"Three hook jade writing wheel eye... Can this thing still evolve?"

"I don't know, never heard of it."

"Isn't that thing very demanding of the mental power of the eye-opener? I remember that when I was young, an eye-opener with three hooks mysteriously disappeared because it couldn't bear the huge mental pressure!"

"I also know about this. That's right. Sharonyan evolves again... How high is the spiritual power requirement? Is this the pressure that people can withstand?"

"I seem to have heard my father say, what is this thing called a kaleidoscope? I'm not sure, it's been too long, my father has been dead for thirty years."

These superpowers who were indifferent to life and death on weekdays were surprised at this moment.

It was Su Bai's ability that opened their eyes!

At this time, the old man who was the first to speak spoke up, and he asked Deng Rong, "Old Deng, you have been in charge of the Kyushu Academy for so many years, and you have seen and heard more secret information than we have. Can you explain it to everyone? ?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone looked at Deng Rong.

Not even Liu Hao was surprised, he didn't know much about Sharonyan.

Deng Rong saw that what everyone had already guessed was close to ten, so he simply told them.

"That's right, the kaleidoscope Shaker Eye, the legendary Pupil Shuxue that can destroy everything."

"According to the records left by the seniors of the academy, each ninja who opens the kaleidoscope has different abilities. But there is no basis. The source of these materials was also obtained by the first batch of seniors who entered the secret realm. There is no evidence for the following.”

"According to the records, the light blue skeleton giant we see now is a kaleidoscope pupil ninjutsu called Susanoo, and it is very powerful."

"But how strong is it..." Deng Rong smiled slightly when he said that, and looked at Su Bai, "I have never seen this old man before, let's wait and see."

It was so!

Everyone's foreheads, all looked at the skeleton giant curiously.


They saw that Su Bai controlled the giant Susa and grabbed the Earthshatter's tail with both hands, and slammed into the ground violently!

Every time the earthquake trembled, the terrifying force reached their feet!

This surprised everyone.

This place is five kilometers away from the battlefield. Is this Susa giant too powerful?

Boom boom boom!

Su Bai grabbed the Earthshatter and kept falling heavily. His wild fighting stance stunned the other ninjas on the battlefield!

"Fuck, who is that? How can hitting a B-rank monster be like hitting a dog?"

"Here, he's too fierce, right? That's an 8500-card Earthshatter!"

"I know him! That's Su Bai, don't look at him, he only has 300 kachakras, he's just a chunin. But he killed even Senior Wang Xing last night, and his real strength is a sudden group!"

"Yes, I was there at the time, and he used this giant ninjutsu. It was terrible!"

The ninjas on the other battlefields kept away from Su Bai one after another, freeing up an open space within two kilometers for him, and they dared not approach!

Jiang Haoyan supported Xiao Qianjun, Tong Xiaoyan took Xia Yan, and the four had long since left, for fear that Su Bai could not control the aftermath of the battle and accidentally injured them to death.

At this moment, Xia Yan and Tong Xiaoyan are riding on the back of Hei Ling, the tiger that splits the sky. Hei Ling's gigantic tiger-mouthed boss can swallow a powerful cow.

How could it not have imagined that Su Bai is now so terrifying!

Suddenly, Hei Ling seemed to think of something, and exclaimed, "It's over, it's over, Hei Gan said yesterday that he was going to trouble Su Bai, now it's over!"

"Hei Gan?" Xia Yan's eyes narrowed and she said solemnly, "Hei Ling, didn't you tell Hei Gan that Su Bai can't be provoked?"

Heigan, a young genius of the Sky-Splitting Tiger clan, has 3,500 kachakras, and his talent is higher than that of Hei Ling.

Xia Yan knew of the misunderstanding between it and Su Bai. Her Youcheng Xia family was also an ally of the Heavenly Splitting Tiger. She had signed a psychic contract, and she had naturally seen Heigan.

Hei Ling's voice was clear, like a six- or seven-year-old girl, she said bitterly, "People said it! But Hei Gan said I was bragging, how could a 300-calorie ninja be so strong."

"And the more I say that it's not Su Bai's opponent, the more it has to come. I have to prove it to me. It... Xiaoyan, you know, Heigan's brain is not easy to use, and he is very impulsive."

"This... okay. I hope Su Bai doesn't get up, or Hei Gan will be in trouble."

Xia Yan looked at Su Bai and thought that she must persuade him not to be as knowledgeable as a tiger with only muscles in his head...


At this moment, Su Bai was still fighting the Earth Shattering Armor.

Although he has the upper hand, there is a huge gap between the Earth Shattering Armor and the Susa Giant, and his strength and speed are not comparable.

But after all, he only has 300 chakras, while the ground breaking armor has a full 8500 cards!

If this is replaced by a Jounin with more than 2000 chakras, it cannot be hunted alone.

"This guy has such a thick skin, it seems that he can only use divine power."

Su Bai slammed the Earthshatter to the ground again, the Earthshatter was stunned by him, and his brain was buzzing, and he didn't know what he was called.

The elite powerhouses who watched the battle from a distance also saw the true strength of the two and sighed.

"Su Bai's chakra is depleted very quickly, only half of it is left, he can't win the Earth Shattering Armor."

"Not bad! And he doesn't have the means to break the cracking earth armor. He can only defeat the earth cracking armor, but he can't kill it completely. It's a pity."

"What a pity? It's pretty unbelievable for a Chunin to do this, right? Do you really expect him to kill Earthshatter?"

"That's right, this 8,500-karat chakra Earth Shattering Armor would take a lot of work even if we elite Junin wanted to kill it one-on-one, it's pretty good that this little guy can do this. "

These elite jōnin had different opinions on Su Bai's true fighting ability.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely curious and envious of Su Bai's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Some people's eyes changed when they looked at Su Bai, with greed.

Chapter 230 The first appearance of the kaleidoscope

However, just after everyone finished talking, a scene that completely shocked them happened!


Everyone saw that Earthshattering Armor suddenly cut off its tail and broke away from Su Bai's giant Susa, with a grim expression on his face, and shouted loudly!

"Damn human bugs, it's time for this king to attack!"

Hearing the deafening roar of the Earth Shattering Armor, Su Bai's eyes changed, becoming indifferent, and his pupil power was fiercely output!


The Susa giant let out a roar, it threw away the stump tail in its hand, and its whole body began to change!


Everyone saw that the giant Susa, who originally only had a skeleton, quickly grew flesh and blood and meridians.

A layer of chakra coat was draped over his body, and a giant black shuriken appeared in each of his hands.

This is the second form of Susanoo!

The Earth Shattering Armor was stunned by Susanenghu's changes, and before it could recover, Su Bai's pupil power was consumed in an instant!

"Shenwei Shuriken!"


Giant Susa threw the two huge black shuriken in his hand at the Earthshatter.

Seeing this scene, the Earthshatter sneered and stood motionless, intending to use his body to pick it up.

"A ridiculous method, do you think that just two shuriken can cause damage to this king? Really... ah!"

Suddenly, before it finished speaking, it screamed in an instant!

Earthshatter's head and heart were attacked by Shenwei Shuriken, and the space in these two places began to distort rapidly, and recovered in the blink of an eye.

"Ah! What the **** is this?"

"no no!"


The Earthshatter, who lost his head and heart, fell to the ground, stunned everyone present!

Earthshatter, die!

Su Bai gasped, Chakra and Tongli almost exhausted.

After taking a sigh of relief, he quickly put away the 8,500-karat chakra corpse.

"Yes, this big guy should be able to sell seven or eight C-level divine tree fruits."

The fruit of the divine tree was Su Bai's ultimate goal.

Originally, he only needed to save Jiang Haoyan and a few people, but it would be unreasonable to put the fruit of the divine tree without earning it.

Just fighting the Earth Shatter can also test how strong the real combat effectiveness is when fighting the monsters.

"Warcraft is really tough, it's much stronger than ninjas." Su Bai shook his head and walked towards Jiang Haoyan and the others.

Now that his chakra is almost exhausted, he urgently needs to let Xia Yan find a safe place to rest, otherwise he will waste a D-rank divine tree fruit to restore chakra.

His body is too strong now, and the D-rank divine tree fruit has no other effect except to quickly restore chakra.

Su Bai jumped on the Sky Splitting Tiger's back, looked at the stunned white-eyed girl and said, "Xia Yan, find a place to rest, and then continue to hunt the monsters."

"Ah? Oh!" Xia Yan nodded immediately and greeted Hei Ling to set off. She avoided the monsters on the road with her white eyes. After a while, she found a valley. There was no battle here.

After Su Bai left, Deng Rong finally regained his senses. He was also shocked by the terrifying power of Shenwei!

"It's terrifying, it's definitely time-space ninjutsu, otherwise, with Su Bai's chakra volume, it won't be able to break the defense of the ground armor!"

Deng Rong thought to himself, and looked at his two old friends.

The two nodded at him, seeming to know what he was thinking.

The three exchanged glances, and Liu Hao suddenly clapped his hands and said, "What a Su Bai, what a Sharonyan! I didn't expect this old man to only leave for a few months, and such a world-shattering genius has emerged from the school!"

"Hehe, this little guy was too strong when he first entered school, but I didn't expect him to grow to such a level in such a short period of time." Zhuang Qi said with a smile, very satisfied with Su Su. White performance.

Deng Rong also bowed his head slightly, and the other elite Shangnin were still in shock. He saw the greed in some people's eyes.

Deng Rong snorted immediately, and a powerful momentum burst out instantly, shouting: "You people, put away those careful thoughts for me!"

"Su Bai is a student of my Kyushu University. Whoever dares to **** his Sharinyan will be our enemy, and this old man will definitely kill him!"

"Old Deng is right, whoever dares to touch the students of my Kyushu University will be at war with us!" Liu Hao and Zhuang Qi also shouted coldly. Their faces changed.

The three vice-presidents all knew that Sharonyan had been ignored by all the ninjas on Blue Star before because it was uncontrollable.

The eye-opener is either crazy or dead. No one will end well, and everyone will lose interest.

But at this time, Su Bai let these people see the power of the real Sharinyan.

It is false for these elite Shangnin to say that they are not tempted, even Deng Rong is very tempted!

Like the white eye, the writing wheel eye can also be snatched for one's own use.

If Su Bai wasn't a student of the Kyushu University, Deng Rong would have wanted to get Sharonyan to study it and find out its secrets.

Not to mention the powerhouses of the major clans in Youcheng, they will definitely have the desire to snatch.

After all, judging from this battle, Su Bai can suddenly become a powerhouse with them.

Relying on the writing wheel, who is not envious of such a huge improvement?

It's just that now Deng Rong and the two vice presidents have expressed their opinions. These super strong people in Youcheng can only laugh and cover up their greed.

They deeply know how strong the three vice presidents are in front of them!

Each of these three seniors who have been famous for decades has exceeded 4,000 kachakras, raised their life level four times, and is much stronger than himself and others!

"Haha, what are the three vice presidents saying, Youcheng is lucky to have such a genius, how could we take action to **** his Sharinyan?" An elite Junin said with a smile, the greed in his eyes quickly dissipated.

"That's right!" Another white-haired old man also laughed: "Now we are short of people. I think Su Bai will follow the old man."

"Follow you? No, no, I think you should follow me! My team is too weak, and I need a strong person like Su Bai." Another old man said quickly, and the others "snatched" Su Bai. !

Deng Rong, Liu Hao, and Zhuang Qi sneered at this scene.

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