wind escape · oppression!"

"Tu Dun · Tulong Spear!"

Boom boom boom!

The two people and three beasts consumed a lot of chakra, and used their strongest ninjutsu to smash the body of Yiwei who was chasing Jiang Haoyan frantically, ending the battle.

Jiang Haoyan came to endure the severe pain, most of his body was penetrated by a tail of sand rain, and there was still sand in his body, which made him very uncomfortable.

And Xia Yan and Tong Xiaoyan still have three psychic beasts that are not much better, they are also bruised and bruised, and there is not much chakra left.

Hunting two tails at the same time is too much pressure and risk for them, and even if they can win, it is a narrow victory.


Chapter 190 Studying Medicine Can't Save Ninjas

Su Bai immediately rode Xiao Hei over to treat Jiang Haoyan, who was dripping with blood.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the three and three beasts, Su Bai said helplessly, "Senior Jiang, why didn't you let me participate in the battle? I said that I have the confidence to defeat the one and one tail."

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Haoyan frowned slightly, "Your chakra won't work at all, you won't be able to use a few powerful ninjutsu."

"Yes, Su Bai, I have 3,000 chakras, but after a battle, I have very little left." Xia Yan's psychic beast, Hei Ling, also interjected.

Su Bai shook his head and continued to treat Jiang Haoyan's injuries. He was the most injured among several people. The others and the psychic beasts just consumed too much, and there was not much chakra.

"It can't be said like this. You can also rely on skills to win battles with monsters. You don't have to consume a lot of chakra to increase the power of ninjutsu to kill them."

Su Bai has never seen how a real adult Sky-Splitting Tiger fights, but Hei Ling's fighting method is very simple and rude, that is to increase the power of ninjutsu.

If one card can't break the defense of the tailed beast, then ten cards, and if ten cards fail, one hundred cards. Su Bai can't learn this fighting style, and his chakra is too small.

Hei Ling's huge tiger head shook slightly, and a mocking expression appeared on her face, "Su Bai, you are wrong, we are fighting more monsters than anyone else's chakra, your so-called skills are useless at all, I only use ordinary chakra. I can beat you."


Su Bai was speechless.

Hei Ling, a "dumb and cute" monster, beat her with half of her chakra.

Seeing that Su Bai stopped talking, Hei Ling thought she was right, and felt a little complacent. Just when she wanted to ridicule him a few more words, she suddenly exploded!

"No, there is something underground!" Jiang Haoran's blast wolf shouted, and everyone immediately jumped out of their seats!

Su Bai grabbed Jiang Haoyan's hand and immediately activated it, taking the seriously injured Jiang Haoyan away from the place just now.


Just after everyone left, a tail with a height of about 150 meters suddenly appeared from the ground. The chakra fluctuation on its body was full of 5,000 calories, which was the strongest of the tail!

"It's over!" Hei Ling said with a bitter face, "Now everyone is injured, and Chakra consumes a lot. We are not the opponent of this one tail!"

The huge body of the hurricane wolf arched, and grinned at Yi Tai in the distance, "You have to fight even if you are not an opponent. Yi Tai's speed is very fast, and we can't run with our current state!"

Its consumption is also very large, there is not one chakra in the whole body, and the breath is sluggish.

Xia Yan and Tong Xiaoyan showed desperate expressions on their faces. Everyone just went through a hard battle, and now there is a stronger tail?

"It's over, I'm afraid it's dead now."

"At the end of the 5000 card, we usually don't have to beat the full state, but now..." Xia Yan whispered.

"Roar!" Yiwei yelled at the four people and four beasts, and he was about to rush!

At this time.

"Su Bai, what are you doing? Hurry up and treat me!"

Jiang Haoyan saw that he had put away his palm immortality, stood up and faced Yiwei, and shouted anxiously, "Hurry up and treat me with your palm immortality, you are the only one of the four of us who can do medical ninjutsu, only my injury has recovered. Some have hope to save everyone!"

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