"Cultivation for another five days. When you reach 10,000 experience points, you can use attribute points to improve."

These ten days of hard training have played a role.

At this time, his earth attribute was already level 7.

However, it takes 20,000 experience points to upgrade the soil attribute to level 8.

If you add points now, you need 120 available attribute points, which Su Bai thinks is a bit too much.

He still wants to practice for a few more days, otherwise there will be more attribute points with poor water attributes.

Now, the hardships of cultivation have exceeded Su Bai's expectations.

At this speed, he feared that it would take him a month and a half to cultivate the two attributes to level 8.

"No, I have to increase the speed of my cultivation!" Su Bai's eyes flashed with determination, his face showed a ruthless expression, and he spoke to the shadow clone.

"Everyone, don't sleep in the second half of the month, and practice at night."

Shadow clone: ​​? ? ?


one day……

two days...

Four days later...

When the 40 shadow clones once again exhausted the chakra and returned to the main body...

Covered in mud, with messy hair, Su Bai with a full beard suddenly opened his eyes!

"Earth attribute: LV7 (



"Finally ten thousand!"

A flash of joy flashed in Su Bai's heart, and he immediately gave a hundred attribute points to the earth attribute!

"Your soil attribute has risen to level 8..."


At the moment when the earth attribute rose to level 8, Su Bai suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

This feeling confirmed him.

As long as both attributes are upgraded to level 8, they can be merged, resulting in a change in nature and a new bloodline limit!

Su Bai got up with anticipation in his eyes.

"Next, it's time to cultivate the water attribute."

"But I don't have many attribute points, and the one tail in my body is almost exhausted. I have to go to the secret realm to catch a few one tails for backup!"

"And before you start cultivating water attributes, this thing can also be eaten."

Su Bai took out a golden fruit from his arms, the size of a baby's fist, and swallowed it!

"Your Yin attribute has increased by 1500 experience points..."

"Your Yang attribute has increased by 1500 experience points..."

"Your chakra has increased by a hundred calories..."


The A-level divine tree fruit was perfectly absorbed by Su Bai, causing his body to undergo a huge change in an instant.

Not only the body, but also to suppress Su Xiaoxiao's writing wheel eyes.

The theoretically non-renewable pupil power that was separated also instantly recovered most of it!

This made Su Bai happy.

"Good stuff, as expected of the baby that all ninjas dream of!"

Feeling the great changes in his body, he temporarily changed his decision.

"After eating this A-level divine tree fruit, the cells in my body are also full of energy, and I can refine chakra again."

Thinking about it, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to refine chakra.

These days, Su Bai eats Yinkun meat three times a day.

The energy contained in Yin Kun's top-level monster meat is too huge, allowing the cells in his body to quickly absorb and accumulate energy.

And since the Yang attribute has been raised to level 8.

Su Bai clearly felt that his talent for refining chakra was no longer comparable to any other period.

Among all the people he knows, he is now the fastest at refining chakra!

Although surprised, he was right when he thought about it.

After all, his body is already considered a fairy body, and it is reasonable to refine Chakra quickly.

Although it is impossible for the immortal body to make him appear "unused" Chakra in a short period of time.

But this physique is so strong that it can refine chakra faster and more efficiently than other ninjas.

This situation now makes Su Bai think of the first Hokage in the original book - Senju Hashimoto.

Although the first generation was born with a fairy body.

But he also has to use time to slowly refine Chakra, and it was only when he approached middle age that he laid the foundation of invincibility.

The first generation was not the one who possessed the almost infinite Chatonla later in his youth.

If so.

Then Su Bai felt that during the Warring States Period, there would not be the four major families of Qianshou, Uchiha, Kaguya, and Hyuga.

Juvenile Hashirama has long since pacified the troubled world...


PS: I didn't want to write the last paragraph, it's not nutritious.

But because there are always book friends asking why the protagonist has an immortal body recently, Chakra, who has not been used up, explained it.

In response to this question, Xiao Wang just wanted to say that the immortal human body is not a god, and the immortal human body is not born with a Chatonla.

The protagonist has only been a ninja for a few months?

How many years did Madara and the first generation fight before they became invincible?

Can they get rid of the other two major families that competed with them, causing the entire late Warring States period to become a dispute between Qianshou and Uchiha?

In the entire Hokage, except for Kaguya, the silly Baitian, who ate the fruit of the divine tree directly became a blood follower and became the ancestor of Chakra.

Who doesn't grow up slowly?

Even Yu Yi has to open his eyes and refine chakra.

The prince and Erzhuzi will have to inherit his power of yin and yang before they can keep up with the plot.

Before the two of them started hanging up, they also had Indra and Ashura Chakra. Isn't it still weak in the early stage?

A few dragon sets of Yin Nin can be bullied at will.

It takes time for ninjas to grow in strength. Unless they are forced to improve without their brains, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step.


Chapter 284 Choose which one you like

In the Kyushu Academy, in the courtyard of Ling Yiyi's villa, several freshmen geniuses gathered together.

Ling Yiyi has a lively personality and is good at communicating with people, so her villa has become a gathering place for many geniuses of the same period.

Generally, as long as everyone is okay, they will come here to get together.

After all, as long as the freshmen sitting here grow up smoothly, they represent a powerful force in the future.

Now that we all get along well with each other, it will be very beneficial to our future self...

Ling Yiyi was instructing her servants to prepare for the evening dinner.

In order to make it convenient for everyone to have a place to connect with feelings.

He went to the living quarters of ordinary people in the school who were serving the school for a living, and hired five nannies.

Just to "serve" these geniuses.

"I said." After Ling Yiyi arranged things for a middle-aged woman, she turned to look at Xia Xueqing who was sitting with everyone waiting for the "meal".

"Is Su Bai coming? We don't have him every time we get together!"

"Does he look down on me Ling Yiyi?"

Ling Yiyi was very dissatisfied at the moment.

Since Su Bai stole her flute from her last appearance, it has not appeared again for a month.

And she organizes dinner parties every week to get in touch with each other. She has already called Su Bai twice.

And every time Su Bai shied away, which made Ling Yiyi very dissatisfied!

However, what was even more dissatisfied was Su Bai's attitude.

When Ling Yiyi called for the third time, she was shocked to find that she had been blocked by Su Bai!

Only then did she remember the last words Su Bai said on the second phone call.

"Ling Yiyi, don't call me for boring things like dinner parties in the future, are you bothered?"

"Call again and I will block you directly."

At that time, Ling Yiyi thought Su Bai was joking.

After all, he is also a famous beauty in the school, how can any boy treat him like this?


She found that Su Bai had really blocked herself!

Ling Yiyi thought of this, she couldn't help puffing out her mouth, she was very angry!

Xia Xueqing shook her head slightly, "I didn't inform Su Bai, he will definitely not come while cultivating."

"Hmph, I think he didn't live up to the big talk he said last time, right?" Ling Yiyi mocked deliberately.

"Last time, Su Bai said that he cultivated the second kind of blood after a month. Now it's been one and three days and he hasn't seen anyone else."

Hearing her words, Xia Xueqing did not argue.

She knew that Ling Yiyi had no bad intentions, she was just bickering with Su Bai.

However, she could bear it, but a certain little fan girl of Su Bai couldn't bear it!

Chang Rui stood up directly, her tone angrily.

"Ling Yiyi, how could Su Bai say that it must be a month? That's probably what he meant!"

"Cultivation of the new blood continuum is not about eating and drinking, how can it be that simple!"

"Cut, it's true that he's talking big anyway." Ling Yiyi shook her head, ignoring Chang Rui.

This made Chang Rui angry, she couldn't listen to others speak ill of Su Bai!

Zhang Dong and Ge Long, who were on the side, watched this scene with a smile and were used to it.

The two knew that Ling Yiyi used to compare herself with Su Bai, and often "unintentionally" belittled Su Bai.

And Chang Rui is Su Bai's little fan girl.

I often try my best to defend him, and from time to time, I meet Ling Yiyi. This kind of thing has happened many times.

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