They were so engaged by the butterfly organization, and the team was scattered.

Moreover, Su Bai and Xia Xueqing's mobile phones have no signal in Youcheng. If they want to use them, they must change to the mobile phones here, so they can't communicate with each other.

However, Su Bai felt that they must not have entered the city yet.

After all, he was carrying Xia Xueqing all the way, and he wasted a few minutes fighting with Wujin. The other students were very weak and their speed was very slow. They must be still in the wasteland now.

When they were idle and bored, the two turned around in various booths. Xia Xueqing was looking at the corpses of monsters, which was very novel to her.

On the other hand, Su Bai focused on the weapons and ninjutsu scrolls.

One of them was a dark green long sword, and the price tag made Su Bai slap his tongue, actually asking for a B-grade divine tree fruit!

"What kind of weapon is this? It's so expensive to sell?" Su Bai approached, and the stall owner was an "ordinary person in his mid-thirties."

"Oh, little brother is interested in my ninja?" the stall owner asked, there was no chakra fluctuations all over his body.

Of course Su Bai didn't really think that this was an ordinary person.

Dare to sell such an expensive thing, and still be so calm, there is a high probability that it is a Jōnin who has restrained the fluctuation of chakra.

"Ninja tool?" Su Bai was puzzled, he had never heard of it before, and asked, "This uncle, what is a ninja tool?"

"Hehe, it turned out to be a rookie." The middle-aged man smiled, picked up the long sword and threw it to Su Bai, "Try to input chakra into it yourself."

Su Bai caught it, and out of curiosity, he immediately did as he said.

However, in the next second, a message passed into Su Bai's mind, and his eyes changed.

"This...a good thing!" Su Bai put the long sword back in its original position, shocked in his heart.

The information just now is very simple, that is, this long sword comes with a kind of swordsmanship, and it is also a ninjutsu that he just copied - Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!

This also allowed Su Bai to figure out what the role of forbearance was.

Simply put, the role of ninja gear is to allow ninjas to master them without having to learn some kind of ninjutsu.

But the premise is that you must use the ninja tool to release, as long as you instill chakra into it.

As long as the amount of chakra is enough to release the ninjutsu attached to the ninja tool, anyone can use it.

Seeing Su Bai's shock, the middle-aged stall owner laughed, "The ninjutsu level of this sword belt is too high, you can't afford it, let's see something else."

Su Bai just wanted to nod his head after hearing this, but hesitated for a while, "This uncle, I have no intention of buying, let's forget it."

Su Bai thought to himself, he was just curious, if he didn't buy it and troubled the other party for a long time, he was not sure that the other party would be angry.

However, the middle-aged stall owner waved his hand indifferently, "It doesn't matter, the ninja is very strong, you can't break it, just look at it."

After he finished speaking, he leaned back on the chair behind him, played with his mobile phone on his own, and said with a smile, "Don't buy it? That's because you didn't see the right one."

Seeing this, Su Bai had no worries, and out of curiosity, he picked up a dozen ninja tools from the booth one by one to observe.

Fire ninjutsu, water ninjutsu, Taijutsu... There are all kinds of ninjutsu.

One of the black gloves is even attached to the A-level medical ninjutsu palm immortality that is difficult to master!

Su Bai has a deep understanding of how difficult the Immortal Palm Technique is, but at this moment, a pair of gloves has the ability of Immortal Palm Technique, which surprised him, so he picked it up and tried it.

"This level... is roughly equivalent to the power of my first-level palm immortality."

"But it's not bad, after all, the Immortal Palm Technique is not something everyone can learn."

Su Bai put the black gloves back in place and continued to observe the other ninja tools.

Although the pair of black gloves is good, the price is also frightening. It requires five B-rank divine tree fruits!

However, Su Bai felt that it was not expensive. After all, the importance of medical ninjutsu is self-evident. It is equivalent to the second life of a ninja.

The other ninja gears are not very bright, they are all ninjutsu he has already mastered, but when Su Bai picked up a pair of red wrist guards, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Damn it, it turned out to be an eight-door Dunjia?"

Su Bai was a little stunned, but he didn't expect to encounter this magical technique here!

Bamen Dunjia, a forbidden technique that almost made the original book end ahead of schedule!

Taking a look at the price, Su Bai immediately decided to buy it!

"This uncle, I want this bracer." Su Bai took out a D-rank divine tree fruit and placed it on the booth.

When the middle-aged stall owner saw that he had only picked one cheap item, he immediately lost interest.

"Little brother, don't be fooled by the introduction of Bamen Dunjia, the ninjutsu."

"Indeed, Bamen Dunjia is a very strong ninjutsu, but it requires physical strength. I think you are the Chunin, you can only open one door at most, and it can't last long."

"This ninjutsu has a very heavy load on the body, and it will affect the first time after using it for a long time. Yu. Group: 9% 8EUR0? 2.0, 5:8EUR5! 6 lifespan, so I advise you to be more pragmatic. Okay, let's choose a ninja tool with a B-rank ninjutsu attached."

"You have to know that you get what you get for every penny. The Chakra in our body is already very violent, and Bamen Dunjia has magnified this feature to the extreme! If you are not careful, the Chakra in the body will lose control. Exploded and died, so it makes sense that this thing is not expensive."

"I think you're very polite, so I'll tell you the truth." Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the middle-aged stall owner said in a low voice, "To be honest, I've been selling this bracer for two years, and I haven't had any. Sell ​​it, know."

Heavy load on the body? Affect the first! Hair; in. Group: 9% 8EUR0? 2.0, 5:8EUR5! 6 lifespan? Su Bai smiled.

If it is an ordinary person, the stall owner is indeed right.

The chakra on the blue star is already very violent, and the eight-door Dunjia is overloading and uncontrollably releasing the chakra in the body, which is really deadly!

But, that's just ordinary people.

Su Bai believed that with such a high Yang attribute of himself, and now that his body had a hint of immortal human body, if he couldn't carry forward this ninjutsu, then he felt that others would not be able to!

The immortal human body cooperates with the eight armors!

Su Bai believed that as long as he became a perfect immortal body in the future, even if he opened the last door - the death door, he would still be able to withstand the powerful backlash brought by the Eight-door Dunjia!

Thinking of this, Su Bai's eyes were firm, "No, I want these bracers!"

"Hey, since you're so persistent, I won't advise you. But if you're sick, don't come to me. I've made it clear to you." The middle-aged stall owner put away Su Bai helplessly. The fruit of the divine tree, and muttered, "This thing no one wants has finally been sold."


Chapter 122 Copying the Eight Gates of Dunjia

Bamen Dunjia is a move that releases the body's restriction on chakra and releases excess energy.

In the meridian system of chakra flow, the places that inhibit and control the chakra in the body are the "eight doors", namely, the door of opening, the door of closing, the door of life, the door of injury, the door of Du, the door of Jing, the door of shock, and the door of death.

These eight gates will set a limit on the amount of chakra in the body, but this technique can force the chakra to exceed this limit, thereby drawing out its own strength that is dozens of times stronger.

However, at the same time as gaining power, the caster will be damaged, so this technique is classified as a forbidden technique.

When the caster opens all the eight doors, this state is called the "Eight Door Dunjia Formation", which can instantly obtain astonishing power dozens of times beyond his own, but the caster will also die because his own vitality is burned out. .

This is all the information in the red wristband, Su Bai thought about it after he figured it out.

"Eight-door Dunjia must be practiced, this ninjutsu is too strong, and I have the yang attribute that can change my physical quality. If I can become an immortal in the future, then this ninjutsu is tailor-made for me. It's a pity not to practice. It's gone!"

"Furthermore, I have to get out of the restraint of the wrist guards and turn Bamen Dunjia into my own ninjutsu... Shakers should be able to replicate, but I need a partner."

Su Bai turned his gaze to the white-eyed girl who was picking and picking at a rare commodity stall in the distance. This time, his mouse brother couldn't help...

"Yes, just do it." Su Bai suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and immediately rode Xiao Hei to the girl's side.

Xia Xueqing was wearing the same black vest and slim trousers as Su Bai.

However, the girl's two beautiful legs, as round as jade, were perfectly outlined by the trousers, and it was obvious that they were full of elasticity at a glance. Su Bai had already experienced that feeling when she was carrying her on her back.

"Xueqing, come up quickly!" Su Bai hurriedly called out, the Eight Gates Dunjia was a big deal, and he couldn't wait for a moment!

Xia Xueqing rarely sees Su Bai like this, and she was suddenly puzzled, "Su Bai, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"It's too late to explain, hurry up!"

"Oh." Seeing that he was really in a hurry, Xia Xueqing hurriedly jumped onto Xiao Hei's back.

Su Bai patted Xiao Hei on the back and said something that scared Xia Xueqing.

"Xiao Hei, hurry up and find a hotel, hurry up!"

"Roar!" Xiao Hei took the lead and immediately ran wildly.

On the back of the horse, Xia Xueqing was suddenly startled, Su Baihou's anxious look and where he was going made the girl think wildly.

"Hotel! Is he going to treat me..."

"No, no!"

"But, but... I rejected him, will he be angry?"

Xia Xueqing's pretty face flushed red, and she felt dizzy. She sat down behind Su Bai's back and tugged at his clothes tightly, letting Xiao Hei take her to the place she thought "sex".


Xiao Hei was very powerful. In less than a minute, he stopped in front of the door of a "Love Hotel" sign, and an intriguing look flashed in his two lantern-sized eyes, and he snorted.

Su Bai pulled Xia Xueqing to jump off its back, turned around and said, "Little Hei, wait here, I'll be out in a few minutes."

How many minutes?

Pull your hips like that?

Still not male?

A look of disdain flashed in Xiao Hei's eyes, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a humanized expression appeared on the huge horse's face, as if mocking Su Bai.

Su Bai touched his head, but didn't understand what Xiao Hei meant. He dragged Xia Xueqing, who was blushing, into the hotel and came to the front desk where he was dozing off.

"One room, hurry up!" Su Bai took out ten hundred-yuan bills and slapped them on the counter.

When the waiter saw it, he sat up straight!

I rely on, local tyrants? It's a thousand bucks, right?

But his girlfriend is so pretty.

The male waiter quickly opened a room for Su Bai and winked, "Room 302, I wish you two a happy time."


Su Bai hurriedly pulled Xia Xueqing and trot all the way to the room.

I don't know if the waiter will come. The room is all red, and there is a circle of roses around the bed, which is very romantic and very atmospheric.

Su Bai hurriedly locked the door, Xia Xueqing immediately became vigilant when she saw this, she put on a soft fist, her pretty face blushed to the bottom of her ears, and she looked very cute.

"Su, Su Bai, no sex!"

"What?" Su Bai turned around and looked at the girl's attitude in confusion.

What is Xueqing doing? Why do you look like you want to do it yourself?

Xia Xueqing blushed and said, "You, you haven't confessed to me, you can't do such a thing!"

Something like that?

Su Bai understood immediately, and he was dumbfounded.

"Xueqing, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant."

"Then you are..." Xia Xueqing's big white eyes were filled with doubts.

"Come on!" Su Bai took off the wristband from his hand and put it on her.

"You enter chakra here and try to see if you can let me copy the ninjutsu inside."

"Input chakra? Ninja equipment?" Xia Xueqing suddenly understood that she was, after all, the descendant of Yangcheng's Xueji clan, and her knowledge was much better than Su Bai's.

Su Bai nodded, and the writing wheel opened instantly, looking at Xia Xueqing seriously.

"Yes, this is the ninja tool of Bamen Dunjia, I want to copy it."

"Oh, so that's the case, you didn't say it sooner!" Xia Xueqing stuck out her tongue, feeling a little embarrassed, she thought Su Bai was going to be wild.

Su Bai gave a wicked smile, approached the girl's pretty face, and said meaningfully, "Otherwise, where did you think?"

"Ah? I didn't think about it!" Xia Xueqing quickly denied it, but her appearance had betrayed her inner thoughts, and she was not convincing at all.

Su Bai smiled and stopped bullying her, urging: "Let's run, I can't wait."

"Oh." Xia Xueqing put away the little inexplicable loss in her heart, and immediately entered Chakra into the wristband.


Xia Xueqing's chakra had just been entered, and in Su Bai's eyes, the chakra in her body immediately became extremely wild and violent!

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