Sha Yu's immortal fire escape ninjutsu was so powerful just now that he felt that if he was hit head-on, he would definitely die, and there was no possibility of surviving.

But Qingyeyan in front of him was not seriously injured except for bleeding from his body and looking embarrassed, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

"It's not easy, the clothes on his body seem to be able to absorb part of the attack..."

At this moment, Qingyeyan's golden robe was not damaged, which made Su Bai have to suspect that it was also a good thing.

"Something like chakra armor?"

He jumped lightly and distanced himself from Aobayan.

Qing Yeyan was bleeding all over his body at the moment, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Damn dog, how dare you make this old man bleed?"

He looked at Sha Yu, who fell to the ground in the distance, screaming loudly, his eyes grim.

"Although this is just a avatar of the old man, it is not the main body... but it is not something you can insult!"

Aobayan was furious.

He didn't expect that at the beginning of the battle, he was caught off guard by one person and one dog, and almost lost this clone!

Originally, he was still slowly torturing Su Bai and Sha Yu with the mentality of playing with them.

But now he was completely angry, and decided to use the fastest speed to capture this person and kill them immediately after getting what he wanted!

Thinking of this, he raised his right hand towards Sha Yu in the distance.

"Damn dog, come here for the old man!"

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

"Not good!" Seeing this, Su Bai secretly said something bad.

At this moment, Sha Yu has no ability to resist. Once it is caught, then he will not be able to use the immortal technique Susa.

Analyzing Sha Yu's state in an instant, Su Bai immediately focused his head on his pupils before Qingyeyan shot.

At the same time, the pupils in his eyes were very strong, and he used the ability that made Qingyeyan extremely jealous!

"Divine power!"


The space beside Qingyeyan's head distorted rapidly, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Damn!" He reluctantly gave up attacking Sha Yu and disappeared in place in an instant, almost teleporting so fast.

Seeing that Sha Yu was rescued, Su Bai put away his divine power.

From the beginning, he did not expect "Shenwei" to kill a top powerhouse like Qingyeyan, so he was not disappointed.

He quickly came to Sha Yu's side, grabbed its tail and absorbed it into his right eye.

"Recover quickly, I'll use you later."

"it is good!"

Sha Yu glanced at Su Bai gratefully, and he saw the thrilling scene just now.

If it wasn't for Su Bai, it felt that it might be cold.

"Give me ten minutes to recover!" Sha Yu left a sentence before disappearing.

Su Bai nodded and looked at Qingyeyan in the distance.

At this time, Aobayan witnessed his space pupil surgery, and his eyes showed a fiery color.

"Very good ability, worthy of being the scorpion that belongs to God's Domain in the legend."

"Thank you for the compliment." Su Bai squeezed his fingers and said lightly.

Qing Yeyan smiled slightly after hearing this, "Unfortunately, after today, your eyes belong to this old man."

"Su Bai, don't worry, I will let the prestige of your eyes spread throughout the world of Mao."

He was very confident, as if Su Bai was already the prey in his hands.

After hearing this, Su Bai grinned and pointed to the "flame fan" behind Qingyeyan.

"I will return it to you in the same way. After today, your weapon will be mine, and I will make it remembered by the world."

After all, he clapped his hands violently and intertwined his fingers.


As the Chakra and pupil strength in Su Bai's body were rapidly consumed, a wooden figure with a height of about 100 meters and a layer of light blue mighty armor appeared immediately.

It is the Wei Zhuang wooden man!

Above the wooden man's head, Su Bai folded his arms around his chest, his eyes were indifferent, and he looked down at Qingyeyan, which was as small as an ant.

Qing Yeyan was stunned for a moment when she saw the wooden man in front of her, and then whispered.

"Good vitality."

"This level of wooden pure should his yang attribute be?"

Qing Yeyan regained her senses and looked at Su Bai seriously.

"Boy, you seem a little special."

"Apart from the kaleidoscope... it seems that you have other secrets."

Su Bai's Wood Dun is the most "living thing" that Qingyeyan has ever seen, and the ninjas who had awakened the Wood Dun before in the Realm of Mao couldn't compare to him at all.

Qingyeyan was slightly dignified at the moment.

"Having a pupil technique that can't be attacked and remotely transfer opponents, and now with such a wooden escape... No wonder the butterfly guy will lose to him, this kid is indeed a bit difficult."

Difficulty is the most intuitive feeling that Su Bai gave Qingyeyan, and it is also the only feeling.

He was confident that he would not lose, but he did not have the confidence to catch Su Bai.

After all, Su Bai, who has the ability to blur, is already invincible.


Chapter 346

Su Bai's difficulty was beyond Qingyeyan's expectations, and he had to change his tactics.

He looked at Su Bai who was standing on top of the wooden man's head with a calm face, but he didn't act immediately, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

"This kid's kaleidoscope ability is too incomprehensible, I have to catch the moment when he attacks."

"It's just that the powerful pupil technique such as 'Earth Burst Sky Star' is ineffective against him, it must be an instant pupil technique."

After thinking about it, he found that he only had Shen Luo Tianzheng's instant pupil technique.

Although Vientiane Tianyin is also instant, the suction is too slow to absorb the opponent, far less than the repulsive force that explodes in an instant.

"But one pupil technique is enough. After all, this kid is just an ordinary kaleidoscope. His pupil power should not be much, and he is not my opponent compared to consumption."

"Also, this pupil technique can also be effective."

Aobayan thought of a countermeasure in an instant.


Above the wooden man's head.

Seeing that Qing Yeyan didn't make a move, Su Bai said, "Since you don't want to make a move first, then I'll do it."

As he said that, he clasped his fingers tightly, and the Chakra in his body was quickly consumed.

"Let's greet you with a powerful ninjutsu first."

"Woodun·Flower Tree World is coming!"

Boom boom boom!

As Su Bai released Ninjutsu, a huge number of huge vines grew rapidly from the ground!

In a short period of time, the surrounding dozens of kilometers with him as the center turned into a lush green virgin forest.

Whoosh whoosh!

Those huge vines are like living giant snakes, madly attacking Qingyeyan, forcing him to keep avoiding!

"Damn, there are too many of these vines."

Although Qingyeyan could easily pass the vines made by Su Bai, the number of vines surrounding him would only increase over time.

In addition, the toxins released by the pollen were affected by his body after being inhaled. Group: 9%8EUR0? 2.0, 5:8EUR5!6, his mood also became irritable.

"Oh? Not using the reincarnation eye pupil technique?"

Above the wooden man's head, Su Bai saw that Qingyeyan was only relying on his body speed to dodge, and decided to "add fire to him."

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"


He spit out a huge sea of ​​fire, which instantly ignited the flower tree world!

At the same time, his mind moved, and he controlled the wooden man to rush towards Qingyeyan.

"Troublesome ninjutsu!" Aobayan frowned.

He looked at the terrifying flame vines around him, and finally couldn't help himself.

He opened his hands, and his pupil power was consumed in an instant!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


The familiar repulsion appeared, everything within a few tens of kilometers around was bounced, and a large flat crater appeared.

At this moment, only Su Bai's wooden figurine was not knocked into the air. He had already used the wooden figurine to defend him when Qingyeyan made a move.

Aobayan saw Susaki, who was not far away, with his arms in front of him, stubbornly insisting on his own "Shin Luo Tianzheng."


Boom boom boom!

Susaki people were "boomed" back seven or eight steps by the huge repulsion, each step leaving a deep pit on the ground.

At the same time, the Susa armor on its body was completely destroyed, and the wooden body inside was also destroyed a lot, and it looked very embarrassed.

However, Susaki people finally defended against the terrifying repulsion, which made Aoba Yan's pupils shrink, and his heart was shocked!

"It turns out... can really block my reincarnation eye pupil technique?"

"Damn! It can't go on like this, this clone has not much pupil power, I can't consume him!"

He looked at Su Bai's wooden figurine, which had returned to its original shape and was wrapped by Susanoo again, and immediately made up his mind.

"Just use this trick. Although it consumes some pupil power, it can solve his wooden figurine."

"Round Tomb · Border Prison!"


Four invisible clones appeared.

Above the wooden man's head, just when Su Bai wanted to summon the destroyed flower and tree world again, the kaleidoscope suddenly automatically entered a virtual state!

"Huh?" His heart tightened, and he was immediately vigilant.


The wooden man who was advancing was suddenly attacked by an invisible attack, and the huge body immediately fell back.

At the same time, Su Bai felt that something unknown had passed through his body.

But he couldn't see it, and there was no sign of it.

"This kind of attack..."

Under the strange attack, Su Bai in the Shenwei space suddenly thought, "It's that pupil technique!"

He immediately took out a storage scroll from his arms, and took out an aquamarine bottle with a purple corrugated Samsara eye in it.

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