The strong wind passed the entire room, and most of the dust inside was blown out of the room by the wind escape ninjutsu, which was deliberately reduced in power.

"Water Escape·Water Chaos!"


Before the strong wind was over, a stream of water with a width of about ten meters spread gently through the house.

After a while, the water flowed along the window, and the hole in the wall flowed out, leaving only a small amount of residue.

This was not over yet, Su Bai formed the seal again, and a fireball about one meter swept across the entire room without colliding with the wall.

Although the power of Hao Fireball was deliberately reduced by Su Bai, the temperature was still fierce!

The high temperature evaporated the water on the large surface, and suddenly the whole house looked brand new!

Another wind escape ninjutsu blew away the remaining high temperature in the house, and several people entered the house.

"Good guy, can you show off your ninjutsu when you clean up the house?" Yang Liu vomited as he walked, thinking that Su Bai was pretending to be forceful.

It's clear that a simple cleaning can deal with a night, and how many ninjutsu do you have to play around with?

The three girls smiled and walked in.

Everyone knows that Su Bai is a ninja with five attributes, and he can use all five elements of escape.

Su Bai patted Xiao Hei's sturdy front hoof and left it outside the house, "Just stay here and don't run around. If there is any trouble, immediately remind us."

"Ugh..." Xiao Hei whispered, his huge head moved slightly, indicating that he knew.

Seeing Xiao Hei's agreement, Su Bai walked into the room.

A blanket was spread on the ground, and the five of them sat on the floor, took out the food they had prepared, and ate a little, and discussed their plans for tomorrow.

Yang Liu took out the map, pointed to a place on it, and said, "This is the last place where the flaming python haunts. I suggest that we start here tomorrow, and let Xueqing check with his eyes to see if the flaming python is still there. "

"If it's here, let's take the opportunity. If it's not there, we can also complete the other four D-level tasks along the way. What do you think?"

"Okay, just do as you say."

The four nodded and had no opinion.

The main task of their coming to the wasteland this time is to hunt and kill the flames, and it doesn't matter whether they do other tasks or not.

And with the current strength of the five, only Raging Flames can bring them a sense of crisis.

Chakra of more than 1000 cards... This is stronger than the average Jōnin!

Although Warcraft can only use simple ninjutsu, and the IQ is not too high, it cannot be compared with ninjas with the same amount of chakra.

However, the monster's tyrannical body, strength, speed, and defense are not comparable to human beings.

A beast who takes a ninjutsu forcibly may only be injured, but it will not be a big problem.

But ninjas can't, and a little carelessness can be life-threatening.

This is also the reason why Su Bai spent a month specializing in the instant body technique.

What Luo Yan said was right. After mastering the body-shine technique, the rhythm of the battle is in his hands. If the opponent can't even touch the corner of his own clothes... then the strength is useless.

The five chatted for a while and prepared to sleep.

Although there were black-scaled horses guarding the door, the five decided to take turns to watch the night for safety.

After confirming the order of the vigil, Su Bai leaned against the wall and fell asleep, and slowly closed his eyes.


After an unknown amount of time, when Chang Rui woke up Su Bai and it was his turn to watch the night... Su Bai realized that he had been covered with a pink blanket at some point, and it was still filled with the scent of a girl.

"Oh, Xueqing is really gentle." Su Bai got up and looked at Xia Xueqing who was sleeping in the corner of the wall, and his heart warmed.

Ninjas are not ordinary people, their physical fitness is very strong, and the weather is now in August, and the cool breeze at night will not make the ninjas sick.

But this is the girl's mind, and he is very useful.

With a smile, Su Bai walked to the door. Xiao Hei, who had been dozing off a little, immediately became refreshed when he saw him, and murmured a few times.

"Don't be noisy." Su Bai snorted, the scarlet writing wheel eyes glowing red in the dark night, looking very strange!

When Xiao Hei saw the eyes that made him surrender with fear, his huge body trembled, and he immediately fell to the ground... Su Bai's illusion left him with an indelible fear.

Of course, Su Bai didn't open the writing wheel to scare Xiao Hei. He observed the movements within a two-kilometer range, closed the writing wheel, and patted Xiao Hei's head.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you are obedient, I won't use illusions on you."


Xiao Hei rubbed Su Bai's hand with his huge head.

It was only three o'clock in the morning, and there were still a few hours before dawn. Su Bai practiced Palm Immortal Art in his idle time, improving his level and Chakra control.

Nothing abnormal happened until dawn. When the sun just rose, the five people had eaten and continued on their way.

After walking for a while, a few people found a D-class monster with a body length of more than ten meters - a copper-headed pig.

Looking at the copper-headed pig 100 meters away, Yang Liu asked, "The chakra of this monster is about 200 calories, who should go?"

"I'll do it." Chang Rui looked at the huge copper-headed pig, calmed down, and said.

Several people did not block, and let Chang Rui take the shot alone.

The copper-headed pig is more powerful than the long-eared rabbit, but far less than the iron-horned sheep.

It doesn't know how to use ninjutsu, and the only way to fight is brute force. Generally speaking, a chakra amount of about 50 cards can solve it.

Everyone came to the wasteland area for experience. If they shot together, they would definitely be able to kill this copper-headed pig in an instant, but this would not have the effect of tempering.

Su Bai leaned against a big tree and stared earnestly at Chang Rui who was walking towards the copper-headed pig, ready to rescue him at any time.

He felt that Chang Rui was not likely to be the opponent of this copper-headed pig.

This has nothing to do with the amount of chakra. Chang Rui's combat experience and mentality are not good. After all, she has never experienced life-and-death struggle.

Sure enough, in addition to the first ninjutsu sneak attack, Chang Rui made a surprise attack; Yu, Qun? 9, 8! 0? 2% 0, 5: 8EUR5#! 6 was successful, and the rest were dodging the copper-headed pig's attack. In the panic, she didn't have time to stay in the seal, and was very embarrassed.

"Sister Xiaorui can't hold it anymore, Su Bai, go and help her." Xia Xueqing said worriedly.

Su Bai shook his head, "No, she can still hold on, just wait."

For Su Bai, the situation in front of Chang Rui is not dangerous at all.

If Chang Rui can stabilize his mentality, then it only takes a few ninjutsu to kill this copper-headed pig, and he will not be so embarrassed that the copper-headed pig runs around like a dog.


"Don't worry, I'm measured." Seeing what Xia Xueqing wanted to say, Su Bai comforted.

After a while, Chang Rui became more and more panicked, and her ability to dodge was almost gone. Her heart was completely chaotic and filled with fear.

"Ow!" The copper-headed pig shouted angrily, and its huge body rushed towards Chang Rui like a tank, and the speed was amazing!

"It's over, I can't escape." Chang Rui was frightened, her legs trembling.

At this time, Su Bai appeared in time, picked her up and took her away from the battlefield, and placed her under a big tree.

"Xiaorui, you are optimistic." After speaking, he returned to the battlefield in an instant and met the furious copper-headed pig.


Chapter 106 Fighting the Iron Horned Sheep Alone

Su Bai didn't use ninjutsu or illusion, and only relied on physical skills to turn the copper-headed pig around. A light blue long sword in his hand left wounds on the copper-headed pig's huge body, bleeding like a stream!

Chang Rui who was under the big tree and Xia Xueqing who was 100 meters away saw that Su Bai didn't use a trace of chakra, and only played with the copper-headed pig with a slow and slow reaction speed. In the end, they were silent until they were killed.

Several people have heard Su Bai say that when he only had more than 20 chakras more than a month ago, in order to sharpen himself and fight with the long-eared rabbit, he was looking for the thrill of life and death only in an instant.

At that time, everyone didn't care, and thought that the most important thing at the moment was to improve the amount of chakra and ninjutsu proficiency, and the others were secondary.

But now...they've changed their minds.

The four felt that even if they had the same strength as Su Bai, I'm afraid their real combat power would not be as good as half of his...

"Su Bai's heart is too stable, I'm not as good as him."

Yang Liu's voice was hoarse, and a trace of ruthlessness rose in his heart, and he decided to train himself in Su Bai's way!

Wen Yuanyuan slapped her mouth, her pretty face full of admiration, and turned to look at the white-eyed girl beside her.

"Xueqing, you have found a treasure. Su Bai is not only talented, but the most difficult thing is that he has a strong heart, and the future is limitless!"

"Yeah!" Xia Xueqing nodded vigorously, looking at Su Bai's unrestrained fighting stance, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, revealing a bright smile.


After a while, Su Bai held his legs weak, and Chang Rui, who had not recovered from the shock, came over and said with a smile, "What happened to the three of you? Why are you all silent?"

"It's nothing, let's find the next beast!"

Yang Liu said coldly, Wen Yuanyuan and Xia Xueqing took Chang Rui from Su Bai and remained silent.

Chang Rui looked at Wen Yuanyuan, blushing for a while, "Wen Yuanyuan, laugh, I'm ashamed."

The battle with the copper-headed pig just now... It's hard to describe.

Chang Rui feels that Wen Yuanyuan, who has always been against her, will definitely not miss this "rare" opportunity!

"No!" Wen Yuanyuan didn't make fun of her, but said seriously: "Xiao Rui, your performance is already good."

"Wen Yuanyuan, you..." Chang Rui was stunned.

Wen Yuanyuan looked at her and smiled and said, "You have shown us our own flaws and Su Bai's strengths, thank you."

defect? advantage?

Chang Rui did not know why.

Wen Yuanyuan didn't explain much, and took the initiative to support her.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai smiled at Xia Xueqing: "You are right, the two of them have a really good relationship."

"Really? Wen Yuanyuan is actually a good person. Apart from being tit-for-tat with Sister Xiaorui, she is very polite to others." Xia Xueqing hesitated after finishing speaking.

"Su, Su Bai, can you teach me how to face monsters later?"

"Huh? Xueqing, why did you suddenly remember this?"

"Because... I see that you are quite calm when facing monsters, and I want to be like you too!"

Xia Xueqing said seriously, Su Bai was stunned after hearing this, and then smiled: "Yes, as long as you are not afraid."

"Yeah." Xia Xueqing nodded, and immediately opened her eyes to find a suitable target.

"There is a copper-headed pig three kilometers north, let's go over there."

"it is good!"

Except for Su Bai, the three of them nodded in unison, dissatisfied with themselves and eager to become stronger!


Three days later, when a copper-headed pig fell at Chang Rui's feet, Su Bai clapped his hands.

"Congratulations, Xiaorui, you finally managed to hunt down monsters by yourself."

"It's far worse than you." Chang Rui was not complacent, but calm.

For the past three days, Su Bai has been like a senior ninja, teaching her and Xia Xueqing, Yang Liu, and Wen Yuanyuan how to fight and how to stay calm in the face of monsters, which has benefited them a lot.

However, Su Bai's performance made the four puzzled.

Everyone is obviously the same age, and they have just come into contact with Warcraft. Why is his progress so fast?

It was also the first time that Su Bai faced some monsters, but he was able to calmly analyze the opponent's weaknesses and exchanged the smallest price for the biggest victory.

And explaining it to myself and others from time to time, this makes the four of them feel like they are facing the elders in the family...

At this moment, the four of them were very convinced of Su Bai.

His mediocre family background was able to leave himself far behind, and he felt like a duck to water in the crisis-ridden wasteland. It could be seen that he really likes fighting.

In fact, not only Chang Rui and the others are strange, but sometimes even Su Bai is also strange about his own performance.

Since he experienced murder more than a month ago, and fought to the death of monsters, and walked a few laps in the death crisis, his fighting condition has gotten better and better.

Now Su Bai is amazed at how normal he is when facing the monsters.

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