Fan Long was stunned. Looking at Su Bai, who was not even an elite chunin, he laughed loudly: "What did you say? Are you sure? Haha!"

"Aren't you awake? You are one of the elite... ah!"

Before Fan Long finished speaking, he suddenly screamed!

Geng Yun saw that Su Bai had appeared in front of his backer without knowing when, with a thunder light in his hand that penetrated Fan Long's heart!

Su Bai's face was calm, and the scarlet writing wheel in his eyes stared at Fan Long, "Have you never heard the saying that the villain dies by talking too much?"

As he spoke, all his pupil power was activated in an instant, Fan Long's eyes immediately lost focus and became confused, and he was controlled by Su Bai's illusion.

Su Bai took two steps back slightly, frowning at Fan Long who lost his heart but still looked like a normal person.

"As expected of the Shangnin, the vitality and defense are much stronger than ordinary ninjas."

Just now that Chidori Su Bai spent fifty cards of chakra to break through Fan Long's chakra conduction armor and physical defense.

Although he already had the first mover advantage at this moment, Fan Long's tenacious vitality made Su Bai feel that once he got out of the illusion control, he would definitely explode into a formidable strength.

Just attacking the heart is not enough to make Fan Long completely dead!

"There's no other way, since a small wound can't kill Jōnin, it can only expand his injury!"

Su Bai's hands "shushushushu" formed a seal, and a ninjutsu was ready in an instant.

Jiang Haoyan and the others saw Su Bai put one hand in a spinning top on his mouth, consuming a lot of chakra all over his body, and they could feel that he used at least 200 chakras for this ninjutsu!

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"


A high-temperature fireball about ten meters in diameter instantly "drowned" Fan Long, and the space around him seemed to be burned and distorted!

Although the diameter of this magnificent fireball is not large, the temperature is so high that even the stones under Fan Long's feet are vaporized!

"No!" Geng Yun shouted in horror!

She saw Fan Long motionless, let Hao fireball burn his body, and soon turned into a mummified corpse, crashing to the ground, losing his breath of life!

"You and Fan Long go on the road together."

Su Bai turned his head to look at Geng Yun, his body was full of murderous aura, and he collapsed to the ground in fright. A pool of water stains appeared between his legs.

"No, please let me go!"

"We have no grievances and no enmity. I was just talking about it, and I didn't really want to kill you!"

Geng Yun quibble, trembling all over, his face full of pleading, the arrogant look just now can no longer be seen.

Su Bai was unmoved by her plea, and gave Xiao Hei a wink, "Kill her!"

Xiao Hei rushed over immediately, and his stout front hooves stomped on Geng Yun's head!



Geng Yun screamed, and then died.

"Just talking?" Su Bai looked at Geng Yun, who didn't even have a corpse, and sneered, "I'm just talking."

Fan Long is dead!

Geng Yun is dead!

In the distance, the two psychic beasts Lan Bing'e and the flaming python saw the tragic death of their master, and they couldn't even fight back. They were frightened on the spot and fled wildly!

After all the threats were resolved, Su Bai looked eagerly at the three chakra trees in the distance.

"One hundred and eighty D-rank divine tree fruits... This is a big deal!"


Jiang Haoyan, Tong Xiaoyan, and Xia Yan stared blankly at the mummified corpse on the ground, and their hearts were overturned!

A Junin just died like that?

Su Bai broke the accepted theorem of all ninjas on Blue Star?

Killed Joinin as not Joinin?

Is he so scary?

The three of them couldn't come back to God for a long time!

However, what made them feel even more terrifying was Su Bai's methods.

He is different from the "kind" juniors and juniors that the three of them usually see in the academy. Su Bai's methods are too "ruthless" and too agile!

He didn't give the enemy a chance at all, and his shot was the ultimate move, without any hesitation!

Especially Xia Yan, at this moment, she felt more and more terrible about Su Bai!

"This man is too dangerous, I hope my innocent cousin doesn't get too close to him, otherwise..."


Chapter 203 The Second End of the Contract

The blood eagle secret realm, with yellow sand filling the sky, is incomparably vast, and occasionally there are a few boulders on the ground, which looks very desolate at first glance.

In front of Su Bai and the others, the three bodies that had been beaten with one tail were separated, and their flesh and blood flew.

Xiao Hei, Hei Ling, and Earth Dragon Turtle are devouring the flesh and blood of tailed beasts. Jiang Haoyan went to the huge dark red flowers on the top of the tree to collect the spoils after the war—D-level fruit of the **** tree!

He jumped up along the spiral trunk of the sacred tree three or two times. The sacred tree more than 300 meters high was nothing to him, a strong man who was infinitely close to the shinobi, and he easily reached the top.

"Damn, it's developed!" Jiang Haoyan looked at the sixty or so divine tree fruits under his feet, and was delighted with the color!

Next to the divine tree at his feet, there are two identical divine trees, each with no less than this divine tree fruit.

Although Jiang Haoyan has been to the secret realm many times, this is the first time he has encountered such a huge gain, and his hands are shaking with excitement!

"Send it!"

"Usually you can get 20 Divine Tree Fruits when you come to the secret realm, but this time you got almost 200?"

"I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it!"

Jiang Haoyan muttered to himself while collecting the spoils with agile movements. After a while, he took away all the nearly 200 D-rank divine tree fruits on the three divine tree flowers.

Jumping off the divine tree, Jiang Haoyan quickly ran towards Su Bai.

He knew in his heart that everyone was able to gain so much this time because of this unbelievably strong junior.

Without him, let alone a full harvest, I am afraid that my life and others will not be guaranteed!

After all, Fan Long is Shangnin, and he is not sure that he will get benefits in the hands of Shangnin.

Jiang Haoyan blushed and felt embarrassed when he remembered that when he first entered the secret realm, he disliked Su Bai Chakra Shao and tried to prevent him from participating in the war.

He thought of this, with a look of admiration in his eyes, and looked at the tall and straight figure in the distance who was facing off against Fan Long's injured second tail - Su Bai!

At this moment, Su Bai looked seriously at the dark blue giant cat demon, Erwei, who was wrapped in a mass of mud with only his head exposed.

This mass of dirt is Fan Long's masterpiece. He took advantage of Erwei to launch a tailed beast jade with all his strength. When his breath was sluggish, he first hit it hard with water ninjutsu, and then used earth escape ninjutsu to control it.

At this moment, this two-tailed chakra consumes a lot and is seriously injured, and it can't escape the soil made by Fan Long.

These soils are not ordinary soils. They are made by consuming a lot of chakra and are extremely solid.

"It still won't work. After controlling two first tails, my pupil strength is not enough to control one stronger second tail." Su Bai shook his head, helplessness in his eyes.

This is about 130 meters tall and one size smaller than the normal one with a blue cat demon-like two tails. It is very powerful. It has a chakra amount of 6500 calories, and it consumes more pupil power to control it.

"There is no other way, I can only give up one and one tail." Su Bai bit the thumb of his right hand, and slapped his hands on the ground.

"The art of psychic!"

"Bang, bang!"

Two huge tails suddenly appeared, and then looked at Su Bai, waiting for an order.

"You, kill it!" Su Bai said, pointing to a slightly weaker tail, and the powerful tail next to it started immediately, but completed the task in two minutes.

After the weak one tail was killed, he left behind a D-rank ninjutsu scroll, which was regarded as his final contribution to Su Bai.

After one Yiwei died, the pupil power that Su Bai had left on it immediately returned to its original body, and the scarlet writing wheel eyes slammed into Erwei's eyes.


With an invisible wave, the second tail gradually quieted down, waiting for Su Bai's order like the one next to him.

Su Bai took out a blank psychic scroll and controlled Erwei to "willingly" leave its blood on it.

Then he bit his finger and signed his name, and an inexplicable message immediately appeared in his mind.

He and the two-tailed contract in front of him succeeded!

At this time, Xia Yan, Tong Xiaoyan, and Jiang Haoyan came over with envious looks in their eyes.

"Congratulations on your contract with a stronger psychic beast." Xia Yan has a beautiful figure. After the battle, she was dripping with sweat, and the clothes on her chest were stuck to the pair of giants, shaking a few times with each step... …

At this moment, in addition to her sincere blessings to Su Bai, she also admires Su Bai's writing wheel more and more in her heart.

Contract-tailed beast, this is a path that humans have never imagined!

As the daughter of the patriarch of the Xueji clan, she has been well-informed since she was a child, and she can easily understand some information that is secret to ordinary people.

But that's it, Xia Yan has never heard of anyone who regards a tailed beast as a psychic beast.

No, never!

A psychic beast is not a contract that can be summoned and ordered at will.

The psychic contract is equal, not a slave contract, and Warcraft has the right to refuse to help the psychic.

And ordinary monsters have to cultivate their feelings from a weak childhood, so that they are willing to obey the orders of the psychic, let alone have no sanity, only know the destruction of the tailed beast.

Xia Yan knew that even if Su Bai controlled the tailed beast to sign a contract with herself, she would not be able to use it.

A tailed beast can't be bound by a contract. Others don't have Su Bai's ability to write round eyes, which can turn a terrifying tailed beast into an obedient "pet"!

Su Bai nodded slightly when he heard Xia Yan's blessing, but there were not too many surprises in his heart.

Controlling Erwei was within his expectations, but if he couldn't control it, he would be surprised.

Looking at this terrifying tailed beast with a capacity of 6500 karat chakras in front of him, he thought in his heart.

"It seems that controlling the three tails with my current pupil power is probably the limit... But it's okay, after all, my writing wheel eye is not a kaleidoscope."

Su Bai was not dissatisfied. He knew that there was a huge gap between ordinary writing wheels and kaleidoscopes, and the two could not be compared at all. He was very satisfied with this step.

And if this second tail is used well, it will be no less than a Jōnin!

The reason why Fan Long can defeat Erwei is not because he is stronger than Erwei.

That's because the tailed beast is too stupid, it only knows how to work hard and has no fighting skills at all.

If Fan Long's opponent is not Erwei, but a monster with the same amount of chakra, then Su Bai thinks that Fan Long will never be able to beat him, and it is hard to say whether he can even escape.

Fan Long was just an ordinary Jōnin. What Su Bai didn't notice was that his chakra was huge and his life level was raised once.


Chapter 204 Almost

After the real life-and-death battle with Shangnin, Su Bai already had a general understanding of his own strength.

The general Jōnin can fight by himself, and even beheaded very quickly, making the opponent too late to react.

However, this requires that the opponent does not understand their own means.

If his own abilities were exposed and he was targeted by Shangnin, then Su Bai felt that he could win, but he would have to fight hard.

Moreover, no matter whether one's ability is exposed or not, dealing with one Jōnin is already the limit, and facing two or more at the same time must run away.

After all, he has never received the increase in life level, the increase in the power of ninjutsu, the qualitative change in physical defense and vitality, and so on when the amount of chakra reaches the strongest threshold of 1000 cards.

At present, all of his own comparisons are at a great disadvantage, and it is not bad to be able to leapfrog battles.

Thinking of this, Su Bai became more and more eager to become a human pillar.

Because only by becoming a human pillar, can he carry out the plan just born in his heart.

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