What about Su Bai?

Although his talent is not good, even worse than ordinary people, but he has a system, he does not need to master a complete ninjutsu like other ninjas to use.

He only needs to have a preliminary understanding of ninjutsu, let ninjutsu appear on the system panel, and then add a little bit. It's not too easy!

As long as he has attribute points, he can become infinitely stronger until he surpasses everyone!

Thinking of the attribute points, Su Bai turned his attention to the task.

"Current mission: hunt ten long-eared rabbits alone (reward 15 available attribute points

"Have you hunted by yourself... Now my strength is still near, but the Yang attribute may give me a surprise!"

Su Bai pondered for a while, and there is no external factor affecting the first one-on-one! Group: 9%8EUR0? 2.0, 5:8EUR5!6 He is not afraid of long-eared rabbits now.

But fighting against monsters in the wasteland area is not a challenge in the arena after all. There are too many uncertain factors, and if you are not careful, you will encounter a death crisis.

And now he has discovered Su Bai's shortcomings. His ninjutsu proficiency is low and his power is low. Chakra only has 10.2 cards, which is not too much. This is because he has absorbed long-eared rabbit meat every day for the past seven days. A lot of nutrients only increased by about half a calorie.

The current Su Bai is actually a bit biased towards the illusion-type ninja. His powerful spiritual power is hard to match among ninjas of the same level or even higher!

Coupled with the fact that after upgrading to Ergou Jade, the writing wheel eye has the effect of strengthening the illusion, which makes his illusion extremely powerful!

A D-rank naraku see technique makes Yang Liu, a ninja with twice as many Chakras as him, unable to fight back, and he didn't get rid of himself for two minutes... This is already very against the sky.

However, these problems were before the activation of the yang attribute, and now...

A smile appeared on Su Bai's face, and his thoughts added a little to the Yang attribute.

"Your yang attribute has been upgraded..."

"Yang attribute: LV1 (101/200


When the prompt appeared in front of him, Su Bai only felt that the cells in his whole body seemed to run wild, and they were madly producing huge energy!

Every cell was cheering and jumping for joy, this unprecedented feeling made him stay for a while!

"Here, how much has my yang attribute changed so much?" Su Bai was stunned when he looked at the panel. At this time, his panel had changed a lot!

"Amount of Chakra: 12.2 Calories"

"Yin attribute: LV5 (1653/3200

"A little increase in the yang attribute can actually achieve the effect of increasing the chakra by two cards and increasing the yin attribute by half?"

"And I feel like my strength, endurance, speed, and reflexes have all improved, try it!"

Su Bai looked at a two-meter-square piece not far ahead, not to mention a huge boulder of seven or eight hundred kilograms, which was left over from his previous physical training.

Walking over, he lifted a corner of the boulder and drank lowly.



The boulder was directly picked up by him. Su Bai held the boulder and felt it for a while, and finally determined that his strength had increased by at least one layer.

"Try the speed!"

Su Bai ran around the slaughterhouse again, and finally returned to the place and came to a conclusion.

"The change in speed is not very big, but my stamina is much stronger. It is estimated that there are three layers."

"The characteristics of the immortal human body should be that the amount of chakra is almost infinite, the recovery ability is strong, and it seems to be immune to illusions? Is this a fairy human body?" Su Bai rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and finally smiled.

"Immune to the illusion that the pupil power and yin attribute of the wheel eye can also be achieved. The recovery ability is still unknown. From the aspect of chakra alone, the huge change brought by the yang attribute to me already belongs to the immortal body."

"Adding a yang attribute is equivalent to adding two chakras and a half yin attribute... It seems that I will change the direction of adding points in the future."

Originally, Su Bai planned to ignore the yin attribute to the highest level and turn on the kaleidoscope, but now it seems that the harvest of the yang attribute is even greater!

The yin attribute only improves the pupil power of Sharinyan and unlocks the kaleidoscope, but there is no change in Chakra and physical fitness, which also causes Su Bai to favor the illusion-type ninja now.

It's not that the illusion ninja is bad, but the improvement brought by the yin attribute is incomparable compared to the fully developed yang attribute.

The amount of chakra, physical fitness, and half of the yin attribute increase effect, no matter how you look at it, adding a little yang attribute is more cost-effective!

Thinking of this, Su Bai's eyes instantly turned blood red, and two gouyu hung quietly in the black pupils, exuding a sense of mystery.

"And... the consumption of writing wheel eyes has also decreased."

"Sure enough, as I thought, not only the yin attribute can eliminate the side effects of the writing wheel eye, but also the yang attribute. After all, no matter how strong the celestial eye is, it is no more than the celestial body."

Feeling the change in Sharonyan, Su Bai thought of a certain dance king in the original book and the good friend and opponent he had touted for his whole life.

The two are the best embodiment of the strength contest between the immortal human body and the immortal eyes.

Madam Ban and the first generation have fought all their lives, and they have also lost all their lives. Every time they are a little bit closer, this makes Su Bai wonder if the first generation is always fighting against him in order to take care of Madam Ban's feelings...

Banye does not open the kaleidoscope in the first generation without immortality, and Banye opens the first generation of Gundam.

"Now my potential is equivalent to the combination of the two, with the immortal body and immortal eyes... So in the future, if the yin and yang attributes are high, will I be able to use the Buddha?"

"Although I can't see any signs that the system has helped my Sharinyan evolve into Samsara Eye... but it doesn't hurt. I don't believe that a complete divine power and a complete fairy body will be weaker than Samsara Eye!"

Shaking his head, Su Bai added all the remaining 6 attribute points to the Yang attribute!


PS: Recently, many book friends think the rhythm is slow, Xiaowang wants to explain here...

Does it really look good without the process of getting stronger or without the foreshadowing? How much can you write in the direct peak of the opening? Or how long can it be reasonably written? Wang!

Chapter 67 The girl's unease

After all the six attribute points were added to the Yang attribute, a huge change occurred in his body, and Su Bai's complexion suddenly changed!

"Chakra and the body suddenly became too much stronger!"

"It must be consumed!"

Su Bai's hands quickly formed a seal, and within three seconds, a huge fireball spit out from his mouth and bombarded a willow tree directly above!



The willow tree that the four of them hugged was instantly interrupted by the fireball.

"Huh? Did my printing speed get faster?" Su Bai recalled in surprise the time it took when the printing was just completed.

Seems like less than three seconds, right?

The technique of Hao Fireball did not add any upgrades, but it was just copied and used. It took about four seconds to seal the seal before.

But now...

Su Bai formed the seal again, this time his time was a little slower because he increased the chakra output.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"


A giant fireball with a diameter of forty or fifty meters appeared again, and it gradually dissipated because it flew more than one hundred meters without encountering an obstacle.

Now Su Bai has finally confirmed that his printing speed has increased!

"The seal has indeed become faster. After increasing the output of chakra, the time required for the seal to be released is the same as the normal release before."

"I feel that the chakra in my body has softened a lot... Could it be the Palm Immortal Art?"

"Unfortunately, the attribute points have been used up, otherwise we can confirm it." Su Bai thought of the Palm Immortal Technique, and after he mastered it, the chakra in his body became different.

Although the current Chakra is still violent and active, it is much better than before.

This made him desperately want to upgrade the palm immortality to try the effect. If it is really the change brought by the palm immortality... then this medical ninjutsu is too important!

The benefits of fast knotting speed. Just ask any high school student who has been in contact with the three-body technique, and he knows that casting ninjutsu faster means his strength becomes stronger, and it is greatly enhanced!

This is much stronger than a few more chakras and one more ninjutsu.

Just imagine, a Genin and a Chunin are fighting, but the speed of forming the seal of the Genin is much faster than that of the Chunin, so even if there is a huge gap between the Genin and the Chunin in Chakra, they can still defeat the Chunin!

Genin can defeat Chunin before he can release his ninjutsu!

Su Bai immediately tested all his ninjutsu skills and made new discoveries.

"No, it's not just the credit of the Immortal Palm, but also has something to do with the upgrade of the Yang attribute."

"My body has become stronger and can withstand more violent chakras, and I feel that my body is stronger than other ninjas with the same chakra volume!"

Su Bai thought of the battle with Yang Liu in the morning.

At the beginning, under the amazing insight of his own writing wheel, he could see clearly the flow of chakra in Yang Liu's body, and he was definitely not as violent and casual as himself!

But now, his body can withstand such a violent chakra flow, which makes him think of another species very similar to him - beast!

Monsters do not have seals but can use ninjutsu, relying on their tyrannical body to directly transform chakra into ninjutsu!

But this method is not suitable for ninjas, because ninjas do not have the abnormal body of Warcraft at all.

"This... Could it be that when my yang attribute level is high in the future, I will become... a monster?" Su Bai rubbed his chin and thought about it, thinking that this might be a big deal.

Of course, it is not directly transformed into a monster, but has the same abnormal physique as a monster!

At that time, I am afraid that I can be like the first generation without needing to slap with both hands and shout what to do?

Su Bai turned his gaze to the panel in his mind, with an expectant smile on his face.

Host: Su Bai


Earth Escape·Heart Beheading Technique: LV3 (418/800)

Magic: The Art of Naruto Seeing: LV3 (416/800)

The art of instant body: LV3 (413/800)

Fire Escape · Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique: LV1 (105/200)

Fire Escape·How Fireball Technique: LV1 (108/200)

Raiden Razer: LV1 (109/200)

Thunder Escape: Thunder Beast Chasing Teeth: LV1 (106/200)

Palm Immortal: LV1 (101/200)

Blood Continuing Limit: Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye - Shenwei (Er Gouyu, the Yin attribute reaches level 7 in the next stage to open.)

Chakra Volume: 24.2 (cal) +

Earth attribute: LV2 (209/400) +

Water attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Wind attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Fire attribute: LV0 (15/100) +

Lightning attribute: LV0 (13/100) +

Yin attribute: LV5 (1953/3200) +

Positive attribute: LV3 (701/800)

Available Attribute Points: 0

Current quest: Hunt ten long-eared rabbits alone (reward 15 available attribute points)

"Very good, now my chakra has surpassed that of willow, and I can start to complete the task after I upgrade my palm immortality to another level tomorrow and confirm my guess!"

Su Bai's gaze turned to the north, which was the dividing line between the base city and the wasteland area!

The mission must be done, and it must be done as soon as possible!

He plans to save two more attribute points to upgrade the Palm Immortal Technique, and in the past two days, he must find out what the healing effect of the Palm Immortal Technique can achieve.

This allows you to make the most correct judgments after being injured in the wasteland.

And if he wants to find out the healing effect of the Immortal Palm, he still needs a small partner... that is, his good brother.

Thinking of this, Su Bai walked towards a fist-sized black hole under the wall of the slaughterhouse with a strange smile on his face...

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