If the silver giant didn't want to fight and wanted to run, then Su Bai wouldn't be able to keep it.

"It's just that this dog's whereabouts are uncertain... Should I stop my practice temporarily to find it? Get the fairy magic first?"

Su Bai hesitated.

Cultivation is important, but immortality is even more important.

It's just that the wasteland area is so big, and there are many secret realms.

In case the silver giant digs into any secret realm at random, it will take more time to find it.

Thinking of this, he sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, let's practice first."

"This dog won't be caught for a while, so wait for the right time."

He just sighed, and the shadow clones next to him were immediately dissatisfied.

"I rely on the body, your brain was eaten by a dog? Now that the immortal art is in front of you, don't you hurry up and find a way?"

"Yes, what if this thing runs back to another world? Isn't that a missed opportunity?"

"That's right, I'm still practicing with a hammer. When can't the practice be carried out? You can't tell the importance of the main body?"

The shadow clones were very dissatisfied and protested loudly one by one!

Su Bai looked at them and said lightly: "Go and continue to practice for me, you don't need to worry about these things."

"I don't know what you guys think? Don't you think I squeezed you too hard and want to rest?"

"I tell you this is a delusion. If anyone doesn't give me the effort to cultivate, then don't blame me."

He said this raising his voice and continued.

"This giant wolf came to Blue Star because it was hunted and had nowhere to escape. Do you think it would take the initiative to go back and die?"

"Hurry up and leave!"

Seeing Su Bai's non-negotiable tone, many shadow clones had no choice.

He can only continue to be squeezed by him, and go to practice in a dejected manner.


three days later.

In the urban area of ​​Yicheng base city, pedestrians on the street fled in panic.

Behind them, a giant silver wolf was running wildly down the street.

Its huge size will collapse the building in front of it, and the scene is very scary!

And behind it, dozens of jounin are chasing, one by one showing anger!

"Damn beast, you can't run away!"

"Leave the fruit of my clan's divine tree, and I will spare you from dying!"

"Yes, and my clan's!"

"And mine!"

Everyone shouted, chasing after the silver giant wolf.

They are all the powerhouses of the big family in the base city of Yicheng.

Among these people, there are 20 among the elite Shangnin, which shows how much they hate the silver giant wolf.

The silver giant wolf is Sha Yu, and at this moment it turned back and opened its mouth to mock.

"Stupid human beings, it is your honor to contribute to this uncle, and you should thank me."

"Thank you for your grandma's legs!" The middle-aged man in the lead shouted with an angry expression.

Then he turned to the crowd and said, "If anyone catches this **** for me, my Yicheng Ling family will promise him a big favor!"

In order to vent his anger, he did not hesitate to offer a bounty!

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

They know who this person is and how much energy he has.

This is the patriarch of the Ling family in Yicheng. Their family is best at mysterious illusions!

Although illusion is not good for monsters, it is very effective against ninjas.

If you can get his promise, then this value can be great!

"Ling Fei Shangren wait a moment, I'll catch it!" An elite Shangren said.

"I'm coming too!"

"And I!"

Everyone is ready to take action immediately!

However, before they could make a move, five or six people in black with the word "law enforcement" engraved on their chests suddenly appeared on the street.

The leader was an old man who spoke indifferently to the crowd.

"Stop, whoever dares to use ninjutsu in the downtown area, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone stopped the ninjutsu in their hands, as if they were afraid of the old man.

But others are not afraid of Ling Fei!

He is both an elite Jōnin and the patriarch of a large clan, with enormous energy.

"You're blind, old thing? Can't you see the monster in front of you?"

"It didn't hurt ordinary people, let it go."

The old man glanced at Ling Fei and said lightly: "The iron law of the federal government, all ninjas, no matter who they are, can't use ninjutsu in the downtown area, otherwise they will be designated as treason and ninja, and they will be killed!"

"Damn old thing..." Ling Fei gritted his teeth, chakra rioting all over his body, and he couldn't help it.

However, the old man didn't seem to be able to see, and he still stood in front of everyone with a calm look.

Seeing this, Sha Yu grinned and laughed at everyone.

"Isn't that right, can you just let me go sooner rather than later?"

Saying that, it swaggered away in the eyes of everyone full of anger.

When it was about to disappear, everyone heard Sha Yu's loud voice again.

"Goodbye everyone, I will come next time."

"What? You still dare to come? Courting death!"

"Damn monster!"


At this moment, everyone felt extremely headache.

Although this giant silver wolf is very powerful, they are not invincible.

Dozens of powerhouses can join forces to kill it.

It's just that the silver wolf is very fast, and if they want to run, they can't catch up.

In addition, it doesn't know what means it uses, and regards various enchantments as nothing.

The barrier that the base city and the major families have worked so hard to build can come and go, and there is no hindrance at all.

This made all the big families have no choice but to grit their teeth and admit their losses...


Chapter 321 Sha Yu, who caused public outrage

"Ahhh!" A harsh scream rang out from the student villa area of ​​Kyushu University.

Ge Long, Zhang Dong, Yang Liu and the others looked at the tall, beautiful girl in front of them and felt helpless.

The girl was Ling Yiyi, and she was about to explode with anger at this moment.

She held a mobile phone in her hand, and it was playing the scene of her family being patronized by the silver giant "Sha Yu".

"Damn beast, I, Ling Yiyi, must kill you!" Ling Yiyi shouted angrily.

Xu Meng was petite and quickly comforted her.

"Sister Yiyi, don't be angry."

"This giant wolf has many families, but everyone can't do anything about it!"

"Yes, my family has also been patronized." Zhang Dong's face was also not good-looking, and his family also had some influence in Yicheng.

Ge Long nodded, "My family too, this giant wolf ran to Youcheng the day before yesterday."

"Well, except for Yangcheng, the four major base cities have not been to the other three." Yang Liu said, he was not too worried.

Because his family has no power, no spirit formation, and no divine tree fruit for the silver giant wolf to snatch.

Yang Liu knew his father's strength.

Yang Long is just an elite chunin, not very "rich."

He is not the same as those big families with concentrated resources.

All of his assets are in his own storage scroll and won't go anywhere else.

It's just that Yang Liu is still somewhat worried when he thinks of this.

The silver giant wolf has "committed" a lot these days.

Its nose thief has also been found, and the fruit of the **** tree can be found in the ninja storage scroll.

And the storage scroll can be easily opened, which is an alternative compared to other monsters!

People were baffled by it.

When will Warcraft be able to use storage scrolls?

It's been a long time to know...

Everyone said something to me, Ling Yiyi's anger dissipated a little after hearing it.

She also knew that it wasn't just her own family that was harmed.

Almost all the big families in the base city that Sha Yu has visited are similar, and they have also been harmed.

"Damn it!" Ling Yiyi cursed, sat down angrily, and looked at a quiet girl - Xia Xueqing.

"Hey, Xueqing, aren't you worried?"

She said: "Now this abominable monster has visited the three major base cities, and it seems that its next target is Yangcheng, aren't you afraid that it will steal the fruit of your divine tree?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone immediately turned to Xia Xueqing.

Everyone knows that the biggest family in Yangcheng is her family.

The family with the most inventory of the divine tree fruit is also her family.

According to the style of the silver giant wolf, it would definitely go to the Xia family.

It stands to reason that Xia Xueqing can also think of these.

But what surprised everyone was that she wasn't worried at all?

Still as usual, sitting here quietly and chatting with everyone?

This puzzled people.

When Xia Xueqing saw everyone looking at her, she thought of a certain boy's words, he said that he would go to catch the silver giant wolf.

She blushed suddenly and faltered.


She is introverted and shy.

Now that everyone is staring at him and talking, it is not easy to speak, and his face immediately blushed.

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