Although Jia Mo was cruel enough, he took Su Bai and Xia Xueqing away from the crowd, making it difficult for them.

But he is actually very concerned about the safety of these students and always pays attention to the situation around him.

"Xia Xueqing, use your white eyes to observe again." Jia Mo instructed. Compared with his own use of ninjutsu to detect the situation of several kilometers around, Xia Xueqing's white eyes are much easier to use, and can detect dozens of kilometers at a time.

"Yes, Mr. Mo."

Xia Xueqing received the order, the veins around her eyes bulged, and she opened her white eyes to look around.

"Mr. Mo, there are no high-level monsters on our route... But 30 kilometers to the north, there is a wolf monster with a height of more than 80 meters. I can't recognize what it is."

"A wolf monster with a height of more than 80 meters? How does its chakra amount compare to mine?" Jia Mo asked with a frown.

Xia Xueqing observed it carefully, her face a little solemn, "The amount of chakra is at least four times yours!"

"What? Four times?" Jia Mo was startled and lost in thought.

He is Jōnin and has 1500 calories of chakra.

A wolf monster with about 6,000 cards... Could it be the B-level monster Wind Wolf?

A possibility appeared in his mind, and he immediately said: "You two pay attention to your own safety, I will come when I go."

After speaking, Jia Mo immediately formed a seal and appeared among the students.

Xia Xueqing and Su Bai watched from a distance, not knowing what he said. Afterwards, the classmates immediately detoured and walked towards the south, away from the terrifying monster.

At this time, everyone has been out for a long time. Because Jia Mo deliberately avoided high-level monsters, the strongest monsters that everyone has ever seen are only iron-horned sheep, and they are very rare.

After all, this is already the scope of activities for high-level monsters. It is difficult for low-level monsters to survive, and most of them have become the rations of high-level monsters.

This also caused Su Bai to have never seen a B-level monster until now.

"A monster more than 80 meters high... I don't know when I will be able to fight it!" Su Bai's face showed a look of anticipation, and the belligerent mood in his bones seemed to be about to move again.

Xia Xueqing stuck out her tongue at him, "Don't be foolish, that monster has at least 5,000 calorie of chakra, and your small body is not enough to stick between your teeth."

"Haha, I'm not stupid, I'm just looking forward to it." Su Bai smiled and moved on with the girl.

After there was no major crisis ahead, Jia Mo no longer showed up, and let Yang Liu lead the students to deal with some weak monsters.


Another two hours passed.

The students heading towards the base city of Youcheng were all ninjas, and they walked very fast. They had already left Yangcheng for more than 700 kilometers just after noon.

"It's too bad. Except for the limited four or five students, no one else has ever been to the wasteland area." Jia Mo looked at Yang Liu, Chang Rui, Wen Yuanyuan, and Qingqing Si even to get a long-eared rabbit. One of the people in the group shot and was very dissatisfied with the other students.

Although Kyushu University likes geniuses, it values ​​the students' xinxing more, and xinxing is an important factor to become a strong person.

Glancing at Su Bai and Xia Xueqing who looked relaxed, Jia Mo nodded secretly.

"These two are not bad either. They seem to be ninjas who have seen blood."

Although Xia Xueqing and Su Bai were not in danger following him, their reactions when they saw the beasts were very natural, and they didn't panic too much. They were obviously people who had been in contact with beasts.

Chang Rui killed a long-eared rabbit very easily, and looked at the group of classmates behind her with nervous expressions on their faces and pouted, "All speed up and try to reach Youcheng before dark, the wasteland area at night is even more difficult. Horrible."


Everyone immediately responded, and some classmates with a huge amount of chakra took the initiative to carry their tired classmates and hurried on their way.

Chakra will subtly change the physical fitness of the ninja. If everyone wants to travel through the wasteland area of ​​more than 1,300 kilometers to reach the city in one day, they must have at least 10 calorie of chakra to do it.

Fortunately, after a ninja becomes a genin, the amount of chakra will enter a stage of rapid increase. Although there are many students with less than ten calories, there are also many students with a large amount of chakra, and they can barely carry one.

In the evening, as everyone got closer and closer to the base city of Youcheng, some ninja teams gradually began to appear on the road.

There are only more than 100 kilometers away from Youcheng, there are a large number of ninjas, and there are fewer high-level monsters. Now even if there are no students like Jia Mo, they can arrive safely on their own.

"Huh, I'm finally going to another base city, I'm really looking forward to it." Su Bai sighed and let out a light breath.

Since the invasion of Warcraft, ordinary people and weak ninjas have basically never been to the second base city in their entire lives.

Moreover, there is very little connection between the major base cities. Only officials and some big families can maintain contact. After all, the current Blue Star is no longer the pre-apocalyptic world with signal towers everywhere. Ordinary people want to communicate with other base cities. Communication with people is very difficult.

Just when Su Bai thought that this journey through the wasteland area was over, a man in a black robe suddenly appeared, blocking the way for the three of them.

"Junin? Who are you?" Jia Mo was immediately alert.


Su Bai was stunned for a moment, he didn't feel the Chakra fluctuations in the black-robed man.

However, the first sentence of the man in black robe made Su Bai's expression change immediately.

"Jia Mo, give Xia Xueqing to me." The man in black robe's voice was dry, unable to distinguish between men and women.

He was eyeing Xueqing?

Su Bai immediately stood in front of Xia Xueqing with a solemn expression.

Jia Mo was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, "How dare you dare to hit my student with your hidden head and tail?"

Although the other party is Shangnin and knows his identity, Jia Mo is not afraid.

He turned his head to Su Bai and Xia Xueqing and said, "You two leave immediately, and take the other students with you."

"It's already very safe here. It's more than 100 kilometers before you reach Youcheng. You'll be absolutely safe when you go there."

"Yes, Teacher Mo!"

The two immediately responded, and just as they were about to leave, the eyes of the four present suddenly all looked in one direction!

Whoosh whoosh!

Su Bai saw afterimages appear, and a few seconds later, a middle-aged man with white eyes appeared. His appearance was somewhat similar to Xia Xueqing's father, Xia Hong!

"Uncle!" Xia Xueqing exclaimed in surprise, finally letting go of her dangling heart.

The white-eyed middle-aged man turned his head and smiled, his bright bald head looked very happy, "Hehe, is the little girl scared?"

"No." Xia Xueqing pouted, she had already realized that Xia Ling was following her.

Xia Ling smiled, looked at Su Bai with interest, and said, "Little guy, we finally meet."

"Hello, Uncle Xia." Su Bai bowed respectfully, and he also guessed who this person was.

"Not bad." Xia Ling looked at Su Bai who had Xia Xueqing behind him, nodded and said with satisfaction, "Like a man, it's not worth my family's Xueqing's love for you."

"This is what I should do." Su Bai said.

"Haha." Xia Ling was very satisfied with his answer, and looked at Jia Mo with a big laugh, "Brother Jia Mo, take these students and go first, the little mouse organized by Butterfly will be handed over to me."

"What? He is a member of the Butterfly Organization!" Jia Mo's face changed slightly, but he did not expect that this person was a member of that notorious organization.

"No wonder they're staring at your niece, it seems that they're trolling."

"Yeah." Xia Ling nodded, "These people have been eyeing Xueqing for a long time. I was still wondering why they didn't make a move along the way. It turned out that they were waiting here."

"I'm right, black dog." Xia Ling's last words were for the man in black, directly calling out his identity.

Seeing this, the man in black laughed, revealing the face under his robe, and a face covered with scars appeared.

"Xia Ling, you are right." The black dog did not deny it, but smiled confidently, "We are indeed waiting for you here."

"Oh? So your Butterfly Organization can't hold it anymore? Are you going to tear up your face with my Xia family?" Xia Ling sneered.

"Tear face?"

"No, no, we don't have that kind of courage." The black dog showed a kind smile, "We just want to invite Miss Xia to be a guest in our organization, and it won't hurt her."

"Visitor?" Xia Ling changed his face, staring at him with a pair of white eyes, "You are so brave, it seems that your organization will not give up if you don't kill you today."

"Brother Jia Mo, take someone away."

"Well, Brother Xia be careful." Jia Mo nodded and immediately left with Su Bai and Xia Xueqing.


Chapter 117 The Second Jounin

Jia Mo brought Su Bai and Xia Xueqing to meet other students just now, when a loud bang came from behind, followed by the ground shaking!

I saw a huge crack with a depth of more than ten meters on the ground not far from the crowd, and the terrifying formation shocked many students!

"Follow me, hurry!" Jia Mo shouted, and if they don't leave, these students will be affected by the battle between the two Shangin.

Many students ignored the panic and immediately followed Jia Mo away.

They had just run out for two kilometers, when another figure in black robe blocked everyone's way.

"Who are you?" Jia Mo shouted, protecting the students behind him.

The man in black robe spoke coldly, and the voice was a woman, "Butterfly organization, red fox."

"Red Fox?" Jia Mo was puzzled. He had never heard the name before, but he responded quickly and said directly to Su Bai and Xia Xueqing, "You two take your classmates to Youcheng first, don't worry about me!"

"Yes, Teacher Mo." Su Bai and Xia Xueqing responded, and the others immediately followed.

Boom boom boom!

Everyone just ran out not far, and there was a huge noise behind them. The aftermath of the terrifying battle between Shangin was something everyone had never seen before.

It's not that there are few Junin, but the federal government has regulations that all ninjas are not allowed to have large-scale battles in the base city, otherwise they will be hunted down by the federal government with all their strength!

This is an iron law, and no one has ever dared to violate it!

Su Bai and Xia Xueqing led the crowd and ran towards the base city of Youcheng all the way. Yang Liu, Chang Rui, and Wen Yuanyuan still couldn't figure out what happened.

"Su Bai, Xueqing, what's going on? Why did someone suddenly trouble us?" Yang Liu asked as he ran.

Su Bai glanced back at him, "It's not that we're in trouble, but Xueqing's white eyes are being watched. These people are coming for Xueqing."

"What? Xueqing is being targeted?" Several people were shocked, but then they were relieved.

The value of the white eye is too great, and it seems that it is no accident to be stared at.

At this time, Xia Xueqing looked in a certain direction and suddenly said: "Su Bai, another ninja with a huge amount of chakra is coming towards us. I don't know if he is an enemy or a ninja who normally hunts monsters!"

"How's your strength?" Su Bai asked in a deep voice.

"There are about seven or eight hundred chakras, and he is an elite chunin!" Xia Xueqing quickly analyzed, and Su Bai said immediately after hearing it: "Yang Liu, you, Yuanyuan and Xiaorui, let's go with your classmates, I and Xue Qing can't stay here anymore."

Although it was not yet possible to determine whether the person was an enemy or not, Su Bai had to be careful.

The speed of these classmates is too slow. If you continue to stay with them, you will not only be affected by yourself. Group: 9%8EUR0? 2.0, 5:8EUR5!6, even they will be affected.

Su Bai thought to himself that the goal of this organization named Butterfly was only Xia Xueqing. Presumably, they would not do this too much and risk offending the Kyushu University to embarrass these students.

Although Kyushu Academy is a neutral force and has never shown a strong side, this does not mean that it is easy to bully.

There are only a few geniuses who graduate from colleges every year, let alone those who graduated decades ago. Now most of those people have become big bosses.

If someone dares to offend the Kyushu University, it is no less than poking a hornet's nest!

When the time comes to wait for their revenge, it will not be a certain person or a certain force.

To all the students who are grateful to Kyushu University!

This is also one of the most important reasons why most people come to Kyushu University. Not only are there abundant training resources here, but also the network is the most important thing!

After all, at least those who can graduate from Kyushu colleges are Chunin, and those are the future powerhouses in Kyushu District!


The three of them understood what Su Bai said, but the three of them didn't want to do what he wanted.

"Su Bai, the five of us are teammates, we have to go together so that we can protect Xueqing!" Yang Liu said in a low voice, and Chang Rui and Wen Yuanyuan nodded immediately.

Su Bai shook his head, "No, you guys are too slow, following me and Xueqing will drag us down."

"My telekinesis is very fast, and I can take Xueqing away in times of crisis."

"Is that so?" Yang Liu clenched his fist unwillingly after hearing this, then released it, "Then be careful."


Su Bai responded and immediately left with Xia Xueqing.


Chapter 118 The Eyes That See Through All Ninjutsu

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