One of the two boys is a little thin and shorter than Su Bai, and the other is similar to Lin Hu, tall and strong!

Chang Rui has a grumpy personality, how can she endure this kind of ridicule? Immediately counterattack: "Wen Yuanyuan, what do you mean? Can't my mother come to the competition?"

"Hee hee, yes, but I'm afraid it won't look good if I beat you to tears." Wen Yuanyuan made a "worried" expression, and Chang Rui was so angry that she almost started, Xia Xueqing hurriedly pulled her.

Wen Yuanyuan glanced at Xia Xueqing, nodded and smiled: "Xueqing, it's not a sensible choice for you to form a team with Miss Chang, she was scared to tears by a 'copper-headed wolf' in the wasteland last time. ."

"Fart, when did the old lady cry? I just got caught by that beast and it hurts a little!" Chang Rui scolded angrily!

Xia Xueqing said lightly: "Wen Yuanyuan, we don't welcome you, you should leave quickly."

She also knew Wen Yuanyuan.

Wen Yuanyuan is Chang Rui's nemesis in school. Her family background is equally extraordinary, and her talent is not weaker than Chang Rui's. The two often fight in school.

"Hehe, we can't leave." Wen Yuanyuan smiled and looked at the table on the table.

"6.5 cards... Xueqing, you've grown a lot? I remember you didn't have 6 cards last month, right?"

"Humph!" Xia Xueqing snorted lightly and ignored her, Wen Yuanyuan spit out a boring snort, and continued to watch.

Wen Yuanyuan couldn't know how strong Chang Rui was as her opponent, so she looked directly at Su Bai's table.

When she saw the amount of chakra on the form, she froze for a moment, then laughed.

"1 card?"

"Haha, Chang Rui, can't you find a teammate?"

"Bastard, it's your turn to be my teammates, shut up!" Chang Rui took the form in her hand and roared angrily!

Wen Yuanyuan looked at Su Bai and said with a smile, "Student Su Bai, right? You are very good, haha."

She saw Su Bai as soon as she came, but she didn't pay attention.

Because Su Bai is very humble, not a student of their noble school.

And most of the strong people in Yangcheng are in noble schools. After all, people who can go to school there are from extraordinary backgrounds and have more training resources than ordinary people.

And Su Bai didn't let her "disappointed", she was really weak, which made Wen Yuanyuan feel a lot more relaxed.

Although she was laughing at Chang Rui, she didn't dare to look down on her.

Because Chang Rui's strength is comparable to hers, and with Xia Xueqing as her teammate, Wen Yuanyuan will use the banner of fighting against Chang Rui to investigate "enemy situation!"

As a large-scale event officially held by Yangcheng, even students from wealthy families such as Chang Rui, Xia Xueqing, and Wen Yuanyuan wanted to be ranked.

There is no other reason, just because this honor will follow them for a lifetime and will always be retained by Yangcheng officials.

However, Chang Rui and Xia Xueqing, whom she regarded as the biggest opponents to win the championship, found a "weak chicken" like Su Bai... This made Wen Yuanyuan look more "pleasant" to Su Bai, and smiled at him.

"Thank you, I've always been pretty good." Su Bai smiled faintly as if he didn't understand Wen Yuanyuan was mocking him.

What kind of scenes have he never seen in his two lives? Wen Yuanyuan's paediatric style made him unable to raise any mood swings at all.

"It's boring." A punch hit the air, Wen Yuanyuan turned her head and stopped looking at Su Bai, and said softly to Lan Hong, "Grandpa Lan, register for us."

"Okay, tell me your information." Lan Hong took out three new forms.

Wen Yuanyuan's two teammates who had been silent all along stood up, and the tall man spoke first: "Yan Zheng, Yangcheng Noble School, good at Ninjutsu Huo Dun and Hao Fire Ball, with a chakra of 5.2 cards."

Yan Zheng's data was very ordinary, and Chang Rui didn't take it to heart. She had long known the opponent's strength.

However, when another teammate of Wen Yuanyuan reported the data, everyone was surprised!

"Yang Liu, Yangcheng No. 4 Middle School, good at Ninjutsu Ice Escape. Icicle, chakra 4.5 calories."

Ice escape?

Lan Hong raised his head and looked at him in surprise. "Bing Dun Xue Ji? Who is Yang Long from you?"

"Senior back, it's my father." Yang Liu is not tall and looks ordinary, but at this time it attracted everyone's attention.

Xia Xueqing and Chang Rui looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes!

Ice Escape Ninja?

Wen Yuanyuan actually found such a strong teammate?

Immediately, the two girls' hearts sank.

Although the amount of chakra in the willow is not much, only 4.5 cards seems ordinary... but it is different with the blood limit!

Of course, the second daughter of Xueji Boundary knew that Xia Xueqing was a big family of Xueji Boundary, and she knew the power of Xueji Boundary very well.

In simple terms, the boundary of blood is the fusion of two types of chakra properties to create a new escape technique.

And Bing Dun is the fusion of Wind Dun and Water Dun, Ice Dun is out of Water Dun, but its power is far beyond that of Water Dun!

The same chakra, the same level of ninjutsu, the power of ice ninjutsu is more than twice as strong as that of water ninjutsu, this is the horror of the limit of blood!

Kyushu University has also issued a special policy in order to recruit Xueji-bound geniuses - that is, Xueji geniuses have one more chance to be eliminated than ordinary ninjas, which reflects that this kind of person has a bright future in the future!

Su Bai was also surprised, he didn't expect to meet a genius of the blood following boundary so quickly.

Wen Yuanyuan smiled proudly when she saw that everyone was surprised.

"Student Yang Liu didn't want to participate in the competition, because the competition means nothing to him, and he has been recommended to Kyushu University."

"But Yang Liu has a good relationship with me and is willing to help me win the championship, haha!"

After speaking, she reported her data with a smile, "Wen Yuanyuan, Yangcheng noble school, good at ninjutsu, water escape, water prison, wind escape, big breakthrough, chakra volume of 6.3 cards."

"Although I also have dual attributes of water and wind, I don't have the ice escape of classmate Yang Liu."

Chapter 24 Can Win

"Xia Xueqing blames you for calling Su Bai!"

"Okay now, let Wen Yuanyuan laugh!"

At the entrance of the Yangcheng Fighting Hall, Chang Rui complained of grievances, since she knew the strength of Wen Yuanyuan's team, she has no longer "faceless" to stay in it.

Xia Xueqing quickly comforted her, "Sister Xiaorui, don't be angry, the second place is not bad!"

"What's good? Am I missing that roll of C-rank ninjutsu? What I want is the honor of first place in the competition, do you understand!" Chang Rui angrily grabbed Xia Xueqing's shoulder and shook it!

"But even if we add Liu Li, we can't beat Wen Yuanyuan's team?" Xia Xueqing explained.

Xia Xueqing said in her heart that although Liu Li is stronger than Su Bai, his strength is limited. Chakra, who is only three cards, is not a genius of the Xueji limit, and it is also impossible for him to win the championship.

"That's better than Su Bai. Liu Li can at least share the pressure for us."

"I'm not afraid of any of Wen Yuanyuan's three fighting alone. Xueqing, your strength can easily deal with one, but what about the rest? Rely on him?" Chang Rui turned away from Su Bai, who was following Xia Xueqing's side. At a glance, dissatisfaction was written all over the pretty face!

"Alright, alright, anyway, the registration can't be changed, so let's do it." Xia Xueqing comforted her again and again, then looked at Su Bai, "You remember to be on time tomorrow, sister Xiaorui and I will go back first."

"Okay, be careful on the road." Su Bai said.

"You still worry about yourself, rice bug!"

"Hee hee, bye Su Bai."

Chang Rui was dragged away by Xia Xueqing, but when he left, he was nicknamed - Rice Bug!

Su Bai rolled his eyes and left with his hands in his pockets.

After getting on the bus home, Su Bai closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

"If Wen Yuanyuan's team is the strongest team in this tournament, then the championship will be secured."

Only he knows his own strength. Although Yang Liu, the ice ninja in Wen Yuanyuan's team, is very eye-catching, the gap between Chakra and himself is too great, and it is only half of him.

Although a large amount of chakra does not mean that you must be strong, a powerful ninja must have an indispensable amount of chakra.

The ninja battle depends on whether the mastery of ninjutsu is proficient or not, whether the grasp of the timing of the battle is perfect, and there is the issue of ninjutsu restraint.

The most common is that water overcomes fire, fire overcomes thunder, wind overcomes fire, thunder overcomes earth water, and earth overcomes water!

Among them, the lethality of water ninjutsu is slightly inferior to other ninjutsu, but it has an advantage in changing the terrain. If it is close to the sea, the power of water ninjutsu will be multiplied by the river!

And Bing Dun was born out of Water Dun, so naturally he is not afraid of ordinary thunder-earth ninjutsu, but it happens that the decapitation technique in the heart mastered by Su Bai is the nemesis of the icicle technique!

The technique of icicle is that the ice ninja uses chakra to create a huge icicle to freeze the opponent. If the opponent is weak, there is no escape and can only be slaughtered.

However, this ninjutsu can only be used on the ground, and the decapitation in the heart is walking underground.

Thinking of this, there was a smile on the corner of Su Bai's mouth, "I don't believe he can summon a big icicle from the ground. We have a great chance of winning this battle!"

Chang Rui knows wind ninjutsu, which just happens to restrain Wen Yuanyuan's fiery ninja sternly, while Xia Xueqing has a **** sequel and a huge amount of chakra, so she has no pressure on Wen Yuanyuan at all.

And Su Bai happened to restrain the willows, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a reason to lose!

"But I can't be careless. The lion fights the rabbit with all my strength. I still have a day to practice ninjutsu!"

The competition will start at 8 am tomorrow. Su Bai intends to raise the decapitation technique and earth attribute in his heart to level two to ensure that tomorrow's competition is foolproof!

After returning home and having lunch, Su Bai came to the old place where he practiced ninjutsu - the slaughterhouse!

"Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique!"

Su Bai dived into the ground with a "swoosh" on both hands, and broke out of the ground 200 meters away after a while.

"The distance of ninjutsu has become farther." He looked back at the place where he disappeared and pondered, "Try what the limit distance is!"

Su Bai made the seal again, but this time he increased the output of chakra.

"Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique!"


This time he disappeared for a long time, and it took nearly 10 seconds before he broke through the ground.

"Is this 700 meters?" After testing the approximate distance, Su Bai was a little surprised!

Although he added 8 available attribute points to the chakra item last night, the amount of chakra has increased by as much as 8 times... But before he used the "Heart Beheading Technique", the farthest was only 300 meters , this time more than doubled?

He learned from the Internet that the ninjutsu in this world needs to increase the output of chakra if it wants to be powerful, but the output of chakra is not proportional to the power of ninjutsu.

Every time the power of ninjutsu increases by 10%, the chakra consumed will increase exponentially, which is very terrifying!

Although the amount of chakra of ninjas in this world is generally relatively large, if every ninjutsu is released with the maximum chakra output, these ninjas will not be able to hold on, and if they can't release a few ninjutsu, there will be no chakra.

"The one just now consumed about one-fifth of my chakra, and the chakra consumed by the normal release of the 300-meter distance decapitation technique is almost insignificant, and there is no feeling."

"It seems that it is better not to use this method of full chakra output, otherwise I can only release 5 ninjutsu and there will be no chakra."

Comparing the consumption of Chakra, Su Bai glanced at the panel again.

Host: Su Bai

Substitute: LV1 (126/200)+

Clone: ​​LV1 (125/200)+

Transformation: LV1 (136/200)+

Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique: LV1 (174/200)

Xueji Boundary: Sharinyan (Shenwei Kaleidoscope) is not turned on

Chakra Volume: 9.12 (cal) +

Earth attribute: LV1 (174/200) +

Water attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Wind attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Fire attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Lightning attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Yin attribute: LV0 (0/100) is not turned on

Positive attribute: LV0 (0/100) is not turned on

Currently available attribute points: 0 (add 1 at 0:00 every day)

Current mission: Master three D-level ninjutsu (10 attribute points available for mission reward)

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