Guaranteed to provide you with the best training room. "

Xu Yi's advanced invisibility has reached the fourth level.

Yu Fei's divine gaze could no longer see through Xu Yi's slight smile, and said, "After passing through the [-]th floor yesterday, I

I just went to a friend's house and ended up marrying Dan. "

The smile on Yu Fei's face froze for a second.Then, his face began to twitch slightly, and after a while, he

He asked in a low voice, "You are already in the Golden Core Stage?"

"Yeah." FЕI(s)(h)an(z)(w).(c)(o)М Fei&Shan&Zhong&Wen

Seeing Yu Fei's incredible face, Xu Yi thought to himself

Isn't it just a golden pill, it's so surprising.Yu Fei's lips moved slightly, and after a long time he smiled bitterly: "Xu Yi, can you

Do you know how many years it took me to cultivate the golden pill?"

Xu Yi shook his head slightly.Yu Fei seemed to be talking to himself: "When I graduated from high school, I practiced the third level of Qi. I was promoted to Northwestern University, and I succeeded in building a foundation when I was a junior. Then I joined the Hualing government department. I worked hard for [-] years. , which makes up

Sufficient for promotion to Jindan. Taking a deep breath, Yu Fei said, "After Jin Dan, I participated in the Void Expedition and fought on the battlefield for [-] years, and only then did I get the position of the director of education.Hey, if you count your fingers, it's two hundred years old, anyway.

It's also a golden elixir." He turned his head to look at Xu Yi, and for some reason, Yu Fei felt that he

After all the hard work in this life, it suddenly became unpleasant.

Xu Yi coughed lightly and said, "Juju, I understand."

Yu Feiyi.

do you understand?

you understand shit...

Yu Fei felt that Xu Yi's growth rate was incredible

However, Xu Yi is someone who has seen the Great Sun Golden Crow with his own eyes.

This ancient divine beast is truly despairing and incomprehensible.

Chapter [-] Returning with Honor

in school.

Huge banners have already been hung up.

Warmly congratulate Xu Yi for winning the sample championship of the high school group of the trip to the secret world

When Xu Yi entered the school accompanied by Yu Fei, it caused a huge sensation.

Xu Yi, who never liked the excitement, declined the invitation of the principal of the New Year to give a report.

At this time, Da Nian and the others did not dare to force Xu Yi any longer, and sent Xu Yi out of the principal's office with a smile.

When Xu Yi was walking away, Feng Liejun, a class [-], suddenly said: "Xu Yi is good at everything, just a little...not suitable for the group.

"Yeah." Class Ren of the second class also agreed, "Mr. Li, you should persuade Xu Yi more."

Li Yi glanced at the two of them angrily.

I persuade Xu Yi?

Although I have been Xu Yi's head teacher since the first year of high school.

However, do you think that with Xu Yi's current identity and strength, I can persuade me?

Foundation period.

Xu Yi is already a Xiu Shi in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he has won the laurel of Journey to the Secret Realm.

Such an achievement, the second middle school is afraid that there will never be a second place again.

Danian laughed and said: "Okay, don't talk too much, as long as Xu Yi is at school, that's fine."

Yu Fei, who was on the side, looked at them coldly, and suddenly said lukewarmly, "Principal Qian, I forgot to mention two things."

He looked at everyone's puzzled expressions, and said lightly, "The first thing, Xu Yi successfully passed the twentieth floor of the Battle Power Tower yesterday with his foundation-building cultivation."


A gasp sounded in the classroom.

Everyone was shocked by the news, Jin Dan trembled.

From that day on the people at the Hua Lao banquet, their news can be said to be quite backward.

Of course, this is also related to their status.

Such as Xu Yi's breakthrough, a message reminder that is close to the core, it is definitely not something they can get in touch with. FЕI(s)(h)an(z)(w).(c)(o)М Fly & Mountain & Chinese & Chinese

However, this does not prevent them from understanding the meaning of passing through the twentieth floor during the foundation building period.

If it is said that he has passed the tenth floor during the Qi training period, it has been confirmed that Xu Yi has the potential to force the contemporary era.

Then, passing through the [-]th floor during the Foundation Establishment period means that he is even expected to become one of the strongest among the peak powerhouses.

The former is already someone they need to look up to.

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